and this is his name and Nasab:
Our Qutb guardian is al-Imam Syihabuddin Abu al-Abbas, Ahmad ibn Umar al-Anshory, al-Mursi radiallahu 'anhu. some historians have said that his nasab came to Sa'd bin Ubadah's friend radiallahu 'anhu Khazraj tribal leader. Al-Mursi was born in 616 H (1219 AD) in the town of Marsiyyah, one of the cities in Andalus of the time of childhood al-Mursi
Al-Mursi spent his blessed childhood in his native land. Typically a pious and educator, his father sent a small al-Mursi to one of the waliyullah to guide memorize the Qur'an and teach him the sciences of religion. As quick as lightning he looks greatness and intelligence. More than that he is still as small as that has obtained the grace of God in the form of divine light that penetrate in kalbunya. One time al-Mursi recalled: "When I was a child I taught a teacher, I incised streaks on the board, then the teacher said:" a Sufi does not deserve to blacken the white. "I replied at once:" The problem is not like which you think. But the truth is a Sufi does not deserve to blacken the white sheet of life with the stain and sin ".
Little Al-Mursi also said: "When I was a child, next to my house was a secret craftsman and I approached him, and the next day I came to my guardian teacher, so my master told me a poem: see the astrologer while amazed. He himself is a fortune-teller, if he feels.youth, Inter alia-Mursi continue his life on the road divine light up to step up. increasingly add piety and faith. his father see it as a pride. then he believed by his father to manage the trade with his brother Muhammad Jalaluddin. so, he has trail people Saleh in terms of combine worship and look for rizqi. for the sake of keeping the mandate he was willing to move the place of the city marsiyah to other cities for trade, while his heart beat in view of Allah. in the year 640 H parents with the whole family wish to fulfill the Hajj. but Unfortunately, the destiny speak other. arriving in the coastal barnih, their ships exposed wave. many passenger ship died of a including both parents. short story Inter alia-Mursi young and his brother's continued journey to Tunis to trade, continuing effort ayahya. meeting with Inter alia-syadziliy Inter alia-Mursi tell encounter with Shaikh Abu Inter alia-Hasan US-syadzily as follows: "when I arrived in Tunis, the time I was young, I heard the greatness of Sheikh Abu Inter alia-Hasan. then there is someone who take me facing he. then I replied:" I want to beristikharah first "! after that I fell asleep and dreaming see man wearing robe (burnus) Green sitting cross-legged. in addition to his right there is a man as well as in addition to his left. I looked at the man Nan authoritative it. a moment later the man said:" I have found penggantiku now "! in that's when I woke up. finished fulfill prayer dawn, someone take me to visit Shaikh Abu Inter alia-Hasan come again. then we both go to the residence of Sheikh Abu Inter alia-Hasan US-syadzili. I wonder so see it. Shaykh that is in front of me this is what I see in a dream. and keherananku increasingly become when Shaykh Abul Hasan said to me:" I have found penggantiku now ". exactly as in my dreams. then he says:" who your name? "then I mention my name. calmly and full authority he said:" you have been shown to me since 20 years ago! ". since the incident Inter alia-Mursi continue to get a sermon-advice from his teacher Shaikh Abu Inter alia-Hasan this. they both build cottage (zawiyyah) zaghwan in the area of Tunis, where as-syadzili spread the science to students his diverse backgrounds and profession. there from among scholars ', traders also common people. Shaikh Inter alia-syadzili actually have a long time left Tunis. he went to Alexandria then to Mecca. return to Tunis again this makes people wondered. in this case he replied:" that made me back again to Tunis not the other is young men this (mean Abul' Abbas Inter alia-Mursi) ". after that Inter alia-syadzily back again to iskandariah, because there command of the Prophet Muhammad dream. there is the story of Inter alia-Mursi on a trip to iskandariah this:" when I accompany Shaikh on the way to get iskandariah, I find it very difficult so that I wasn't able to bear. then I facing Shaikh. when he saw sufferings of this, he said: "Hi Ahmad ...!", I replied: "Yes, my Lord", he said: "God has created Adam alaihis greetings with his hands, and ordered his Angels to bow to him. God then put it in heaven, then it down to Earth ,. for the sake of God ... God doesn't it down to Earth to reduce the degree, but it to improve. God has outlined decline to Earth before he is created, as his word" actually I want to make a Caliph Earth ".. (Surat. 