The Delinquent - Chapter 10

in story •  7 years ago 

Chad hadn't bothered to dry his boxer shorts off. He'd simply removed them when he was in the bathroom and slipped his denims straight on along with his t-shirt. With most people still in the pool or outside, he allowed himself some time to explore. After all, he thought to himself, this was why he'd come in the first place.

Savannah had distracted him with her drinking challenge, and it had set him back considerably. He'd planned to only stay and hour, and it was already nearing midnight. But no sane guy would have left when she was dancing in that dress, or looking at him with those smokey eyes.

He moved quietly upstairs and through the bedrooms, looking for the main one. He hid in an alcove when he saw Carly leading Savannah out of one of the bedrooms and downstairs, and carefully slipped into the bedroom.

Bingo. This was it. If there was anything worth any amount of money, it would be in here. He located a facecloth in the attached bathroom and using it, opened up the cupboards and drawers. He struck gold in one of the bedside tables, and pulled out a small wooden box. Careful to touch it only using the cloth, he opened the box and emptied out the contents into a hand towel.

Earrings, bracelets, chains and rings tumbled out and onto the towel, making him check over his shoulder at the noise it made. He gently moved the towel around, examining the jewellery. It was a good haul. He smiled to himself and he carefully manoeuvred a diamond ring into clear sight. That piece alone was easily worth the thirty five thousand he was still short on Dru's payment. He gently wrapped the jewellery in the facecloth, and folded it into his wet underwear. No one would think to handle or check his wet boxers.

He stepped out of the room, just as the girls returned into it.

“I was just looking for you.” He said quickly. “Was thinking we should get out of here. Get you sober and home.” He smiled down at Savannah who blushed in response, careful not to meet his eyes.

“We were just trying to find a hairbrush.” Carly said brightly. “I'll just go and check another room.” She stepped out quickly, closing the door behind her and left the two of them alone. Subtle Carly... Real subtle, she thought angrily.

Chad cleared his throat and attempted to smooth her hair down with his spare hand. “I kinda like it messy.” He said with a cheeky grin. “Makes me think about how it got that way in the first place.”

“Don't.” She said bluntly, raising a hand between them and putting more distance between their bodies.

“Don't what?” He said, confused.

“Don't act like I wasn't completely out of line.” She kept her eyes lowered, looking everywhere except his face. “I can't even begin to imagine what you must think of me.” She wrung her hands. “I know that this will affect our friendship and make things awkward at home. And I'm sorry for that.”

Chad placed the wrapped jewellery gently down on the cabinet, careful not to allow it to make any noise. He turned back to her and raked a hand through his still damp hair. “So you sobered up and now you feel guilty?” She nodded and took a step back. “And now you want to forget it ever happened and go back to where we were before, right?” He stepped towards her, even as she took another step back.

“If it's possible.” She whispered.

“You want me to forget the way you kissed me?” She nodded, hearing the menacing tone to his voice, dark and dangerous. She instinctively stepped back again, but hit the closed door behind her. He put both of his hands on the door either side of her head, trapping her between his arms. “You want me to forget that you wrapped your arms around me?” She closed her eyes and let the seduction of his voice wash over her. Her legs felt weak and she braced her hands against the door behind her for support. He lowered his head and whispered into her ear. “That you wrapped your legs around me and rubbed your body against mine?”

Savannah's breath came in shallow and fast. She was mortified that he was making her relive her shameful behaviour and even more so that he was doing it in such a way that she was vividly picturing it all over again.

“Sorry Princess. That ain't happening. I'm not going to forget a damn thing. And neither are you.” He let his one hand slide down the side of her face and neck, tracing her collar bone with his finger and down her cleavage where her breath caught, before skimming it to the side and locking the door. “I'd been wanting to do that to you, and a whole lot more, since the second I saw you in that green dress.” He returned his hand to her body, running it slowly up her hip and along the outside of her rib cage, before placing it firmly behind her neck, forcing her head up to look at him. She visibly cowered at the fire in his eyes.

“How about, now that you've sobered up, I show you how I respond to good little girls who decide to play bad girl games?”

Savannah didn't trust her self to respond. She was breathing as though she'd run a mile. Short shallow breaths that she knew betrayed the fire that was coursing throughout her body, setting her flesh alight where he hand had so lightly touched. She raised a hand to her heart, trying to muffle the beating that was so loud that he must surely have been able to hear it.

“Answer me.”

She shook her head.

“Where's all your bravery gone, Princess?” He whispered into her ear. “Where's the bad girl who, half an hour ago, wanted to tear my flesh?” She placed a shaky hand against his chest, but made no attempt to push him away. She snaked a second hand up, brushing against his hip, and settled there, gripping it tightly. He rested his head on her shoulder. “Push me away, or so help me God I'll take you right here against this door.”

She did the exact opposite, tangling her fingers into his shirt and belt loop and pulled him towards her. He wasted no time in finding her lips and bruising them with hard kisses that left her breathless. He trailed his hands down her body, rubbing the sides of her breasts and gently lifting the hem of the dress and pulling it up to her hips. She gasped at the feel of his hands on her thighs and even breathed out his name when he ran his hand up and over her backside, lifting her leg up to rest on his hip and hold it tightly there.

He used his body weight to push her against the door roughly, pinning himself between her legs and assaulting her with kisses. He trailed them down the side of her neck and down her collar bone, stopping only to undo the knot on the tie-up top before dropping it down on the floor beside her and kissing the exposed skin on her chest. He leant back from her long enough for her to pull his shirt over his head, and she ran her hands over his bared shoulders and arms as he continued to pull down the top of the dress to expose more flesh for his lips.

A sharp knock on the door had them freeze. “Sav, my dad's on the way to fetch us. 5 minutes.” Carly voice sang through the door, followed by a whispered “Sorry.”

“Be right out.” She called back, covering her face with her hands.

Chad swore loudly, dropping his head to her shoulder and trying to catch his breath. “Worst timing ever.” He said, and then started laughing breathlessly. “To be continued.” He slowly stepped back, releasing her from his grasp and retrieved his shirt.

Savannah nodded and fixed her dress, pulling it as far down to her knees as she could manage without stretching it, and re-tying the top. She dashed over the the desk and rummaged for a hairbrush, and proceeded to brush a sense of neatness into the damp golden strands. She didn't meet his eyes once.

They left the room together, with him collecting his jewellery-filled underwear on the way out.

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Amazing... @al3xv3n5k1 Motivating and it makes me happy to see hard work and determination prevail. Love it.

;-) Thanks for the support x x x Hope you enjoy the series! AV