Why the stock market is a big JOKE

in stockmarketcrash •  3 years ago 

I used to be a big advocate of stocks. Ben Graham’s The Intelligent Investor was one of the only books I had enough attention span to ever finish in my entire life (no joke). But now, after a decade of analyzing financial degeneracy, I realized how big of a scam it CURRENTLY is and why people my age laugh at the thought of traditional stock market values.

Let’s go over the basics, if you are “diversified” in the stock market, you have to analyze the likelihood of 2x your initial investment over the years right?

Since companies pay zero to a laughable sum of their earnings back to shareholders (dividend) and pretend it’s used for “STOCK PRICE APPRECIATION”, then you better be getting profit from stocks going up, right?

But with the market cap of US equities being over $50 TRILLION DOLLARS, think of how much money you need to enter the bubble for your investment to even 2x.

It’s also a perfect storm of sorts, with there being over 20 million people in the US with over a million in net worth, with 70% of those being boomers who will soon need to take that money out for Florida vacations and hip replacements. So that’s going to be a giant OUTFLOW from the market – liquidated 401ks and so on.

So who is going to fill in this outflow? Sure as hell ain’t millennials or anyone younger than 35. They only make up less than 1% of that over million net worth figure. And those that have money definitely aren’t buying into this stock market scam – as they are smart enough to not buy the smelly bag of dog $**t from boomers and get stuck holding it in a huge bear downtrend.

Why would anyone with half a brain consider stocks (50 TRILLION DOLLAR BUBBLE) compared to let’s say the top 10 blockchain projects which are roughly 300 Billion in market cap in total (outside of bitcoin/ethereum, as I consider those too “legacy” for my taste)? Which has a higher chance of growth?

I mean do what you want, it’s your money…but damn. I feel sorry for stock market suckers.

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