2:30). God did not say in the Sky or in heaven. then fall of Adam to Earth was to glorify not to merendahkannya, as Adam worship God in heaven with in tell (ta'rif) then down to Earth in order to worship God with obligation (taklif), when he had to get a second worship earlier, it is worth he holds a replacement (Caliph). you also had the similarity with Adam. at first you in the Sky spirit, in heaven notice (ta'rif) then you down to Earth lust so that you worship with obligation (taklif). when you have the perfect in both of worship it is worth you holds a replacement (Caliph)". that's Shaikh Inter alia-syadzili deliver Inter alia-Mursi heading to the way God order to fulfill his heart with the secrets godlike so later can replace it, even can say that he was so Abu Inter alia-Hasan itself. as Inter alia-syadzili own ever said: "Oh Abu Inter alia-Abbas ... for the sake of God., I don't mengangkatmu as a friend except so that you it's me, and I are you. Oh Abu Inter alia-Abbas .. for the sake of God, what's inside the Guardian it is in you, but there yourself that no inside the Guardian other". Association between this is described by IBN atho'illah Inter alia-askandari: "a when Shaikh Inter alia-syadzili there at home Zaki Inter alia-sarroj, being taught the book of Inter alia-mawaqif bouquet of Inter alia-nafari, then he asked:" where Abu Inter alia-Abbas? "when Shaikh Inter alia-Mursi come, he said:" Oh my son ... talk! may Allah memberkahimu ... talk! do not silent ", then Shaikh Abu Inter alia-Abbas said:" then I given the tongue Shaikh start at that time ". on many occasions Shaikh Inter alia-syadzili praised the height of the position of Sheikh Inter alia-Mursi, he said:" this is the Abu Inter alia-Abbas, since he come to the ma'rifatullah no barriers between him and Allah. if only he asked for covered, definitely request it will not be granted. as no dispute between Shaikh Inter alia-Mursi by Shaykh zakiyyuddin Inter alia-aswani, Sheikh Inter alia-syadzili bekata: "Oh Zaki ... berpeganglah in Abu Inter alia-Abbas, as for the sake of God, all the Guardian has been shown by God will self Abu Inter alia-Abbas this. Hai Zaki ... Abu Inter alia-Abbas it was a man perfect". the same thing happened when there is a dispute between Shaikh Inter alia-Mursi with nadli bin sulton. Shaikh Inter alia-syadzily said: "Oh nadli ... keep bersopan mannered in Abu Inter alia-Abbas! for the sake of God, he was more know the halls the Sky, compared to pengetahuanmu will be the halls city iskandariah"! as-syadzili said: "if I die, then take Inter alia-Mursi, because he is penggantiku, he will have the throne in front of you, and he is one of the door God".Ilmu al-Mursi
Imam Sya'roni menceritakan bahwa ada seseorang yang mengingkari keilmuan Syaikh al-Mursi. Orang-orang tersebut mengatakan: "Berbicara tentang ilmu yang ada hanya ilmu lahir, tetapi mereka, orang-orang sufi mengaku tahu hal-hal yang diingkari oleh syara '". Diajian yang lain orang ini tetap majlis Syaikh al-Mursi. Tiba-tiba saya jadi kebingungan hilang kepintarannya. Seketika itu juga ia tidak mengingkari ilmu ilmu batin. Dengan sadar dan penuh sesal ia mengatakan: "Laki-laki ini sungguh-sungguh telah mengambil bidang ilmu Tuhan dari tangan Tuhan". Akhirnya dia menjadi salah satu murid dekat al-Mursi. Abu al-Abbas mengatakan: "Kami orang-orang sufi mengkaji dan mendalami bersama ulama 'fiqih bidang spesialisai mereka, tapi mereka tidak pernah bisa masuk dalam bidang spesialis kami".
Rupanya kealiman al-Mursi tidak terbatas pada ilmu fiqh dan tasawuf. Ibnu Atho'illah menceritakan dari Syaikh Najmuddin al-Asfahani: "Syaikh Abu al-Abbas berkata padaku:" Apa yang disebut ini dan itu dalam bahasa asing? "Tersirat dalam hatiku bahwa Syaikh ingin menemukan bahasa yang berbeda. "Kitab apa ini?", Aku jawab: "Ini kitab kamusnya". Lalu Syaikh tersenyum dan berkata: "jawab apa saja, terseserah kamu, dan jawab dengan bahasa arab, atau sebaliknya". jawab dengan menggunakan bahasa Arab. Kemudian aku bertanya dengan bahasa Arab, beliau menjawab dengan kata-kata bahasa Inggris .Dia berkata: "Wahai Abdullah ... tidak seperti yang disebut basa-basi bukan bertanya nyata. Bagi wali tidak ada yang sulit, bahasa itu.
Dalam penafsiran ayat "Hanya Engkaulah yang kami sembah dan hanya kepada-Mulah kami mohon pertolongan." (QS. 1: 5), al-Mursi menafiran sebagai berikut, "Hanya Engkaulah yang kami sembah maksudnya adalah Syariah, dan hanya kepada-Mulah kami memohon adalah Haqiqoh. Hanya Engkaulah yang kami sembah adalah Islam, dan hanya kepada-Mulah kami mohon pertolongan adalah Ihsan. Hanya Engkaulah yang kami sembah adalah Ibadah, dan hanya kepada-Mulah kami mohon pertolongan adalah Ubudiyyah. Hanya Engkaulah yang kami sembah adalah Farq, dan hanya kepada-Mulah kami mohon pertolongan adalah Jam '.
Karomah Kedekatannya dengan Yang Maha Kuasa menyebabkan ia banyak memiliki karomah, diuasai:
• Al-Mursi telah mengabarkan siapa penggantinya setelah ia meninggal. Orang itu adalah Syaikh Yaqut al-Arsyi yang lahir di negeri Habasyah. Suatu saat ia menjadi murid-muridnya untuk membuat A'sidah (sejenis makanan). Iskandariah pada saat itu tengah musim panas. Karena bertanya ada seseorang yang bertanya: "Sayang A'sidah itu untuk musim dingin?". Dengan tenang al-Mursi menjawab: "A'sidah ini untuk saudara kalian Yaqut orang Habasyah. Dia akan datang kesini".
• Ada seseorang yang datang menghadap al-Mursi dengan membawa makanan syubhah (tidak jelas halal-haramnya) untuk mengujinya. Selesai melihat makanan itu al-Mursi langsung memperbaikinya pada orang tersebut sambil mengatakan: "Kalau al-Muhasibi ingin makan makanan syubhah otot ber bergetar, maka 60 otot tanganku akan bergetar".
• Padaisikan perang, penduduk Iskandariah semua mengangkat senjata untuk berjaga-jaga bersama serangan musuh. Demi melihat hal ini, Syaikh al-Mursi mengatakan: "selama aku ada ditengah-tengah kalian, maka musuh tidak akan masuk". Dan memang raksasa tidak masuk ke Iskandariah sampai Abu-al Abbas al-Mursi meninggal dunia