90% stock traders fail. You can beat 90% of traders and be in the successful 10% list.
Demolishing your competition is pretty easy in the market.
I have done it plenty of times and I can show you how you can do it too.
But first, let me refresh your mind with a quick story.
Remember the tale of the rabbit and the turtle?
The rabbit brags about his amazing speed to everyone, then the turtle challenges the rabbit to a race.
Most of you already know how the story ends : The 2 animals race. The rabbit starts off with blistering speed but halfway into the race, he takes a nap. The turtle never stops and progresses slowly. Eventually the turtle wins the race.
Why am I telling you this?
Because you can use the same principle to leave your competition behind. Most traders are like rabbit, they start off really strong but when they realize that this industry isn’t a quick and easy win. They stop dedicating themselves and eventually quit.
I always teach my students and the traders I know to be like the turtle, to focus on the long term process, to think long term.
I encourage them to keep moving forward one step at a time.
And that’s how you beat the 90%.