i will tell the origin of the power tribe in indonesia ..
Dayak tribe, is a phenomenal tribe that exist in the country of Indonesia, because it is famous for its magical power, Dayak word derived from the word "Daya" which means upstream, to mention the people who live in the interior or Kalimantan first and Borneo generally.
The Origin of Dayak Ethnicity
In the years (1977-1978) at that time, the continent of Asia and the island of Borneo which is still part of the archipelago, allowing the mongoloid race from asia to wander through the mainland and reach Kalimantan by crossing the mountains now called the "Muller-Schwaner" mountains. The Dayaks are the true inhabitants of Borneo. But after the Malay people from Sumatra and the Malacca Peninsula came, they were increasingly retreating inward.
Not to mention the arrival of the Bugis, Makassar, and Javanese during the heyday of Majapahit Kingdom. Dayaks live scattered throughout the Borneo region for long periods of time, they must spread through the rivers downstream and then inhabit the coast of Borneo island. This tribe consists of several tribes each having different traits and behaviors.
The Dayak tribe once built a kingdom. In the Dayak oral tradition, it is often called "Nansarunai Usak Jawa", a Nansarunai Dayak kingdom destroyed by Majapahit, which is estimated to occur between 1309-1389 (Fridolin Measure, 1971). The incident resulted in the Dayak tribes pushed and scattered, some entering the interior. The next great currents occurred at the time of the Islamic influence of the kingdom of Demak along with the entry of Malay merchants (circa 1608).
Most Dayaks embraced Islam and no longer recognize themselves as Dayaks, but call themselves Malay or Banjar. While Dayak people who reject the religion of Islam back along the river, into the interior of Central Kalimantan, living in areas of Kayu Tangi, Amuntai, Margasari, Watang Amandit, Labuan Lawas and Watang Balangan. Many more continue to be pushed into the jungle. The Dayaks of Islam are mostly in South Kalimantan and parts of Kotawaringin, one of the famous Sultan of Banjar Sultanate is Lambung Mangkurat is actually a Dayak (Ma'anyan or Ot Danum)
Not only from the archipelago, other nations also came to Borneo. The Chinese nation is thought to have started coming to Borneo during the Ming Dynasty in 1368-1643. From the manuscript written kanji mentioned that the first city visited is Banjarmasin. But it is still unclear whether the Chinese came in the era of Bajarmasin (under the hegemony of Majapahit) or in the Islamic era.
The arrival of the Chinese did not result in Dayak migration and had no direct effect because they were merely trading, especially with the Banjar kingdom in Banjarmasin. They do not immediately trade with Dayaks. The remains of the Chinese people are still kept by some Dayak tribes such as malawen dishes, pots (pots) and ceramic equipment.
Since the beginning of the V century the Chinese have arrived in Kalimantan. In the XV century King Yung Lo sent a large army to the south (including the archipelago) under Chang Ho's direction, and returned to China in 1407, having previously visited Java, Kalimantan, Malacca, Manila and Solok. In 1750, Sultan Mempawah received Chinese (from Brunei) who were looking for gold. The Chinese also brought merchandise including opium, silk, glassware such as plates, cups, bowls and jars (Sarwoto kertodipoero, 1963)
Below are some customs for the Dayak tribe that is still preserved up to now, and the supernatural world of Dayak tribe in ancient times and the present day is still strong until now. This custom is one of the cultural richness owned by the Indonesian Nation, because at the beginning of the Dayak tribe comes from the interior of Borneo.
- Tiwah Ceremony
Tiwah ceremony is a Dayak customary event. Tiwah is a ceremony performed to deliver the bones of the deceased to the already created Sandung. Sandung is a place that is kind of a small house that is made especially for those who have died.
Tiwah ceremony for Dayak tribe is very sacred, at this Tiwah event before the dead bones are in between and placed into place (sandung), a lot of ritual events, dance, sound gong or other entertainment. Until finally the bones are placed in place (Sandung).
- The Supernatural World
Supernatural World for the Dayak tribe has been since ancient times is a characteristic of Dayak culture. Because of this supernatural also people abroad there call Dayak as a human eater (cannibal). But in fact the Dayak tribe is a very peaceful tribe of origin they are not harassed and bullied indiscriminately. The supernatural power of the Dayak Kalimantan are many species, for example Manajah Antang. Antang Manajah is a way of Dayak tribe to look for clues such as finding the existence of enemies that are difficult to find from the spirits of the ancestors with the media Antang bird, wherever the enemy is in the search will be found.
Red bowl. Red bowl is a media of Dayak tribe unity. Red bowls are circulating if Dayaks feel their sovereignty is in grave danger. "Panglima" or often called Dayak Pangkalima tribe usually issued alert or war alert in the form of a red bowl in circulation from village to village very quickly. From everyday appearances many people do not know who the Dayak commander is. The person is mediocre, only he has extraordinary supernatural powers. Believe it or not the commander had the knowledge to fly immune from anything like bullets, sharp weapons and so on.
Red bowl is not haphazardly circulated. Before being circulated the commander must create a customary event to know when is the right time to start the war. In the traditional event the spirit of the ancestors will enter into the body of the pangkalima and then if the pangkalima is "Tariu" (summoning the ancestral spirits to ask for help and declare war) then Dayaks who hear it will also have panglimanya power. Usually a person whose soul is unstable can be sick or crazy when hearing tariu.
