The 10 most terrifying and unexplained disappearances

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)


  The disappearances have always been mysterious and even more so if they have no explanation. I'll present this list of 10 disappearances without logical explanation with a disturbing touch, that will make you think and put you in the skin of the missing person.

  As you read, you will immerse yourself in the atmosphere that these people felt at the moment of disappearing, as if you were the protagonist of each of these events. What are you waiting for to submerge yourself?

  10 Frederick Valentich 

   Frederick Valentich was a young Australian of 20 years. He was an inexperienced pilot fascinated by UFOs and everything related to the subject of ufology, on October 21, 1978 decided to take off with his plane Cessna 182L, from Moorabbin, Melbourne to King Island, not knowing that it would be his last flight and which in just minutes, would pass to the pedestal of ufology stories. 

   The flight was normal until 7:06 p.m., while Frederick hovered over Bass Strait, reported what he saw, a very bright apparatus with an incredible speed for its time and was not like any known flying device. Everything that Frederick reported to air traffic was recorded, until the communication abruptly breaks off, from that moment neither he nor his plane was ever seen. A search was made without success. 

   Witnesses who witnessed the act and ensured to see a green and very luminous object in the sky of Bass before and after the event. From this emerged several theories as: The alien abduction, the disappearance by the government or a simple accident. What is certain is that there is no evidence to date validates some of these theories.  


  9 Vladimir Alexandrov 

   It was a Soviet physicist and one of the greatest specialists in the possible consequences of nuclear war, also generated the mathematical model on nuclear winter theory.

    In March of 1985 he traveled to Spain to give a lecture on the subject, after that conference disappeared and no more was known of him. Theories say he planned to repudiate his earlier concepts and was kidnapped by the KGB to stop it, another theory says that he deserted socialism and took refuge in the West and the latest theory mentions that he was kidnapped by the CIA. His disappearance remains a mystery to this day.  


  8 Jimmy Hoff

    This case inspired films and television programs. He was a unionist, very charismatic and well-known in the American working classes of the last century. It began its crossings at a young age within a union of truckers and was gaining little by little a name within her.

   As there is nothing hidden between heaven and earth, rumors began to be heard that Jimmy was linked in the mafia, was said to be one of the bosses within the organization and was washing the mafia's money through the union. He was imprisoned in 1967 for attempting to bribe a judge to stop investigating the case. 

   He was serving a 15-year sentence, when President Nixon granted him parole in exchange for not participating in union activities. Everything was bathed in corruption as years later it was learned that Hoff had given $ 30,000 in cash for the Nixon campaign in exchange for his probation.

    After leaving prison he was charged with trying to reform the penitentiary law for his own benefit to become a trade unionist until his mysterious disappearance on July 15, 1975. After this emerged various theories, it was learned that Hoff was determined to regain his position in the Mafia after being in prison, but disappeared around 3 pm in the parking lot of a restaurant apparently was there to meet with a mob boss, investigators assumed that the mafia got rid of him. But it was strange that they disappeared in this way because of their previous relationship with the bosses, but the mafias are well known for their extreme bipolarity, "Today you are my family and tomorrow I will grind your bones." One of the most commented theories of his disappearance, assuming the mafia killed him, is the form, it was said that he could be burned alive, and even killed and then buried in the field of the Giants, the truth is that he never found his Body and it is not known for sure what happened to him. 

  7 Diane Augat

    She was a woman with bipolar disorder, who disappeared on April 10, 1998. Her neighbors saw her for the last time leaving her home in Florida and from that moment on she was never seen.

    Her mother the next day received a call from her daughter who said; "Help, help, let me out," her mother described that someone was heard trying to take the phone off her, and then she heard Diane say; "Hey, Give me that "before the call ended. After this her mother called the police, the authorities went to the place where the call was made and to their surprise they found by the phone the cut finger of Diane and near the scene a bag with her clothes very well arranged. The question is Is this all because of its extreme bipolarity or was it really a kidnapping? The issue is that it is not known and to this day the case remains unresolved.  

  6 Rebecca Coriam 

   Rebecca or "Bex" as her closest acquaintances knew her, was a fairly common 24 year old girl from Chester, England. She worked on several jobs, before traveling to the United States. 

As if something beyond warned him not to go to the United States, and more specific to that work. Rebecca found enough problems to be able to move from Manchester to Los Angeles, due to delays and cancellations of their flights, at the end of insisting, I finally travel to the United States, totally ignoring that sensation or those warnings of someone or something that said to him of way Subliminal do not go, you're going to have problems. After being accepted to Disney Wonder, in a few months she had made several trips with Disney Wonder Cruise, however, on March 21, 2011, she wrote her last message on Facebook advising her mother that she would call her the next day, which Of course It did not happen. The next day, Rebecca's mother received a call. Unfortunately it was not the call she expected, it was a Disney worker telling her that Rebecca was missing. 

   They began to search all the places of the cruise, without obtaining result, they reviewed the security cameras and evidently in one of the recordings they saw Rebecca speaking by his mobile and it was noticed with anguish or concern. Rebecca's disappearance was notified to the authorities, authorities did not find any trace of Rebecca. After the unsuccessful investigations, possible hypotheses were created of what would have happened to Rebecca, such as that she had fallen from deck 5 or that she had been sexually abused and then murdered by a worker or, finally, Suicide. But this is just hypothesis, since they have not been tested. Rebecca's parents claim that Disney knows what really happened to her daughter and hides information, so as not to damage the company's image. What is certain is that her body was never found and to this day, they do not know what happened to Rebecca. The funny thing about all this is that after his disappearance, his bank account was activated and his Facebook password changed.  


