StepN is the new NFT platoon play to walk play to exercise kind of game that is taking the Difie space by storm and in this post i want to go ahead and share how i managed to get an activation code there are far more people wanting to get activation codes right now then there are activation codes i managed to get one and i want to share my tips with you guys in this post but before i do make sure you upvote and resteem this post and yeah let's get into it the first thing you're gonna need to do is get a step in account if you've not already got one the way you do this is download the application onto your phone it's available for ios and it's available for android just type in StepN into your local native app store and download the application you'll then be asked to enter your email address once you do that you'll need to send a link to your email you will then get some numbers to enter to verify your email address and that will bring you to the activation code page from there make sure the activation code area is empty there's nothing in there then you're going to want to switch tabs so you've got the numbers tab up on your phone then i suggest grabbing a second screen i do not suggest joining discords and twitters on your phone and then changing tabs to enter the activation code by the time you do that those activation codes will be long gone you're gonna need either a separate phone an ipad or a computer or a laptop or just a separate screen showing you these activation codes because otherwise you are not going to enter them in time with that then the hints and tips are out of the way let's talk about where you can get these activation codes so where's your best chance of finding them well the first and the best place in my opinion is in a small crypto community then you have got the best chance of finding one because what you you're not fighting against hundreds of other people in the space just put a feeler out hey has anybody got a step end code you might just happen to find somebody else in the community's got one and they're willing to share it with you without you fighting against these thousands of other people in discarding on twitter and on facebook so that's the best place after that where i headed was over on to twitter now what i did here was i went to the search on twitter I typed in step n and i sorted the results by latest so it had the latest results at the top now twitter doesn't automatically refresh it shows the tweet it shows how many tweets there are that have been since you lit your latest refresh but you will need to refresh the page to get it to show those tweets so in this case i was just hitting Command R / Control R on my computer here every sort of two or three seconds and every time a code came up i had my phone in the other hand i'd hit Command R/Control R I would type in the code into my phone and hopefully i'll get it in really quickly now in this instance that didn't work for me i then went over to the step end discord link for that is down in the description of this post now i thought the StepN discord would be the hardest place to find one i don't know if i was just lucky in this instance right place right time fast enough um because obviously people who are coming to the StepN discord they all want these activation codes the stepping community right now or the stepping moderators they're giving out a thousand activation codes per day automatically after that it's up to other community members to share their activation codes in the discard so once those thousand are gone which is far less than the number of people after an activation code well then you're gonna have to go ahead and try and rely on somebody sharing their code you don't need to enter anything in the discord like people put in back uh backslash and
then could you don't need to do any of that all you need to do is make sure you do the capture bot to get into the discord then go down to activation code sharing and then just consistently wait for a new card to come up when a new new code appears type it into your phone as fast as you can hit submit and hopefully you have got that code before anybody else and that's how i ended up getting one now if i'd have struggled for much longer what I’d have probably done I have a wide screen monitor here i'd have probably done a split screen and had twitter on one side the discard on the other so i covered both my bases but in this instance i did get one on discard now an alternative place you could look but i didn't opt to look is on Facebook if you're in any Facebook groups about twitter about crypto communities you could go ahead and look there alternatively there are plenty of places on reddit where community members are sharing activation codes so you can go ahead and check those out but those are the key places to look those are my hints and tips from somebody who does have an activation code and if i get one
I will leave it in the other post where I frequently update new activation code
Link to that post
Stepn code hurry!! Note these posts will be updated frequently
Hope this post was useful is so leave an upvote