What Backs Bitcoin? Crime, Drugs, Terrorism, War, Stock Market Collapse …and Salvation - 2018 Revelation

in stockmarket •  7 years ago  (edited)

What Backs Bitcoin?
To answer this question, we must look at the 5 greatest threats to all of us on this planet – and its fitting, as Bitcoin is a Global phenomenon – These threats are Global and threaten us all.


It's not difficult to understand – 99% of people don’t want to commit crime, it is just not something people naturally want to do.
When you look at the incredible amount of generosity and upliftment big criminals like drug Lord Pablo Escabar gave his community you see that there is good in almost everyone.
Crimes are initially committed for all sorts of reasons: fear, anger, mental illness, feeling of helplessness, poverty – desperation, due to lack of opportunities, lack of equality and lack of the ability to look after loved ones: put food on the table, provide education for children.
By far, the largest facet of crime is caused by lack of opportunity, inequality and desperation when a criminal first starts out. And then only may it encompass, at a later stage, greed.

It's not rocket science, and no coincidence that the countries in the middle east that the West conflicts with, by far the most, are the poorest of the nations in that region.
The ten richest nations of the Middle East share reasonably good relations with Western nations – Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Israel to name some.
It’s not rocket science and no coincidence that the communities that experience the most crime are poor communities.
It’s not rocket science and no coincidence that the race groups – whether white, black or Asian, that experience the most crime and often perpetrate the most crime are those where poverty is highest.
Poverty nurtures desperation, fosters poor government in the form of dictators and stifles learning and awareness, leading to poor thought processes and decisions and irrational behaviour.

Now, what if, a movement was in motion that would lift most societies and people in states of poverty – out of poverty, allowing them opportunity, freedom and self realization.
Allowing, these people and nations to fully engage in the wealth of any economy from fashion Russia to clean water in Sudan, good food in Italy, education Ghana, travel in Borneo, spirituality in Bhutan, relaxation and self realization on the Golf Courses of Scotland and, living in space eventually which would arguably offer people who do eventually live out in space far more freedom.
Not only a big Wealth Shift programme – bigger than anything, ever in history, but a movement that prolifirates Wealth and grows it for all.

Crimes that wealth generation from cryptocurrencies could wipe out or at least significantly reduce, because these crimes are committed purely for money and the need to feel empowered, include:
**Slavery, Sex trafficking (underage and adult) illegal Wildlife trade, illegal Food trade, illegal Cigar and Cigarette trade, Prostitution, illegal Drug trade, illegal Vodka and Alcohol trade, illegal Art and Museum pieces trade, illegal Hunting, Murder, illegal Gambling, illegal Racing, Animal Fighting, Bear Bating, Fur Trade, Robbery, Theft, Espionage, Piracy, Hijacking, Extortion, Bribery, Hacking, Terrorism and the list goes on.

I ask you What Backs Bitcoin?


In 1998, the UN hosted a General Assembly Special Session under the
official slogan: "A Drug-Free World: We Can Do It."
They set out, quite confidently stating that the eradication of the illegal drug trade would be complete by 2008.
Governments are still as naïve as they were back then and more so, perhaps.
Drugs today are bigger than ever.
Its not rocket science.
If you foster or preside over a society in which 10 – 60% of its population are forced to live in tiny boxes with little else to do or afford to do other than watch big boxes spouting junk at best, lies and misinformation at worst through mass media television – you are going to have problems.
These people are caged animals – sitting in small boxes that are getting smaller, watching big boxes that, day in and day out continue to show them exactly what they do not have and cannot afford to have.
If one takes a step back – it really really looks ludicrous.
No human should be born into a life, into a home owned by someone else – often unscrupulous, where the home has no significant garden and with the constant fear of lack of job security and job satisfaction because so many still, after all these centuries, live in a feudal system not far removed from slavery.
The only way out for so many people – especially young disenfranchised individuals – is, Drugs.

1970s, Bruce Alexander a professor of Psychology in Vancouver began an experiment again with class A drugs using rats, giving them 2 bottles of water – one laced with cocaine and the other just containing water.

Again, I say, because rat experiments had been done many times before and the rats had all become heavily addicted to cocaine and eventually all died of overdose.
And here is where you witness that the human being – no matter how professional they are – will almost always be stupid. And we have the short sightedness and cheek to call animals dumb?

Stupidity is more common than tax and death when it come to the human being.
It should have been obvious – and it would have been, if these egotistical “professionals” whether students of professors had have listened to advice from “non professionals – cleaners, security guards, homeless people, drug addicts and prisoners etc, just ordinary folks.
Prestige and Status leads to Ego and Ego leads to brain deficiency – another experiment that has been proven.
It should have been obvious, that if a rat is put into a cage all alone with no stimulus or homely comfort or healthy environment – they will freaking get addicted to drugs! Dah!

So Bruce Alexander asserted – the experiments were all wrong – if you put the rats in a well environment, with company, toys (stimulus) warmth, good food and comfort – but with lots of things to do – so they never got bored - what would happen?

Just like what happens when you keep wild animals in a healthy captivity, environment - they live longer and are happier.

Well, no surprise for the wise ones out there – the rats did indeed use the laced water – but they did not get addicted to it and were able to continue life normally once the laced water was removed – it was not all they had, to drown discomfort out so they never became dependent.
Much like some wealthy college students – they experiment with drugs but seldom become dependent because they have other options and opportunities in life.

This outcome was by no means limited to rats – during the Vietnam War the same thing was witnessed with people.
As much as 60% of soldiers had used heroin and 20% became addicted, and when it came time to return home during the last days of the war – many in the US were terrified that the returning drug addicted warriors were going to destabilize society because of the their use of drugs to cope with the horror of war during their postings in Vietnam. But low and behold, more than 95% of soldiers that were addicted returned to a normal life and left their addiction behind. And for those 5% who never made it through – PTSD would surely have accounted for most of their failure.

