
in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

The evening was cool, and the sun had set gently, casting a grey ray of light behind the horizon. The lake of bliss glistened in a rather queer manner. And it sparkled as if it was made of pure gold. Jonathan loved being out in an evening as this, when nature was in harmony with itself. In this state of perfection, Christine loved to be in her beloved's warm embrace. The two had met in high school; became inseparable and tied the knot against the entreaties of her folks; who wrote Jonathan off as a never do well, perhaps because he showed no prospects of a greater future, or simply because he sucked at soccer!
But the two love birds had married anyway much to their parents frustration. And they built a home in a place far from the reach of those who'd see them apart. Christine always wanted a home close to a river or any stream, holding faith in any life form that lives therein. Sometimes she would talk to the waters, and tell Jonathan she'd heard a reply, a whisper. He never pretty understood her, but he was madly in love with her. Their home was soon blessed with three angels named Ralph, Wills and Anne. Little Anne was as calm as the morning breeze while the other two played the heathens. Their home was a happy one.
It happened one summer, that Christine and Jonathan took their boat out to the lake of bliss, leaving the affairs of their 'manor' to the two overlords-Ralph and Wills, with Anne always the lady of the house. Husband and Wife needed a me time that was long overdue. When they got to their spot, and things wanted to get hot; a strange wind blew astern of them, threatening to over set the boat. They gasped. But what made their hairs stand was what came after. A bright light emerged from the water below, and when they peered at it, they saw a baby wrapped in a white cloth, pushed above by a hand. It was both magical and frightening. But Jonathan took him from the hand, and the light vanished. It was a boy.

-To be continued.16174012-statue-of-neptune-or-poseidon-s-arm-holding-trident-coming-up-through-the-water-3d-render.jpg

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