Where do we start, where do we go or end

in storty •  3 years ago 

Where do we start, where do we go or end? Are we women, is it a matter of pride or shame to be a woman, or are we a part of so many mistakes in the world? Sometimes it seems like being born a woman is a great sin.


(Motherhood is the best attainment for a mother, "but if the child is a girl", what is the end of her life ???)

Accept the life of the girl, accept it or not. Are you well or happy or not?
This is how this woman nation is kept in a prison.

I have seen my mother take care of everyone without eating all her life. Some of us run around like crazy, endure hundreds of injuries from hundreds of people and my mother is living with my father for 50/60 years today.

I used to get hurt, but he didn't leave my family, after doing so much, nothing happened to my mother. There is still no ground under my mother's feet.

, (I see Amma doing work in Raite during the day, when the family is leading, the name has become very fatherly.

Hahush kaira kaiche paichi. We are wearing new clothes, Amma is wearing chira, Amma is just working, father is a little cumin.

After the marriage of a daughter, her father became very ill, the news came from home. But she was not allowed to come, husband, mother-in-law all told her your father has been sick all year.

What will you do when you go, if you go to that house, your price will not go up.
She was detained, the girl's father died on the same day, the girl did not see the father and did not see the father.

However, he accepted everything, there is a family. Will you take responsibility? You are women and women are weak, they are of no use.

Their only job is to give peace to their husbands, work hard for everyone like a servant, and give birth to one child a year.

Here again the mother is divided, no matter how many sons there are, no one can take the responsibility of a mother.

Mother is divided, you eat one mother, I will feed one month. Behind the mother? The owner of a hundred-storey house with crores of rupees has to share the responsibility of the son's mother.

(I wonder why women don't have their own house, why women are burdened by father, brother, husband, son's mud?

When a girl child learns to speak, the mother says to say something, keep quiet, little man, why do you talk so much? If you want to say something, call the groom and keep quiet, mother-in-law says it will not talk less about your father's house. No, your time is up.


In this way women are stopped, their wants and wants are kept speechless, their hopes are not told. Woman, you accept and adapt.

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