How Steven Dux Made Millions Trading Stocks

in stocks •  5 years ago 

Steven Dux Trading Millionaire

Recently I wrote a Steven Dux Review that explains in detail how this young millionaire stock trader managed to turn $27k into $1 Million in just 12 months of trading penny stocks.

I know many young traders that have managed to make millions of dollars this way! One of them is called Kyle Dennis ( I highly recommend his Fast5 trade alerts servicewhere he sends out one trade once a week). Kyle teaches other people now how he made his millions trading.

Steven Dux is only 22 years old. He managed to trade stocks successfully while working on his university degrees. He managed to make so much money very quickly because he did a few key things.

First, he learned his strategy from a world-class penny stock trader. This was crucial in helping to accelerate his learning curve. It helped him to avoid losses early on in his trading career. I think this was a smart move despite the fact that he had to pay for the mentoring.

Second, Steven Dux put 85% of his entire capital into every trade to rapidly compound his wealth as quickly as possible. This is a very risky strategy but if you can pull it off then you can grow very quickly. The trick is to be extremely picky and trade only the highest probability trading setups and cut your losses quickly.

Last but not least, Steven Dux keeps it simple. His strategy revolves around just 3 stock trading patterns. These patterns focus on betting against a company using a strategy known as short selling.

The idea is to spot a stock that is likely to go down in price and make money when it does. He uses a ‘first red day pattern’ that is quite simple to understand.

Essentially when a stock has rapidly increased in price over a short period of time then the first day it goes down in price is considered the ‘first red day’.

The probability that the next couple of days after this red day will also see the stock price fall is quite high. Steve would look for stocks that showed this first red day pattern and bet on the stock declining further. It worked a lot!

Despite being a risky trader, it is clear that Steven Dux did not just get lucky. He controls his risk exposure well and only bets on the highest probability setups. We could all learn a few things from this millionaire trader.

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