reveals the world and its disappearance

in story •  7 years ago 

the world is divided into 3 periods, namely: yesterday / past, then there is no chance for you to use it, and tomorrow / future day, where you tadak know will definitely experience it or not, and today / now you enjoy life, therefore make the best of it. The world is also divided into 3 time, that is the past, and the time to come, where you do not know when it will you meet or not. and now you live, eat time that you are alive, because in essence you have no time other than the time you are living, sometimes in the future, death again menungguh anda.dunia also divided into 3 life, life you have gone through which andak can not come back again for what you have learned and the life to come which you will not be sure to meet with that life and the life you are enjoying. Therefore there is no life in the world to except for 1 once that we are living ini.lahai my garden friend do good now because tomorrow you will not be able to do good lagi.ketika you are dead your kindness will be recalled all the time.the sign is dead tapih memories good job you will hidu forever .. thank you for the readers all and hopefully this will be a good job for me and can be remembered all the time.


be an afterlife in your heart, a world in your hands, death before you.

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