The Delinquent - Chapter 6

in story •  7 years ago 

The drive to Dalton High school was uncomfortable for Savannah, because she knew without a shadow of a doubt, the story of her being publicly dumped and humiliated would already be news around the school. Then she'd have to see Josh around school or at free period, and try and act like her heart wasn't aching. It had her stomach in knots. Kat sensed her tension and placed her hand reassuringly on top of Savannah's, giving it a tight squeeze.

“Don't let it get you down, Sweetheart.”

“Easier said than done.” Was her quiet reply.

“I know baby, but you just keep your head up and carry on like it doesn't affect you. Laugh, have fun, and try not to think about him or anything else.” Kat returned her hand to the steering wheel after a final squeeze, and pulled in to the faculty parking lot. “Let's get to the Principal's office quickly so we can iron out any administrative issues before the Second Coming.”

“Second coming?” He whispered to Savannah. She smiled in response.

“Remind me to talk religion with you another day.” She glanced across at him and saw his very nervous face. “Can it be that the Bad Boy is scared of High School?” She mocked.

“I ain't scared.” He responded testily. “I don't like it, but I ain't scared.”

“Relax Chad. I'm just messing with you.” She chuckled. “Teasing you keeps my mind occupied.”

“Yeah I was wondering about that. What were you and your mom talking about in the car?”

Savannah groaned. “Yeah you didn't get the whole story Friday night.” She glanced around to make sure Kat was out of hearing range, and leant closer to him, lowering her voice. “The reason I was out there was because my stupid boyfriend – ex-boyfriend now – dumped me in the middle of the Spring dance, in front of everyone. So I was publicly humiliated by the jackass for no reason except that he wants to 'focus on his career' without me as a distraction.”

“He ditched you? So you ran out and off into the wild side of town?” Chad asked incredulously. “What the hell were you thinking?”

“I was thinking at all!” She hissed. “I just ran. And then Carly freaked out because I left my bag behind...”


“My best friend. So for all I know the whole school already knows that I was ditched and ran off crying. Like an idiot. Today is going to suck.”

“I think people will be more pissed at him than anything.” He replied. “It was a real douche bag move to do that at a school dance.” He gave her a sideways glance and added quietly “Especially when you looked like you did – all done up and pretty.”

Savannah allowed herself to smile to herself. “Compliments from a bad boy too, huh?” She chuckled. “For that, I might just be nice and give you the tour anyway.”

“Don't get used to it, Princess.” He grinned back. “I got a rep to protect, remember?”

Having a Ward of The State student admitted into the school was apparently much easier than anyone had expected, considering Dalton High was a rather exclusive high-end educational facility. Apparently they had a program for assisting under-privileged students, which they hadn't allocated so far, and were happy to accommodate a WOTS student.

“WOTS?” Asked Chad, with a confused look on his face as they all left the Principal's office.

“Ward of The State” Replied Kat. “It's easier to refer to you as a WOTS student than a student without parental supervision and financial support systems in place.” She grinned. “It also helps that the kids around here probably don't know what a WOTS student is, so you'll be able to just use the cover story that you're a late transfer. They won't know the difference.” She shifted her handbag on her shoulder and checked the time on her watch. “I've really got to get moving. Sav, will you make sure Chad gets to the office to collect his schedule, and show him around a bit?”

“Sure.” She replied. “I've got free period first anyway. Get going or you won't find parking at the court. We can handle it from here.”

Kat kissed her forehead and put her hand on Chad's head, ruffling his hair. “Attend your classes, no bunking, no goofing off and no getting into trouble.” She smiled. “Or else.”

Chad nodded, trying to smooth out his hair. “Yeah, yeah...”

“I mean it.” She added, with a look that was both stern and gentle.

“I said yeah. Scram Striker. You're destroying my street cred.”

Kat laughed at that, messing up his hair one more time before climbing into the car and driving away. Savannah looked at him with a shocked expression.

“I talk back to her, I get grounded. You mouth off at her and you get a giggle and a head rub!” She threw her hands in the air in mock disgust. “Where's the justice?”

Chad grinned. “She ain't my mom.”

After collecting and comparing schedules, Savannah was quite surprised to find they had two classes together. Chemistry and Biology was not what she would have expected.

“It's what I'm good at.” He replied simply.

“I took them because of my grand dream of being a Marine Biologist. You?”

“Doctor.” He gave a snort of a laugh. “Not like I'd ever get into Med school.”

“Why not?”

“They don't have a 'WOTS' program for University, Princess. People like me don't go to College.”

She stopped walking and turned on him. “Anyone can go to College, or University, or even Med School.”

“Uh huh.” He folded his arms across his chest. “And with what trust fund?” He rolled his eyes. “People born without a silver spoon up their ass don't got the money to afford that kinda stuff.”

“There's bursaries.” She counted off on her fingers. “Internships for credit, there's...”

“Save it Princess.” He interrupted. “I'm sure there are ways, but it just don't happen. Not to people like me. The closest we get to University is cleaning it, and the closest we get to Doctors is when you or someone OD's and we dump them at the hospital.” He saw her shocked expression and gave her chin a small bump with his fist. “Just how it is. Move your silver spooned ass and show me where I'm supposed to go.” She rolled her eyes and gave him an exasperated smile, shaking her head as they walked together.

