in stones •  6 years ago 

Today I accidentally found a photo of Ammonites (a petrified shell) from my collection.
And I really want to show it to you.

I bought these ammonites about 9-10 years ago. I was so happy! I've wanted them for a long time, but then I have not seen them anywhere. I do not know if I'm right, but then it seemed to me that I was very lucky!


I still feel a slight thrill when I take ammonite in my hands. It seems to me that I though a little bit, but I touch the mysterious past ...

They say that the amulet of ammonite in the house promotes prosperity and family happiness, and the office will bring good luck in business.


Ammonites are the extinct giant invertebrate mollusks common in the Mesozoic era (after the name of the ancient Egyptian god Amon, depicted with swirling ram's horns, which resembles the spiral wound shell of many ammonites.

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I also love ammonites


These ammonites are very old and full of ancient power!!
You should have more!! I would love to have a reAlly big one in my home!!
But they are very expensive!

I have 2 ammonites, that is 4 halves. I would also like more. When I see it on sale, I will definitely buy it!

I've never seen before such ammonites. It's very interesting photos and story!

Many thanks! :-)