There is no way to earn online its just illusion and scams i face a lot of scam out there websites
Who promote there scams and earn nothing i just survived making money online and i failed to make some money online field there is no reality base making money machine and its cleaver i just ruined my self im tired of such scams and want a good income from the internet i spend a lot of money online and i dont have any proof yet.
I survived online to make money since 2013-2019 now in my hand full of failure nothing nothing much as i expected to make money online and im very disapointed wheen i saw there is no way to make investment and they earn you a handsome income form your home. They just play your emotions and ruined your life.
So i move on and i never give up to find how to make money online field so i just spend lot of money online field so i kept i my mind to survive online then i found some good reputation sites and i spent my money on there websites and when i dont know i just waste of my time and money the reaality is get a job for your self and make money in reality the online making money reality is you just ruined others lifes and get the money from others who just invested for handsome incomes but they dont know they just ruined there lifes just they did others i did not forget and forgive those people who scames me not in my life not after life i dont forgive them.
I m not good to say but THE TRUTH IS SCAMERS just deserve to going to hell (GTH)