The hate and vitriol coming from the left toward Truth and the facts concerning the Election and our President. They refuse to look at the evidence against their chosen leader.

in stopthesteal •  4 years ago 

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This is from a post where once again it was 3-4 socialists against one constitutional patriot.
A day or so later more patriots came. ..Thank God!

Link to original post here for verification and to see far more as there is no Way to archive all of their hate and lack of dedication to truth.

I wanted to say this, but they can't take what we have been trained to take so had to tone even this down, though she called names and belittled Numerous times.

@Allison If I were to say the things to you that you say to me and try to imply. . .you would come All undone and attempt to belittle me even more. Why is it Okay for you to belittle those who don't believe or agree with you. ..but no one else better Dare do it to you? This is the side of the Left, all have banned together because I hear everywhere how people are sick of the arrogance and blatant double standard.

Original Post,

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Allison Claims she has met President Trump Not sure where her proof is, but okay. They know we can't prove things like this, yet they demand all kinds of sources and evidence from our side, which we Willingly bring to the table as they just spout off with Zero Evidence.

Looks to me that they just want to Win an argument rather than win for We the People.

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Do you remember when Biden tried to claim he didn't know about his sons deals or the Exec of Burisma. Too funny! And here MSM backed him up Even though there is evidence to the contrary! Wonder why MSM Never Tests the Narrative? I guess that is up to We the People to be responsible for our own info as they are Quite deceptive and leave A Lot out this is short!

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Here is the evidence from President Trump's call laid out

These people have got it bad!

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My response, just typing it in to save room as not all screen shots will fit. You can verify in the fb link

It is a platform like any other platform. They simply run on blockchain so "the powers that be" and Tech Giants can't Censor. There are people from All Walks of life who contribute. All of my content has Vetted sources which include Politico. For example, did an article on steemit and a report on Bitchute which Verified by Africah Harris that Biden's brother owns land near Epstein's Island where Biden vacationed. The land contains a Fort, Fort Segarra. Have you heard of it? I show the evidence of her footage for a Travel guide right here. Now Bitchute is another platform the Giants cannot censor. Why would you censor? Why can't YOU make up your own mind if information is valid or not? Why do the Gatekeepers Try to tell YOU what you can hear, see or think? Is that freedom? This is fully sourced and I give the links inside
Little St James near Fort Segarra known Tunnels built for Submarine base near Epstein Island, Bid..

pparently Mainstream Media like ABC tried to claim they "Hadn't Heard of Epstein too." So that's interesting! Check it out. ..this reporter was furious we all got the scoop and she had to stay Silent as per her MSM overlords and those who consider themselves the gatekeepers of Our Info. Are you cool with that? I'm not, I'm going to do my due process and test Every Narrative on Both Sides or All sides because I'm after the Truth! Seek and ye shall find!

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And here is that tourism channel verifying underground rooms at that Fort where Bid_n's brother owns land, he was verified to vacation and it is told even by this host Africah, that the Fort was used to protect an underground base at Fort Thomas, now as you know, Fort Thomas is directly across from Epstein Island. The dems said Epstein wasn't a pedo, but now there is verification he Was! It is also verified even by Africah that access to Fort Segarra (biden brother's land) is by a ferry from St. Thomas. Just interesting is all!]-R&c[0]=AT33Ed7SKAIzH39tLjTkKgg2ZZ69mhKuv9vMcOHkNxrcLo6ApiHl7cu6b2Zu9t5hOOtHBnbk3QwxnvIWCuOSpVigQYBg5ZJBruASrSspNdXLQGULasCG8fxNV2MD4GRl5Hrab35Bu67zwCUjONVa

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Their typical MO for socialists

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Allison Sokohl Saenz You better tell these states who you decided the final authority is because just like in the American Revolution. .they are Not backing down just because someone thinks they should. . .no matter what the mainstream media tells you, they somehow are not telling you All that is going on! This was Just Filed yesterday so not sure corporate owned media is covering Any of this. Several states have expressed their support for Texas’s bid to challenge the election results in four battleground states, which was filed on Tuesday in the U.S. Supreme Court.
Attorneys general for Arkansas, Alabama, Missouri, and Louisiana have issued statements in support of a motion put forward by Texas asking the nation’s top court for permission to sue Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin in an attempt to protect the integrity of the 2020 election.

Putting these in because FB will likely remove since it is Truth!

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Then like toddlers, when they don't want to deal with vetted truth even in their very own MSM, they put childish posts like this. . .actually Thinking it makes them look smart and I suppose it does to their immature commrads,

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Gave him This link Again!,%20&%20Staple%20Street%20letters.pdf

At the very end of all the harassment and belittling, I put these two separate post statements which I feel sums up what has come and what IS coming!

It's quite interesting that Allison Sokohl Saenz and Sean Harris attempt to belittle and slam me all because I bring a vast amount of Evidence and verified government sources, yet not One Source is provided from them and a Source from one of their Own Leaders. ..Elisabeth Warren, they Blatantly Ignore and say Not One Word because it proves them wrong. That Alone is Very Telling is it not? I challenge anyone to refute Elizabeth Warren and the other 3 Dem leaders' letter! CRICKETS and Tick Tock as per usual! The pattern of their MO is to come back and Slam. We don't operate on Slams and put downs, the Supreme Court operates on Facts and Evidence. Once again, this is from a government site from Elizabeth Warren. . .Now Who has Cognitive Dissonance Allison? You know who and so do the Winners of MAGA! Nothing you do can Stop What is coming!

Gave them the link again I had already given a few times with Zero acknowledgement from them, just more slams and belittling.,%20&%20Staple%20Street%20letters.pdf

This is from a Government site. We've been gracious to you as you have belittled and berated us. We have attempted to help you, but you don't have to Get it or Understand. You don't have to see the Big Picture as we do. You don't have to stop feeding into their distractions that keep you from seeing all the Connections. . .The bottom line is We Will Prevail with or without your help. Because Nothing you nor the globalist controlling Elite do can Stop What Is Coming! You will think this is Coincidence, but I assure you It Is NOT! Can you SEE it or are you still choosing to Close your Eyes? That is your choice. Look at the initials. . .NCSWIC stands for on this gov link the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NothingCanStopWhatIsComing) and it Truly IS the End of the World AS WE KNOW it because All Corruption will be fettered out no matter what your overlords or Gatekeepers of the iNfo tell you. The Good Guys ARE in charge Now! You can wail all you want, but you will see it all play out!

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Connecting Sources

Open Philanthropy group that funded Event 201, and Who's Who connected to them, the Club and you're not In It!.

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