“Holy crap he's hot!” Was Carly's first response upon seeing Chad. “Tell me he hasn't got a hot girlfriend back in the slums!” She quickly pulled out a comb and started neatening her already perfect blonde girls.

“He's not mentioned anyone.” He'd not mentioned anything really, Savannah thought sadly. He played his cards close to his chest, always diverting attention away from himself. “And do not refer to it as 'the slums!' Because that's just so wrong. He's a transfer student as far as anyone is concerned.”

“I'd slum with that piece of meat any day.” Carly gave a wink and a naughty smile.

Savannah rolled her eyes. “I'll pass him your number next lesson.”

“He's taking Chemistry? Huh. Bad boy with brains.”

“And Biology.” Savannah added with a grin. “Bet you wished you'd changed your subject choice now.”

“Boy, do I.”

“Tough luck now. Besides, I'm hoping he saves me from Joshua in Chemistry.”

“Damn. I didn't think of that.” Carly put a reassuring hand on Savannah's shoulder. “Have you spoken at all?”

“No.” She looked downwards and picked at a loose thread on her skirt. “I couldn't decide if I wanted to call him to swear at him, or call him to beg him to reconsider.”

“So you didn't call at all? Well, I think that's better to be honest.” Carly squeezed Savannah's hand. “So next lesson is going to be your first time seeing him?”

“And I'm not looking forward to it one bit.”

“You just keep a smile on your face and act like you're not bothered by his presence one bit.”

Savannah chuckled. “Mom said the exact same thing.”

“Luckily you're surrounded by smart and beautiful women.” Carly gave her best award-winning smile and battered her eyelashes like the glamour queen she was. But when the bell sounded for the next lesson and Savannah's stomach clenched in knots, Carly's sympathy resonated through the hug she left her with.

She lingered longer than usual in getting to class, in no rush to see her ex. She entered the class after taking a deep breath and pasting one of Carly's award-winning fake smiles on her face. She was careful to avoid looking over at his desk, but even as she walked past him, his familiar scent from his aftershave set her heart twisting within her. He was busy talking to his friends however, and paid her no attention, much to her relief.

She looked around her once she'd taken her seat, but saw no sign of Chad. She hoped he hadn't go lost. The teacher started his lesson moments later and luckily, she was able to throw her focus into the textbook. A knock on the classroom door a good ten minutes later, disrupted the lesson however. Chad walked in with his form given to him from the office and passed it to the teacher, who read through it quickly.

“Seems we have a new student. This is Chad Denver, a late transfer student. Denver, would you take a seat please? There's one here at the front and there's another there.” He pointed across the class to a desk next to Savannah. Chad gave him a small nod and winked at Savannah across the class, moving his way towards her. He sat down and proceeded to pull out his textbook and a notepad, feigning his complete attention on the teacher.

Savannah smiled at his obvious act, shaking her head in amusement.

“What? Think I can't pay attention to anything other than you, Princess?” He whispered, his eyebrows raised with a cheeky grin on his face.

“I didn't say anything.” She whispered back, still grinning.

“But you're smiling?”

“You're amusing.”

“Amusing? That a silver spoon way of saying you think I'm funny?” He kept his eyes focused on his notebook, but stole a quick glance across to her.

“Why are you in such a good mood?” She asked. “An hour ago your nose was out of joint that you had to be here. Now you're acting like a model student. What's your game?”

“I get to have fun acting like I got a silver spoon up my ass, just like you.” Savannah let slip a chuckle that she carefully hid with a cough.

“You're such an idiot!” She whispered, grinning.

“Maybe.” He said, taking notes and smiling. “But at least I made you smile.”

The lesson passed by with odd little whispered comments from Chad, that kept Savannah smiling throughout the lesson. He drew stick men in his notebook and feigned yawns when the teacher's back was turned. When Josh stuck up his hand to answer a question, Savannah realised with a jolt that she hadn't even remembered he was there. She'd been so focused on Chad and the fact that he was making an effort to entertain her, that's she'd barely given her ex a thought. She caught Chad staring at her, and quickly turned back to her textbook.

A small folded piece of paper landed on her desk a minute or two later. 'That's the douche bag?'

Savannah folded the piece of paper again, and gave a subtle nod. Chad made an effort to stretch and discreetly leant back to catch a look at him. A second piece of paper landed folded on her desk moments later. 'Looks like the silver spoon got put up sideways.'

The smile returned to her face and the bell rang. She packed up her bag and stood up waiting for him to pack up his own things. When he stood, she surprised him by wrapping her arms around his waist and hugging him, leaning her head against into his neck.

“Thank you.”

Chad stood still, frozen. “For what?”

She stood back and smiled. “For distracting me.”

“I get a hug for distracting you?” He tilted his head to the side and gave her a cheeky grin. “What do I have to do to get a kiss?”
Savannah grinned, rolled her eyes and walked around him, laughing.

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Good post. Love İt. @al3xv3n5k1

Thanks so much @dailypoetry. I appreciate the kind words. I do apologise that my chapters are a bit lengthy, but I aim for 3 A4 pages per chapter. I hope you enjoy the story and I promise to post updates as often as I can. x x x AV

Thank you I am following you, I hope you will also follow up vote me this honor to me

Thanks so much. I have followed you. I hope you enjoy the story.