Efforts Never-Ever Go Waste

in story •  7 years ago 

There used to be Two Frogs who used to play a lot in the rainy season all day long and Slowly they just Hopped from one place to another.

While hopping they came to an unknown house,in that house there was a Churn of Milk while hopping they fell into the Churn.

Pic Source :Pexels

Both Frogs wanted to get out of that Churn but in the meantime of struggle one of them lost the Hope and said in very upset way !!

"I can't do this anymore"

and he drowned at the bottom of the Churn.

But the other one didn't give up until the Last.He kept on trying hard ,swimming inside the Churn and you will be shocked to know that with that effort while moving his legs he churned the milk to Butter yeah !!

The Frog used that as an advantage and Climbed up on a pat of Butter and quickly hopped out of the Churn.

On the Ending note just like to say that ~  Efforts never ever go waste,sometime they will give you success & sometime they will give you experiences !!

Moral : God only Help those who help them self first without giving up,the ups and down's are a part of life but those who try hard to overcome them succeed.
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What an outstanding message! Thank you for sharing this valuable thought.

Thanks a lot for reading again :)

You're welcome. Have a great day!

Thank @blazing!! Never quit!!

yeah never ever :)

SO true my dear and God bless you ;)))

Thank you so much Dear !! :)

You are so welcome ;))))

true blazing

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Another great parable. Thank you. Hard work, effort, and experience. The spice of life. Have a great day @blazing.

Very Good Moral to this story!