President Trump was right when he called the main stream media the Enemy of the American people. George Stephanopoulos was a Clinton White House Employee where his nickname was Stephie, he is a lifelong Democrat but nevertheless hosts ABC’s Sunday Morning political show This Week with George Stephanopoulos. The Feb. 5, 2017 episode came on the heels of a heinous United States District Court temporary restraining order on Trump’s Executive Order on immigration to protect the borders of America and thus the American people themselves. Trump’s response included the phrase “so-called judge” in referring to the mortally incompetent moron James Robart, a phrase Stephie found objectionable and worth mentioning 9 times in this one hour episode.
In the opening sequence Stephie is shown asking Vice President Mike Pence, “This is a judge who was nominated by president Bush, 99 to nothing, confirmed, how is he a so-called judge?” He goes on to mention the phrase 8 more times in this one hour show, each time with an air of disbelief such a phrase was used.
But genuine disbelief is reserved for the decision itself because it is equivalent to what is in the medical field known as gross malpractice. James Robart should be examined for sanity, logic, IQ, certifiable idiocy, legal knowledge etc. If you visit a doctor with a broken leg and leave with a broken arm in addition to the broken leg that so-called doctor’s card would be pulled for incompetence. Analogously, James Robart should be impeached and disbarred for this decision.
The State claimed standing based on reduced revenue to its universities from foreign students and James Robart granted it! Imagine CBP and ICE will not be allowed to protect our borders and population because illegal aliens and noncitizens have a “right” in his liberal mind to come here and pay tuition because our universities are in the business of educating the world! Justice’s counsel was correct in labeling this a speculative downstream effect, the granting of which would essentially allow states to sue to challenge any federal law. During oral arguments before his on-site decision he asked Justice’s counsel if there have been terrorist attacks in the US by refugees or other immigrants from the seven countries listed since 9-11 because you see, if there were none no action would be necessary because if it hasn’t happened yet that means it won’t happen ever. Never mind Nice, Cologne, Brussels, Paris, London etc., ad naseum…. Immediately after oral arguments James Robart read verbatim from the final decision, already written! There is a name for this, a Kangaroo Court. In a stunning display of doublespeak the decision mentioned the importance of the judicial branch remaining within the confines of its role in our tripartite system while hijacking this executive prerogative from the bench.
The protection of a nation’s borders is the primary job of our federal government just as it is governments worldwide. The jurisdiction over this matter is unquestionable, by statute, “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.” This has been effectuated by many presidents on many classes of aliens in history without incident because it is straightforward and unopposable, except by incompetent so-called judges like James Robart. Trump is not the first or last; and against this backdrop his response to the decision was mild, not worthy of mention even once, let alone 9 times in a 1 hour show.
Before President 45, Donald Trump, even announced his candidacy for president he paid out of pocket for an investigation of what the American people really want and care about. The answer was a resounding “Budget and Border”, the basis of his subsequent campaign, and the reason for his victory; a victory opposed at every opportunity by the main stream media in direct opposition to the will of the people. This is no surprise because those were the 2 biggest failures of the worst president in history, president 44, Barak Hussein Obama.
Americans knew the disaster Angela Merkel had brought on Europe by welcoming the muslim world to a small continent with troubles of her own. They knew about the No Go Zones, the rapes, the vandalism, the attacks, the drain on taxes through welfare, the truck attacks, the burned cars, the riots, the bombings, the shootings, the assaults, etc., ad naseum.... and they did not want this on our soil.
Americans knew about the effect illegal immigrants were having on our truly high unemployment rate, prison costs, uncollected taxes, drain on healthcare and education, infrastructure, etc., ad naseum.... and they wanted our borders protected.
Americans knew about Brian Terry, a border guard killed by a gun involved in Fast and Furious. They knew about Kathryn Steinle, a San Francisco woman murdered by an illegal alien deported 5 times previous. Most importantly, they know the Establishment Clause and everything else in our Constitution applies to AMERICAN CITIZENS ONLY!
But Stephie did not report and repeat nine times an episode the issues mentioned above, issues which ushured Trump into the White House. He chose to mention one part of Trump’s mild response to the atrocious decision instead. It is called diversion, the new leftist tactic. But this is not surprising or new. Do you remember the word “gravitas”? As a native-born American with English as my first language I had never heard the word in my life, until that one fateful Sunday when I heard it over 50 times in one day. It had to do with the Bush/Gore campaign and who you would rather have a beer with and who Bush announced as his Vice President. What it shows is the main stream media gets its talking points from a tax leech Marxist professor somewhere and runs with it in order to control the narrative, a narrative repugnant to the average taxpayer. This does not constitute objective reporting and it is the reason Gallup reported only 32% of Americans trust the media. I say the real number is under 10% and from the last campaign we all know how miserably wrong these pollsters can be.
For decades, the left has gotten away with ad hominem attacks on those who are not extreme left wing cultural Marxist White Genocide activists. If you are for border patrol you are a privileged racist. But that didn’t work in this election so they are turning to the tactic of diversion. Their response to the exposure of Hillary colluding with the DNC to screw Bernie in the primaries was, “because Russia.” Their retort to James Robart’s insane decision was to focus on Trump’s very mild response, a diversionary tactic we must all be aware of.
That red stuff on Barak Hussein Obama’s hands, that is American blood from past and future attacks on our homeland resulting from his defiant refusal to protect our borders against the will of the American people. Not only did he refuse to protect our borders he actively ordered our border patrol to stand down from their duties, and actively imported welfare, rapist, terrorist muslims into our country. Complicit in this unnecessary assault on and suffering of our populace is so called judge James Robart and the main stream media, including Stephie.
The American people are calling for a full boycott of Stephie’s show, all of Stephie’s sponsors mentioned below, and ABC itself until that outlet relieves Stephie of his duties as a so-called journalist.
George Stephie Stefagonopoulos: biased, lefty, Democrat, propagandist, shill and enemy of the American people.
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Charles Shwab
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