stok market essy step

in stok •  3 years ago 

Although, some people experience, stellar results, while others, discover far less profitable experiences, the American stock market, is a major component, of the overall United States economy! What specific indexes mean, and represent, and, the reasons, they go, up, or down, is, often, a somewhat, complicated one! For more than, the last 6 years (prior to the pandemic), we have witnessed, an unprecedented, growth, in stock's performances. President Donald Trump, often, seems to point to, these performances, as proof, of his superior handling of the overall economy. However, many studies, indicate, only, about one - third of Americans, control (in terms of stock ownership) over two - thirds of all stocks owned. In addition, detailed studies of many aspects of economic - related areas, show the so - called, wonderful, Trump economy, to be, parallel, and a continuation of the last 3 years of the Obama administration. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 possible explanations for the strength, and, apparent, growth, of the stock market.

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