Changing of things for streaming...

in stormkeepergu •  6 years ago 

I think that I need to take a look at my scheduling again, as I want to make a few tweaks to things... I'm going to get rid of the 30 minute "lead time", and start streaming on the hour instead, though I will be sticking to 3 hours per stream, with a maximum of 3 regular sessions a week, although I am considering doing a 1-2 hour "bonus" session (on a particular day each time it goes on so there's some predictability), but I'm not sure if it'll be on a schedule atm, or deployed as and when I want to use it which lets me cover certain things outside the scope of my regular streams. This stream will be deployed later in the year when I find an agreeable slot for it; I'm not sure if I'll be doing it on Twitch as of yet, but it essentially allows me to do streams of certain topics or even once-off games that I couldn't normally cover in the regular streams which will adhere to certain genres for the most part; I might make Fridays - yes I'm keeping them - a "freeform" day for any games I want to play that don't fit to a specific genre and leave the other two for certain genre sets.

For instance, I'd probably dedicate one day to RPGs and Strategy, and the other day to Shooters and other action games, and using the Freeform Friday for other games I want to play outside of the listed genres. Of course, I do want to put the more casual Roguelikes/Roguelites into hour-long slots (though I will permit a 30 minute overspill for each 3 hour session) before the main game, so there's a bit more variety with the stream, though as time goes on, I'll probably change the stream sessions around some more. One thing I'm going to be doing is reducing the pre-stream "idle time" to 10 minutes; I'll be making certain preparations before the I start my streaming feed, and allowing 10 minutes to make any final changes before I start the stream. I'll of course be around as I'm getting ready, so I can respond, although I may choose to respond properly when I start the stream!

Additionally, I'm currently trialling If That Then This (IFTTT) with my SGU/PUbS stuff, and if it's successful, I'll be rolling it out to other branches of Stormhaven Media and Geeked Up, to help automate certain tasks, so we save time in certain areas. Unfortunately though, both and aren't covered with IFTTT, but Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Twitter, and WordPress are at least, so at least some time will be saved when working with those platforms! I do eventually want to move all the blogs to a self-hosted platform, but that might take a bit longer, but I hope to have something sorted by the end of the year at least. I'll have a dedicated domain for the blogging platform as I need to learn how to tack domains and sub-domains on top of addresses, so the addresses will adhere to a 3 letter branch code incorporated into the addresses as follows:

ACU - ACtioned Up (Entertainment & Arts)
GAU - GAmed Up (Board, Computer, Tabletop & Video Gaming)
GEU - GEeked Up (Misc geeky topics)
GUN - Geeked Up Network (Used for crossover blogs and anything under GUN as a whole)
SHM - StormHaven Media (Stormhaven Media projects, including the DiggerKrew)
SHR - StormHaven Radio (Stormhaven Radio Shows)
STU - STemed Up (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics topics)

The rest of the address (with a dash or underscore to separate from the branch code) will be some sort of blog identifier/username, though "xxx-blog" or "xxx-main" will be a common address format, as each branch will have its own blog, with each project being assigned to a particular branch, depending on its focus; you may see some identical project names under different branches, which is mainly because they've been split in 2 depending on the topics, or if I opt to combine them under the GUN identifier. Officially speaking, these are supposed to be internal codes (and will be used as such), but seeing as I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get the domains/subs sorted, I figured that I should explain what is going on. Hopefully you won't need to know this info for long, as I'll have things fixed, but the underlying format before a domain is deployed will stay the same, in case people ever need an alternate way to access specific blogs; I'll probably put this in a specific section under the main Stormhaven Media blog so it's easily accessible, if I ever mess something up, because that's a common theme with me!

Anyway, as the year goes on, I plan to be more professional and efficient across the board, though it will take time! I'm going to be handling all Stormhaven Media stuff under a single schedule, though right now, the main focuses are SGU Pickups & Thrifts (SGU-PT) and the 3 main streams, as well as from later this month, the Degustabox unboxings under the DiggerFeast. The rest of the DiggerKrew stuff needs to be factored in over time, probably from September at this rate, but as I work out how to do things, I'll be able to better include them in my schedule; as well as using paper methods (such as calendars, diaries and wall planners), I'll also be making use of Google Calendar to help me coordinate stuff whilst on the move, so I know what I'm supposed to be doing and when, which will eventually make things easier for me. I am also going to be doing similar to my personal engagements, as it makes things easier across the board, mainly as I can't apply a schedule to one aspect of my life, and not to another. This will mean that my life is slightly more regimented, but honestly, I need it to be!

I also want to incorporate some healthy changes into my schedule too, but that'll take some time as well, although I definitely want to continue keeping myself hydrated throughout my stream, though I need to find better ways of doing so! There are other aspects I want to look into more lifestyle changes over time, as well as additional things I can't think of right now, be it personal, or business/project related.

In any case, the rest of the year will be interesting in my case at least!

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