Hello steemians, since i'm new here, i want to share a story
A true story that may be forgotten.
From my grandfathers life,
Maybe hard to believe in this generation,
But only if
1 can have "10 comments" wanted too or interested.
This is just the first page,
About the life of four people,
About spirituality,
Super powers they posses,
Note: these are real people, with family and i was at 3rd generation from them.
Still thats near.
I still can remeber their story.
You migth bit skeptical but they are true.
If these story will be posted, it is true. I give you the name. Place.
Until then,
Let me here your feed back!
Do you belive in God?
Or do i say this, do you believe that human can posses super power?
Upvote is appreciated much..
Follow also to be updated.