The Delinquent - Chapter 12

in story •  7 years ago 

“Just send Spinz to come and get me.” Chad spoke softly into the phone. “I should have enough to get Oscar and his henchmen off your back.” Dru's voice was jittery but the gratitude in it was evident.

“I've got ten grand already.” Dru said, pleased with himself. “I just need forty.”

“Whatever. Just don't screw up again. In fact, Tell Oscar you're out.”

“You know I can't do that.” Dru said warily. “One good solid job with him can set us up for the next two or three years. I do a couple of jobs and we can put you through Med School, like you always talked about.”

“Don't be an idiot.” Chad rolled his eyes. “You know that ain't gonna happen.”

“The sky's the limit, Brother.” Dru mocked. “But seriously, if I get in good here with Oscar, things can really start looking up for us. Get ourselves a car... nice place together... Just you and me.” He chuckled. “Seeing as you're getting used to living the fancy life in Mayfield.”

“Don't start with that crap again.” Chad moaned, tired of his brother's incessant teasing about being placed under state care with Striker. “She's done alright by us.”

“I know. Just worried you gonna start talking fancy and eating caviar.”

Chad laughed. “Dumbass. They don't eat that here. The pizza however... man, you gotta taste it.”

Dru groaned. “Man I ain't had pizza in forever. I'm getting hard just thinking about it.”

Chad snorted and choked on his coffee, spilling it down himself. “Idiot... made me spill my coffee. If I have third degree burns on my nuts, you're dead.”

Dru laughed loudly. “You could always get that daughter of hers to rub them better.”

“How do you know she had a daughter? I didn't.”

“She came with one night when Striker had to fetch me from Juvie and take me to the Safe House. She must have been about twelve or something at the time. She's your age I reckon?”

“Yeah she's eighteen.” Chad replied. “I'm attending her school with her.”

“What? They got you attending some high-end fancy school too?” Dru laughed. “Hot damn you got lucky. Pizza, fancy school and a piece of ass.”

“She's no piece of ass.” Chad said defensively. “She's way out of our league.”

“Sounds like you already tried and failed, Bro.”

“Something like that.”

Dru's laugh echoed through the phone. “Sounds like some bitter grapes. You crashed and burned within a week? She got bored of you already?”

“Hell no. She's not like the local girls.” He sighed and rubbed his eyes. He'd barely slept last night. He couldn't help but think of Savannah and how she felt under his hands. “She's looking for the white picket fence thing, with a diamond ring and a couple of dogs. She don't do short-term.”

Dru sighed, recognising the change in Chad's tone.. “Sounds to me like you'd give her the picket fence.”

“Ain't got a picket fence to give, so it don't matter.” He cleared his throat and changed the subject. “Just get Spinz here quick so I can be back before anyone knows I'm gone.”

Spinz's car pulled up a short while later and Chad quietly left the house. He'd heard Kat leave early, and she left a note saying she'd be back by lunchtime. Savannah was still asleep, and he hoped she'd stay that way.

“Where to?” Spinz asked, passing him an energy drink that he'd been thoughtful enough to bring.

“Rocky's shop.” Chad replied, taking a long swig of the energy drink. “I got stuff to move fast. And then I need you to do me a favour. A big one.”


“I need you to take a package to Oscar.” Chad had fully expected Spinz's response, and had braced himself for the oral assault that followed. After some explaining however, he'd agreed reluctantly.

Rocky was a small time dealer in stolen goods. He ran a legitimate pawn shop with all the right papers and permits, but also assisted a lot of the underdogs move stolen goods around. He was as seedy as they came, but he could be trusted to give fair prices. He greeted Chad with a handshake.

“Ain't seen you and Dru around for a while.” He said, scratching his chin. “You laying low?”

“Ain't nowhere else to lie in this town.” Chad said with a chuckle. “You know how it is.”

“That I do.” He cleared the small counter in front of him and lay a clean cloth down. “Goods or bads?” He asked Chad, referring to if the property was stolen or not.

“No clue.” He said, pulling the lie out easily. “Guy looked like a drunk down and out on his luck. He needed a fix and didn't have cash. Made an exchange.” He shrugged. “Used cloth just in case.” Rocky nodded his consent and Chad pulled the folded facecloth out, laying it open it the counter. Rocky put on a pair of latex gloves and spread the jewellery out, letting out a long, low whistle.

“Tell me what you think you've got.” Rocky asked. It was his usual response, to test the customers. They would spin all sorts of stories about how something was a limited edition or a one of a kind item. He'd let them spout their lies and then chase them away. With his regular customers however, he did it to teach them, so they didn't waste his time. Chad knew the drill.

“That ring there is the real deal. That's two, two and half carats easily. Got the manufacturer's emblem under the claw.” Rocky picked up the ring and turned it over, smiling at Chad's assessment. “The watch? '85 Rolex LE.” Rocky nodded again. They continued like that for a few minutes, identifying the larger, more valuable pieces.

“Talk to me Rocky.” Chad said, anxious to get things moving. “I got a situation that I need fixed quick.”

Rocky sighed. “You got easy nearly eighty thousand dollars worth of stuff here.” He said rubbing his head. “With my usual rate and price, I can give you thirty five.”

Chad swallowed hard. He'd hoped for more, but knew that Rocky was being fair. It cost a lot of money to move high end jewellery after all. “Done.” He said with a nod, and folded the cloth back up, leaving it on the counter.

Rocky grabbed a piece of paper, made a note on it and passed it to him. “You know where to go.”

