So... after a long time of not saying anything to the blockchain I want to leave a message to ourselves and those who feel disconnected powerful and powerless at the same time. Who seem to rule the world and yet they do not. If they would, they needed no media whatsoever. Who hold their grip so tight it will take out everything on the long run. Nobody can win this way. And a message to those who feel like they are here, to make a difference!
Seeing things in the world that do not feel like I am doing them, always made me wonder, how they could be a part of me. But maybe this part is so disconnected, so the other side, that it is intended to make me feel where my place is more. so I use discomfort to see ok, there is my goal, the impulse I want to give into this Quantumfield. So this is not about saving the world, this is about expressing a dissonance I am whitnessing watching the sky, the weather and seeing clouds being dissolved in unnatural ways. It is about people arguing about how we use the world and how we impact the world in a bad way. And while I do love earth, its creatures and respect them, I detest on distorting this into something to make money of it or to get people to comply into something, they would never say yes to or believe in the first place, if they were not being manipulated into it. If you want to change the world find an honest way!
As I watched it for a while and it felt like a stone in my shoe I decided that maybe it not just needs my peace of mind. I know, I am shaping the world by this. But making peace with it, only seemed possible by giving myself a voice on why I disapprove.
To those using technology for manipulation
I have always wondered, how people seemingly technologically so advanced, being too stupid to see the closest thing to their nose and spiritually seemingly shortsighted. No offence intended!
Maybe it is because, those who use technology are not the inventors and therefor might not have evolved spirtually and have lack of understanding what they are doing in fact.
Nature is by no means random and you should know this by now!
We do not need to cause another desert either. So yes it is a game and you have made it entertaining for a while. There are things we enjoyed and others we don't.
And maybe some of us decide this is all it is about. Decide what we love and what we don't. And I want us to flip our way of gaining energy in form of money, energy or whatever from manipulative to aim for the joy instead. Make this fun for everyone! Now...
I feel like I have seen this film the thousands of times and parts of us always seem to fall for the very same traps.
But not anymore. This will go far deeper now. No betrayal anymore because soon this will not work anymore just like a knife you used too many times, it will loose its grip! So this goes out to those who feel like they need to
go on with Human and Geo-Manipulation and try so hard to hold it all together. To those who feel like all they can do all day long twist and twist even more. The hybris of EGO. To those who feel like cut off from everything else. Not connected. I see your pain. I do! And I care. But:
We don't need this! Creation is a well defined work in progress like clockwork. Just like a body takes care of itself and their wellbeing, so will earth.
Save yourself and us some pain and let things fall into their place like they need to. We do not need to suffer. Paddling upstream always does . If you go on like this, it will just implode everything and this is good. But I want to give you a nudge into a direction that may help all of us to make it better.
If you believe in the need of power over others, you are working against life. Including your own, probably thinking it has to be done. So I invite those who do believe their life is over when they die to think of it, like they will come back here and want to prepare it for it to be a nice trip the next time. Having the freedom they always enjoyed or would have enjoyed having, and giving it to everybody.
To those who feel like they are here to make a difference:
So... here's a challenge for everyone who wants to help the world give birth to some peace, true freedom and respect for everyone and every living being, earth included:
If you would take your enemy and thought of it like a part of you, what whould it have to look like in order to be a good counterpart for the wellbeing of all of us?
(Hint: It might help to think of it like unconciously someone who inflicts pain, wants others to feel the pain they are in themselves. This very often is an unknown side of themselves.)