What if, by means of a banking or money revolution, we allowed everyone on the planet to bank on their $5 smart phones, even if they cannot read or write and have not fixed address, to elevate the wealth of the world.
And, give everyone the opportunity weather they are 95 or a 5 year old child living on the street, to have true financial freedom. True Financial Freedom – think about it.

I ask you Again, What Backs Bitcoin?


Some say an unregulated untraceable form of value exchange like Bitcoin can be used to fund terrorism.

First of all – Bitcoin will become more regulated – it is already rather well self regulated and it is not untraceable.

Secondly, cash fiat money, human trafficking, cigarette trafficking and the real old desire of revenge will facilitate Terrorism far more then Bitcoin ever could. But Bitcoin will be regulated soon – authorities are just having to catch up to the run away train that has flung us all off the carpet recently – up and down.

But, perhaps it should be the target to help people to gain independence from their radical governments by using Bitcoin instead of bombing the hell out of them – or, as I say bombing the Hell into them – because that is exactly what happens when people have their entire family blown up in front of their eyes by allied bombing campaigns that some say are sometimes designed to cause collateral damage and hurt innocent people to ‘stoke up the fire’

If we allow the people of these oppressive governments to liberate themselves socially and financially allowing them to become part of the western World if they so wish – like we did, albeit painfully, with the Arab Spring for example.
If we did this through the means of cryptocurrency – we will cement peace firmly into our future, A true Golden Age for mankind.
And the Bombs, well we need Bombs and the Bombs need to be tested, And people need to realize that. To think that we are alone in the universe and that we will never one day possibly have to defend ourselves from a hostile race is not crazy, but is a tad naïve. But Bombs can be tested on very good simulators now and perhaps in far flung tracks of ocean in war games – just games, between allied nations or indeed hostile nations.
Let North Korea send a fleet of ships heavily armed to meet a fleet of Trump ships equally matched, about 1000 miles East of the Mariana Trench in the North Pacific. North Korea would jump at the opportunity to show its might.

So, I ask Again, What Backs Bitcoin?


Wars in the past were fundamentally fought over land, land grabbing and sovereign land protection, and to a slightly lessor degree – differing ideology. Today we no longer have these sorts of dynamic challenges for the most part, we all have reasonably similar education opportunities, English is taught in far more places on earth than ever in history and many many people educate themselves using universal media providers like You Tube – even in countries where it is banned.

Wars of the future will be fought over resources – and the only way to ensure that the resources are manged sustainably is through technology and technology that is available to All. And, for all to have that Technology they need to all be reasonably wealthy. And decentralized Cryptocurrencies can do this for many more people than centralized government and bank based fiat currencies can ever dream of.

What, what, what Backs Bitcoin?

Stock Market Collapse

On Friday the 2nd of February 2018 the Stock Market in the US primarily the Dow Jones had a rather worrying wobble that over the last week has sent reverberations throughout the world Stock Markets as these things often do. The Dow had its worst single day drop ever in History on Monday 5th February. It dropped 10% on one day in the last week – not quite the 20%+ needed to confirm a Stock Market crash or worse a collapse luckily. And, it was mainly caused by news of the Federal Reserve in the US needing to increase interest rates, so the Fed can, to a large degree control this effect for now.
No panic needed yet at this point.

But what was very interesting, was the corresponding reaction in the Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin Markets on Friday night and the rest of the week – they rallied very noticeably – Just as I, and many others expected.
In the Stock Market Crashes of 1998, 2008 and 1920 for that matter, many people lost their jobs many lost their homes and many lost their pensions. Some people never recovered, some committed suicide and things got really close to being very very bad in 2008 – like a complete collapse in social order in many countries hit the worst by the abrupt Market downturn.
And, people had really no where to go to save their finances, Gold had been demonized, was illegal, or just not accessible for the vast majority of everyday people – Silver the same, and yet those savvy and aware enough ploughed into Gold and Silver to see very significant gains in the years after the subsequent collapses in their Gold and Silver portfolios. But Gold and Silver, to this day remain difficult to access and deal with and still have the engineered negative reputation, even though some countries like the United Kingdom have made Gold accumulation 100% tax free – Zero VAT and Zero Capital Gains Tax on Gold Sovereign Coins. If that is not a major sign staring you in the face, I don’t know what is!

Now, today our financial situation is 100s of times more dangerous than in previous periods leading up to these 10 year market corrections.
We are in massive bubbles – real bubbles, not the bubble they claim is active in Bitcoin. These are real proven bubbles in Real Estate and Commercial Property, bubbles in the Stock Markets, bubbles in the Bond Markets, bubbles in House Prices, bubbles in Loans and Lending and the list goes on. And, this is against the background of enormous global Debt – Sovereign Debt, Commercial Debt, Consumer Debt and Subprime Debt and, and, and, Derivatives – probably the worst threat are the Derivatives – they are the biggest Bubble.

We witnessed what happened on Friday night of the 2nd of February when the traditional Markets stumbled – Bitcoin and the Cryptos came to the rescue. Bitcoin showed its mettle!

Bitcoin will receive the flow of a mass of fleeing capital from the Stock Market when it corrects, raising the value of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies enormously and thus preserving the wealth and money of most people if they embrace Bitcoin, rather than just the few traditionally that can access gold and silver.

I ask you one more time – What Backs Bitcoin?

Everything Backs Bitcoin! – Especially everything that is right and good!

Bitcoin might just be our Salvation.

*Sources, among other corroborating posts, the Huffington Post - The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think
By Johann Hari

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