Spinz drove them to a very bad area, where it was common to see a drunk laying in a pool of his own piss and covered in his own vomit, or hear the ambulance pick up the body of another prostitute who'd overdosed in an alley. Chad hated the stench of the place.

He got out the car and knocked on a door that looked like it hadn't seen varnish or sandpaper in it's entire life. A man who towered over him answered it, nodding in greeting. Chad passed him Rocky's note and the door slammed shut. Five minutes passed and the door reopened. The man passed him a brown envelope and closed the door again without another word. Chad climbed in the car again and checked the envelope as Spinz drove off.

The smell of clean money had always given Chad a sense of euphoria. It was the smell of power. He shuffled in his seat and pulled his own wallet out of his back pocket. He added his own five thousand dollars that Gary had given him from the Pharmacy job into the envelope and resealed it.

“That's forty grand.” He said passing it to Spinz. “Drop me off again and go straight to Oscar. Do not make him wait.” He finished off the energy drink and rubbed his head, checking his wallet again. It felt so empty and thin now. He groaned his disappointment.

“Dru messed up solid this time.” Spinz said matter of factly. “Good and solid.”

“True. But he's ain't done screwing up yet. He reckons he's going to get in with Oscar and do a couple of big jobs. Make a name for himself and set himself up for life.”

Spinz gave a grim laugh. “He'll be dead before he gets anywhere close.”

“He's smart. I think he can pull it off.” Chad replied, trying to convince himself that he believed in what he was saying. “He's gotten this far.”

Savannah was already awake when Chad arrived back. She tried to keep the conversation light, so as not to make him feel any more pressured than she'd already put on him last night.

“Where'd you run off to? Thought you maybe left with Mom.”

“Had to go fetch me an energy drink.” He waved the empty can in front of her before discarding it. “Barely slept and needed the kick start.”

“I slept like the dead!” She laughed. “I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.” She took her coffee to the lounge and he followed her, yawning. “Why don't you try get a nap now?” She asked, concerned.

“Naah I'm good. Might just watch some TV with you if that's cool?”

“Sure.” She settled on the three seater couch and pulled her feet up next to her. He sat on the other end, watching her curiously. When she looked back at him and raised an eyebrow, he smiled.

“What the hell are you wearing?” He asked.

“My pyjamas.” She said defensively. “What's wrong with them?”

“Firstly, those are damn short shorts. How you're sitting now, I can see a generous amount of your ass.” Savannah blushed, stood and sat again with her legs off the couch, straightening her shorts as she did. “Secondly, you're not wearing a bra.”

“I don't sleep in a bra. But if it's making you uncomfortable I can go put one one.”

“Don't mind me. I'm just enjoying the view.” He winked.

“Pervert.” She threw as she turned on the TV, grinning at him.


Within thirty minutes, Chad had passed out cold on the couch next to her. She had to admire how he slept so deeply and in such weird positions. One leg was on the couch, the other hung on the floor, and his arms were splayed out. His neck was stretched back in what looked like an uncomfortable position. She took the chance to study him now as he slept, watching how his chest moved as he breathed.

As Carly had pointed out, he was very good looking. His darkly tanned skin made his already dark hair look darker still, and his high cheekbones gave him the appearance of an olive—skinned Grecian god. She already knew he was very muscular, having been pressed against him tightly. He must have done a lot of physical training to have his torso so defined. She remembered briefly skimming her hand across his stomach last night, feeling the taught muscles there and the strength in his arms. It was hard to believe he was still only seventeen, when he was at least a head taller than her, and was so well built and physically stronger.

A loud commercial came on the TV, disturbing his sleep. She quickly averted her eyes and pretended to be focused on the TV. He groaned and reached a hand to the back of his neck.

“Here. Lie down here.” She said, pulling his arm so that he sat up. She guided his head down to her lap, where he immediately fell back to sleep, snuggling into her thigh, and even wrapping his arm around her leg, holding her tight. She smiled down at him as he slept, realising that even this bad boy had a soft side, and that maybe he'd forgiven her for acting so cheaply the night before.

Kat came home at lunch time with hands full of files and shopping bags. Savannah held a finger to her lips when she entered and Kat looked down to see him sprawled across Savannah's lap, snoring loudly.

“Should I be worried,” She whispered “that you've got a juvenile delinquent spread across your lap?”

She smiled up at her mom. “It's like having a puppy, complete with drool!” she whispered. “Can we keep him Mommy?” She asked echoing the same voice she'd used when she'd found a stray and brought it home many years before. Kat grinned in response.

“What time did you crawl in?”

“We got home just before one. Carly's dad drove us.”

Kat looked down at the snoring Chad. “Was everything OK?”

“He was a bit nervous about partying with the rich snobs, but he was fine once he'd had a drink.” Savannah replied, careful not to meet her mom's eyes.

“I hope you weren't being too reckless.” She chastised softly. “You know the rules.”

“Not at all.” She lied. “I did have a few drinks, but I kept my drink with me at all times and made sure I wasn't alone at any time. I stayed with Chad the whole time.”

“Chad? What happened to Carly?” Kat asked with raised eyebrows.

“Dale happened to Carly.” Savannah said with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. “So I hung out with Chad. He was being very responsible.” She added. Too responsible, she thought grudgingly.

“As long as you looked after yourself and each other.” She planted a kiss on her forehead. “Wake up snoring beauty in about fifteen minutes so you guys can have lunch. I'm making chicken rolls.”

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