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The heart of the soil
Pankaj was a angry boy. He gets annoyed with the little thing and quarrels with others. Because of his habit, he did not have more friends.
Pankaj's parents and relatives are very much understood to change their nature, but these things have no effect on them.
One day Pankaj's parents came to know about Baba, a monk living in a village near the city, who used to overcome problems of people with peculiar methods.
Early the next morning, he took Pankaj to Baba.
Baba said, "Go and prepare two piles of smooth soil.
Pankaj felt something strange, but fear of his mother became ready to do it.
In a while, he prepared a pile.
Baba said, "Now prepare two hearts with these two piles!"
Pankaj soon prepared two heart shapes of mud and said, "Yes, Baba, can I go to my house now?"
Baba forbade him and he smiled and said, "Now take one of these to the potter and say that he should cook it in the furnace and cook it."
Pankaj could not understand what he wanted to do, but he had no choice other than to obey him.
Two-three hours later, Pankaj returned to work.
"Take this color and now paint this heart and bring it to me!", Baba said.
"What do you want me to do?" My anger is not decreasing by all these useless tricks, but it is growing! ", Pankaj started to murmur.
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Baba said, "Just the son is the last thing!"
Pankaj breathed his peace and began to paint that heart with red color which he cooked in the furnace.
After dyeing, she seemed very attractive. Pankaj was now happy with his hard work somewhere and he was thinking that he would take it and put it in his room.
He took this masterpiece with great pride in front of Baba.
For the first time, he felt that perhaps whatever Baba had done right from him, and because of this he would stop annoying.
"So is your work done?", Baba asked.
"Yes, see, I have painted it with red color!", Pankaj said while excited.
"Ok son, take this hammer and hit it on this heart.", Baba ordered.
"What are you saying? I have prepared it so hard and you are asking to break it? ", Pankaj opposed.
This time Baba said, "I did not kill hammer!"
Pankaj swiftly grabbed the hammer in his hand and with anger he stabbed his heart.
In the heart of which Pankaj had worked all day long in a shock, that heart broke into pieces.
"See what you did, ruined all my hard work."
Baba did not pay attention to this matter of Pankaj and took the second heart of the clay kept in his bag and said, "This second heart of smooth clay is also prepared for you ... I keep it here on the ground ... lo now on this Also put your emphasis on ... "
Pankaj immediately picked up the hammer and gave it to that heart.
Due to being soft and moist, this heart has not got any worse, just a mark of hammer has filled up on it.
"Now you are happy ... what was meant by all this ... I am going from here!", Pankaj went ahead saying this saying.
"Stop the boy!" Baba explained to Pankaj, "On the heart you worked hard all day long, it was not a slight heart ... in fact it was a form of your real heart.
You are also burning your heart in the furnace of anger ... making it harder ... due to not understanding you do so, you realize that power makes you feel strong ... you are getting stronger ... But when the life of a hammer will strike you a single blow, then you will not be able to ... ... and that heart will be shattered like that hard heart!
Time is worthwhile! Be polite like this second heart ... Look at it has affected your spell but it does not break up and scattered ... it can easily come in its first form ... It understands that pain and suffering are a part of life and their Do not break due to him, but he hears within himself ... Go be forgiving ... love and do not harden your heart, make humble! "
Pankaj Baba was watching a tuck. He had understood how to behave now!