  5 The child painter of Malaga

   David Guevara was considered a promise and some compared it to Picasso. His disappearance is considered by Interpol, along with that of the child of Somosierra, as the most extreme and disconcerting in Europe and in recent times. 

   He left his house in Malaga on April 6, 1987 to the gallery where his painting was to be exhibited, but he never reached the gallery or his house. His parents worried, because that night his son did not arrive, they warned the authorities, that they could do little, because they had no clue what had happened to him. The researchers were surprised how a child could disappear without a trace. What makes this case different is that there is nothing. It's a clean disappearance. Without witnesses, as if this child had been swallowed by the earth or dissolved in the air.

    Several hypotheses arose as: Abduction, voluntary disappearance, even that they used hypnosis so that it did not remember who it was. None of this has been confirmed, until today the authorities do not have a clear hypothesis of what happened.   


4 The mystery of the child of Somosierra 

   Juan Pedro Martínez Gómez better known as "the child of Somosierra". It is considered the most unusual case in Europe, even more than the child painter of Malaga due to the mystery and strangeness that surrounds the case. 

   The disappearance occurred on June 25, 1986, when they moved with their parents in a tanker truck carrying thousands of liters of pure sulfuric acid, from Murcia to Bilbao. In the town of Somosierra the tank truck loses control by striking other cars and then crashing. The authorities arrived at the scene of the accident, they could not do anything since Juan's parents, due to the sulfuric acid and the accident itself, died. The strange and mysterious begins when they notify the family that Juan's parents had died and they asked about the child. The authorities were surprised because there was no trace of any child in the truck or the place. And the search for Juan begins throughout Spain, without success. Several theories were put together, such as that sulfuric acid dissolved it, a kidnapping, some paranormal intervention and even drug trafficking, none of these theories have been proven and the majority discarded, this case remains open, without finding a sustainable explanation and Give rest to the anguish of the Martínez Gómez Family.  


  3 Madeleine Mccann

    Madeleine McCann, who was only 3 years old at the time, disappeared on May 3, 2007 while on vacation in the Portuguese Algarve, together with her parents and siblings, stayed at the Mark Warner resort in Praia da Luz. That fateful night, Gerry and Kate decided to put their children to bed and go to dinner with their friends, leaving the children alone without any supervision while they slept, the parents went to dinner. Around 9 pm Kate goes to the room to see if everything is in order and notes that her daughter Madeleine is not in her bed. The nightmare for these parents began. 

   Parents report to the police, the disappearance of their daughter. Agents, friends and family, were searching for Madeleine throughout the resort until dawn, without success, the authorities question the parents who gave contradictory statements along with the traces of blood and sedative found in the room led the Portuguese police to declare suspects To Gerry and Kate, parents of the girl. 

   Several scenarios were analyzed, thousands of photographs of alleged involved such as Sergey Malinka alleged involved in disappearing several children in the Canary Islands, was detached from the case because there was insufficient evidence. Several theories arose as the kidnapping, extortion, sale of organs and even that the parents had sedated their daughter and exceeded the dose and killed her. Ten years have passed and the case remains unresolved.  


  2 The Dutch Girls in Panama 

   Dutch callers Kris Kremers, 21, and Lisanne Froon, 22, traveled from Holland to Panama to learn Spanish. While they learned the language, they knew the tourist sites of Panama, but they ventured to the wrong place and they found the death.

   These girls ventured to the town of Boquete, the town is characterized by dense forests and its ease to get lost, even tour guides and people from the area have been lost inside Boquete. They walked normally, like any tourist, photographing the place. But the serious error of these girls, was to skip the warnings and they were lost, they did not know how to return, They tried to call 911 and they did not answer to him, that attempt of call was the last trace of life of these girls. Their parents worried that they had not had communication with their daughters, they warn the authorities and it begins a search without success. Until an indigenous woman from the village, found her personal belongings and near the area also found a mutilated foot inside a shoe, later identified that it was Kris and a pelvic bone of Lisanne. The strange thing about this is that in his camera they found more than 100 photographs as if they tried to light up or to see who was behind the darkness. 

   Several theories were raised by researchers, such as that they were devoured by cannibals of a tribe called: Indian rabbit, that were eaten by some carnivorous animal in the area or that they were raped and then killed by a taxi driver of the village. It is not yet known how the murder of these girls happened and who did it.  


  1 Bela Kiss 

   He was a serial killer who killed more than 20 women, and the lover of one of them, stood out as a well-known tinmaking maker in his village. The story begins in Czinkota, a small Hungarian village, Bela was incorporated into the army in the First World War. At that time gasoline was scarce due to the war, and it was rumored that Bela had gasoline stored in her factory, the authorities decided to check their property and found 7 large metal drums, when they examined the contents of the drums, they found a macabre surprise , More than 20 corpses of women preserved in alcohol, who had been strangled, including his wife, as well as a male corpse they identified as the lover's. Officials discovered correspondence that exposed Bela by adopting a false identity under the surname Hoffman, seducing women with marriage promises by convincing them to visit him at home, choosing poor or homeless victims.

    When the authorities tried to stop him, he had disappeared completely, as if he had never existed. Several theories arose such as: The one that died in the war, changed identity and traveled to another country and even people of the time believed and claimed that it was some kind of demonic spectrum.  


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