A short story based on true events, Anatoly's dolls (so creepy).

in stories •  8 years ago  (edited)

The deepest recesses of the human mind could be the worst sewer in the world, things that does not even exist in the nightmares nor horror stories are hidden in the human mind. Prepare well for the date tonight, it is about the deep swamp necrophiliac fetish, this can instruct us well on some horrors of the mind.

We've all heard the story of the German Carl Tanzler, who was madly in love with his Cuban lover, but she got sick with tuberculosis and died in his arms a year later. Carl didn't accept this death, so he stole the body, tie it with wires and lived with the body for 7 years. Putting face masks to conceal degradation, supplanting the dead eyes for others of glass. There are so many stories, this one is not new, each of these chronicles suggest that there are elements in humanity especially sick.

But today, I will introduce you what is by far, the sickest case, more creepy and disturbing related to such issues. I introduce you to Anatoly Moskvin, a 45 years old Russian at the moment this photo was taken.

He lived in the city of Nyfhny in Nofgorod. Anatoly was well known and respected in academic circles, not only in his state, but throughout Russia. People categorize him even today as one of the human encyclopedic authorities about all cemeteries in the world. Between 2005 and 2007, Anatoly claimed having traveled 752 cemeteries, sometimes even studying so hard, arming his tent and stayed to sleep in them. 

He said that one night he has to shelter from the weather inside an empty casket. From the US to Europe, whenever a university or academic professor was stuck with a theme relating to cemeteries, the call to the Russian colleague was so necessary. The problem is that Mr. Moskvin kept a very dark secret, a shocking and disgusting secret, a secret that was revealed in 2012 and became one of the biggest sores in the academic world.

Given his reputation, and of course, his intelligence, he was not a common criminal and was particularly good at covering their tracks, for a very long time no one realized this guy was unearthing corpses and took them home, especially bodies of women or their favorites... little girls.

What Anatoly was doing in his department with these bodies? You maybe think bad, but no, it wasn't a sexual issue. Anatoly spent much time to his favorite pastime, emptied the bodies, made them an improvised mummification and immediately turned children into dolls.

Anatoly works shocked not only to his colleagues, he shocked the whole the world. The news had little echo, but here's the interesting thing, it is said that this man transformed over 20 corpses, where are those dolls now? Some people indicate that the Russian police lost several of them and now they are being selling online at a very high prices.

And you know what's worse? the fact that several of them have already been sold.

This show us once again, that the reality overcome the fiction.

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