Story: Gino The Greedy Rat

in story •  4 years ago  (edited)


A long time ago there was a rat. His name was Geno. He was very greedy and lazy. The lazy rat was also very hungry. His stomach was never full. One day, Geno's mother said: "Son! You eat a lot but you never worked hard. Apart from your share, you also eat the food of me and your father. This is not a good thing. From today, you will find your own food by working hard. Yes! Remember one thing, don't be greedy. Take care not to get into any trouble in the cycle of overeating. "Gino is very sad. But he had to go. He went out in search of food. He had just gone so far that he found a grain of wheat on the way. He was happy. He picked up a grain of wheat. Just then his eyes fell on the rabbit and the rabbit was laughing at him. "Why are you laughing when you see me?" Geno asked the rabbit. "I'm laughing at your stupidity. Hey! A farmer's bullock cart has passed by. Go a little further and you will find some grains of wheat" rabbit says to Geno. Geno's mouth watered at the rabbit's words. He moved on immediately. His eyes fell on the grains of wheat which are lying on the road. The Geno rat picked up the grains of wheat and danced with joy. Just then a squirrel came and said to the rat: "What a small piece of wheat you got. You started jumping and dancing. Hey! work hard. Go a little further and you will find a whole wheat plant instead of an this small one. ”The rat liked the squirrel's words and moved on. As he was walking, he was so tired that he suddenly saw a wheat plant. The wheat plant had fallen along the way. There were small wheats in the plant. Geno jumped for joy. Seeing the wheat plant, Geno said to himself: "Wow! Did you have fun Now your stomach will be full. ”When the monkey saw the rat dancing and jumping like this, he jumped up and came close to him and said: What if you can find food in one place for several days? ”“ Yes! What is that place? ”The rat asked the monkey. "Just fifty paces from here is a huge wheat field. Go there and wave for the rest of your life," the monkey told Geno. The rat came to the monkey's words. As he walked, he reached the field. The rats were overjoyed to see the wheat crop in the field. He saw Aao Na Tao, ran and fell on the wheat. He had just eaten the grains of wheat when he heard the sound of a trumpet. A snake was spreading its wings. The rat started trembling with fear. He began to see his own death. The rat closed its eyes when it heard the snake's call. Suddenly a weasel came running from somewhere and attacked the snake and strangled it to death. Geno the rat narrowly escaped. He promised himself that he would obey his parents and never be greedy because he was in big trouble today because of his parents' disobedience and greed. But it was his good fortune that he narrowly escaped.
So, my friends never become greedy. No matter how slow you're progressing that thing only matter was that you're progressing or not??

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