things make u laugh

in stories •  8 years ago 
  1. Clothes fresh out of the dryer.

  2. Singing.

  3. Breaking perforated seals on just about anything.

  4. Peeling a clementine in one peel.

  5. A perfectly popped bag of popcorn.

  6. A good hair day.

  7. Getting off work while it's still light outside.

  8. Waking up a minute before your alarm goes off, so you aren't jolted out of bed.

  9. Receiving mail that isn't a bill.

  10. Waking up early and realizing you have hours to sleep.

  11. Finding money in your pocket that you forgot about.

12.Listening to a favorite song on repeat.

13.A box of Corgi puppies.

  1. Taking the first sip of your favorite drink.

  2. When you find the missing match to your favorite socks.

:D :D :D

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:P :D