Crypto Tokens Give You More Voting Power Than Shares From The Legacy Financial System

in stocks •  7 years ago 

2nd generation Cryptocurrency tokens with smart contract features actually give you a bigger say in how a company is run, than owning shares from the legacy financial system.

Just hear me out.

If you are a retail investor (non institutional like a mutual or hedge fund), you have virtually no say in how the company you invested in is run. Yes, you can attend AGMs and voice your opinions once a year, but when have minority shareholders ever convinced a company to change it's course of direction? Virtually never. Even if all the minority shareholders banded together their voices still don't matter. Institutional shareholders and the board of directors will always have more voting power than you do. Voting rights as a retail investor is an illusion of power.

Now contrast this with a 2nd generation token like Binance (BNB) tokens. You have the ability to communicate every single day with the team and their CEO on their telegram and slack channels. They actually listen to what you have to say and if it makes sense, they implement it in Binance. When I recently interviewed Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of Binance, he explained to me that their community polling feature was born from the suggestion by a user in their telegram channel. Community polling is a feature on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange where once a month, users can vote for their favourite new cryptocurrency to be listed on the Binance exchange.

The beautiful thing about the crypto community is that it is decentralized and open sourced. This decentralization extends to the way that the community draws upon new ideas for improvement.Even though owning crypto doesn't give you voting rights on paper but owning shares in the equity markets does, you will find that you have a larger say in the crypto community than you do in the legacy financial system.

By Marcel Chuo

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