Today I want to focus on the discussion about stocks, and whether or not they recover.
“Will my stocks recover?”
“I will be penalised if I sell my stocks?”
“What about companies that let me store my gold in an IRA?”
I get asked DAILY about the following topic and I want to address the topic of “stocks.” First I have to start with the reminder that I am not a financial advisor. This is my opinion based off the hours of research I have put into this topic. And as always, you do not have agree with my opinion.
I don’t believe ANY paper or institutional money is safe. Full stop.
Stocks are by no means a hedge against consumer price inflation.
Out of all the hours of research I have done, it is my understanding that very few people are in a position to weather what’s coming. It will be a complete market flip.
The sum of what I have to say on whether to hold stocks comes down to few quick points:
How long do you want to be stuck “weathering it?”
Are you holding the Netscape of the dot com bubble, vs holding the “next Google?”
Diversification with paper stocks is still one paper strategy. Not a solution.
Don’t hold in fear of taxes.
If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it.
For those asking whether your stocks will recover— sure, maybe… but let me ask you this— are you able to survive if everything you owns has no value? After the crash in 1929-31 we didn’t get on a gold standard for years, not until 1944. I wonder how much fun those years were.
Let’s ask how many of those who survived the last crash in 1929-31, “weathered” it just fine.
Are you ok to wait for stocks to recover? Especially if any cash still held becomes virtually worthless?
If the Great Reset goes through, then definitely do not expect any recovery any time soon. We are looking at a slow arduous “ you will own nothing be happy and enslaved..”
cue creepy organ music
If the "Great Awakening" goes ahead maybe there is a miracle where lights go off and then on and everything is wonderful but that’s not how any of this has worked, despite all the hopium, so I have no reason to think the same for stock exchanges.
“I own Fortune 500 stocks; I own Tesla too. Will it be ok?”
Maybe, maybe not.
It’s hard to know if Tesla , Twitter, Paypal, Google, Apple Microsoft and all the big names will survive - as crazy as that sounds. This is different than anything we’ve ever seen before. If you understand the battle we are going through, some of these companies are going to go down for some of the crimes going on behind the scenes , even if not in the public at the moment.
If we park the dark theory that some of these companies are inevitably going to face some turmoil in upcoming months…
My second point is one to reference to the dot com bubble using Netscape. During the dot com bubble people invested in the hottest browser at the time. Back then Google was a small company.
Who’s holding the Netscape of today, and who’s holding the Google of the dot com bubble?
I have researched all year on this point. Let's focus our energies on what will absolutely with out a shadow of a doubt, survive, vs taking a chance holding the paper Netscapes. I have chosen to invest in a few fin tech companies personally but again this is because of their utility after the reset; these are private equity deals, pre IPO, and not available in traditional investment accounts.
The third point I want to make here is around the endless drone of “diversification."
The ending of a currency, which is ultimately what we are about to face, requires a different kind of diversification.
When people tell you “It's ok I’m diversified” what they don't realise is that they are only invested in one strategy. Paper. If that strategy doesn't pay off, those people are going to lose significant purchasing power.
Food, water, shelter, land, specific crypto and metals are also equally valuable. So if I haven’t managed to convince you that cash is trash yet, and you aren’t sold on selling your entire paper portfolio, maybe remember that a little diversification never hurt anyone. It's never a bad thing to add more opportunity to your investments of your money, especially with so much uncertainty in the traditional markets.
Now to my fourth point on taxes.
The fear of taxes are the worst reason not to sell. It seems far fetched that if you sell just before a crash , they will decide to tax you for it- especially when the entire system will die. But even if the IRS/HMRC does survive and the tax man is there waiting for the check, as that’s a definitely reasonable concern:
How much better would you be having something of nothing than a bunch of worthless paper money, held in companies who may or may not survive the reset?
And a crash /loss- would probably mean there are ways to wipe off significant chunks of gains so again, you’re not paying as hard for it. Maybe the Great Awakening has everything tokenised into the new system and publics money really is safe.
We just don’t know. My point again is, why take the risk?
Besides, and this goes with out saying to most, but the IRS/HMRC and most government agencies, are full of fraud.
Everything will change and be completely restructured after this reset.
What makes the incoming crash different to anything we have seen in the past - is not the “v shape," or “k shape”—- but the fact that the bubble has grown tremendously from 2008 to now. It means we are going to see complete and utter devastation before we can reset to the new system.
The money printing has gone on steroids, not to mention the derivatives tsunami coming.
And most importantly, the behaviour has not changed, merely the rules. And as I explained in my last post about the legalisation of bail ins, we can not assume for a minute that any paper money in any financial institution is safe.
Now to my final point of holding institutional money in gold, vs physical delivery.
If YOU don’t hold it, YOU don’t own it. Period. End of.
Whatever the company, even those that claim that your IRA, ISSA, pension offers you an option to hold in gold: Unless they assign a serial number to YOU, and its put in a designated box with your name on it, inside a bullion vault, (and even then I am skeptical)—- pooling metal and drawing out like cash is not something I would rest easy with.
Get your metals in physical form. Cash out all paper assets into physical metals and do not for a second believe ANY institution is safe from the bail ins.
Move crypto OFF exchanges.
Your money can and will be seized by legal theft from all financial players.
And if you don’t know where to put your money, the best and most safe way by far is to hold it in precious metals so that you don’t lose “buying the dip” on a stock that has to crash for years before it comes back. And so you have your hard earned cash protected to buy back in when the market has crashed, and is ready to stabilise again.
Gold is at an all time high, as it has after the dot com bubble and the 2008 crash and again at the onset of the “pandemic.”
Where do you think Gold will go with a gold back digital currency? Your investment in gold isn’t to make gains, but to hold and preserve what you have. If we do flip to a gold backed digital currency, you better believe your money maintains more value than it would in paper.
What I can say for certain is- whatever you hold now can be bought back into after the crash, when prices are nothing and off set any taxes with higher gains, not to mention the real money you hold by maintaining purchasing power with metals.
This is about de-risking vulnerability, not fearing taxes. It's about education, not ignorance.
It’s more about what you can do to maintain your reasonable standard of living- and how to maintain your purchasing power which, from everyone I am listening reading and learning from, tells me is best hedged thru metals and specific cryptos.
I know many are struggling and I am trying my best here to help advise.
The truth is we don't know what we don’t know.
We can only reasonably conclude based on what is provided in history and in documentation.
I don't want to run the risk waiting to take any unnecessary chances, but thats the decision I have made for my family. You all have to make the decisions for yourself.
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