Those who have been possessed by the spirits of the ancestors will be human and not. So usually blood, the hearts of the victims killed will be eaten. If not in an atmosphere of war never the Dayak people eat humans. Heads are beheaded, skinned and kept for ceremonial purposes. Drinking blood and eating the heart, then magical power will increase. More and more enemies are killed so the person becomes more powerful.
A red bowl made of bamboo terraces (some say made of clay) designed in a round shape was soon made. To accompany this bowl is also provided other equipment such as red cherry blossom (acorus calamus) which symbolizes courage (some say can be replaced with yellow rice), red chicken feathers to fly, torch lights from bamboo to torches (some say can be replaced with a bar matches), leaf rumbia (metroxylon sagus) for shelter and cord knot of kepuak skin as a symbol of unity. The kit was packed in a bowl of bamboo and wrapped in red cloth.
According to the story of heredity the first red bowl circulated when the war against Japan first. Then it happened again when the expulsion of the Chinese from the Dayak areas in 1967. Dayak's expulsion of the Chinese was not an ethnic war but more political content. Because at that time Indonesia was confrontation with Malaysia.
According to the Dayak beliefs, especially the depths of Borneo which are delivered from mouth to mouth, from grandmother to father, from father to child, to the present that is not written resulted in more or less than the truth, that the origin of the Dayak ancestors was descended from the seventh heaven into this world with "Palangka Bulau" (Palangka means holy, clean, an ancak, as a sacred litter, axle the sacred of gold derived from the sky, often also mentioned "Ancak or Kalangkang")........
Dayak tribe in West Kalimantan
West Kalimantan Province, is one of the provinces in Kalimantan that has many Dayak tribes. It is estimated that West Kalimantan has the most Dayak tribes. In one district alone, more than 30 Dayak tribes have their traditions and cultures, and are different from each other.
Dayak tribe, is as a nation Proto Malayan or one of the oldest tribes in Indonesia who have a mongoloid race. The existence of Dayak tribes in West Kalimantan has many different versions of their origins. Between one Dayak tribe with the other Dayak tribes, some have different origins, although there are also some others who share the similarity of the origin story.
Here are the Dayak tribes in West Kalimantan.
Water Durian
Water Upas
1.( Angan)
this is one of the tribes that can be on
Landak proveny West Kalimantan, precisely in the customary area Binua Angan, Binua Rentawan and Sengkunang. The territory of Dayak Angan tribe is adjacent to Balai subdistrict, Batang Tarang in Sanggau district. The Dayak Angan tribe population is estimated to be 1,500 people It is estimated that the ancestors of the Dayak Angan tribe have been in Binua Angan since 2000 years ago, who migrated from the South China region or from the island of Formosa Taiwan. The Dayak Angan tribe is the first original inhabitant
in their present residential area.
The Dayak Angan speak in Angan Ba-aye 'or known as Ba-aye'. Ba-aye 'language is spoken to the district hall. The language of Ba-aye 'has very close relative language, almost 90% similarity level, that is Mali language, spoken by Dayak Mali people who live in Tayan and Sosok area.
The village of Dayak Angan settlement area is Angung Tembawang village, Kampung Angan Limau, Angan Tutu village, Angan Landak village, Angan Pelanjau village, Kampung Angan Rampan and Angan Bangka village.
One of the cultural traditions and customs of the Dayak Angan tribe is still well preserved, which is still run every year is a traditional ceremony Notokng. The Dayak Angan's past is inseparable from the tradition of headhunting. The tradition of tribal warfare by cutting off human heads. This tradition has been abandoned since the Tumbang Anoi agreement. Some Dayak Angan people make the head of the harvest as an heirloom. Notonkg traditional ceremony is one of the ancestral heritage that is always commemorated when the harvest ends. The Dayak Angan people always carry heirlooms of human skulls that are believed to keep the village and all the inhabitants of the village.
Dayak Angan tribe people in survival rely on agriculture and plantation sector to get income, besides they also do hunting wild animals into the forest and keep some animals such as chickens and pigs. Currently not a few also from Dayak Angan tribe community who have stepped forward to work in the government and private sector
4.( Bakati )
Bakak Dayak tribe (Bekati '), spread over 7 villages, located in Bengkayang district and Sambas district, West Kalimantan province ..
In the past the Dayak tribe of Bakati 'is also famous for the tradition of "kayau" or "mengayau". Their ancestors came from Pemagen (commander of the beheader) who lived breed in Segiring. Their ancestor was named Roda Dua Mansa, who was the father of Supai Ma Upi, Sadani Ma Ngaji and Santak Ma Batakng. It is said, from this family, then that became the embryo of Dayak Bakati '.
Betang House no longer exists in indigenous tribe of Dayak tribe of Bakati ', which become the pride and characteristic of Dayak tribe and become picture of situation of a Dayak tribe village. Today, the Dayak Bakati tribe lives in a village consisting of stage houses, even cement-walled houses, glass windows, even parabolic ones. The Dayak community of Bakati tribe, seems to have undergone a modern lifestyle process.
The popular rituals of the Bakati Dayak community are the ritual of Nyabangk, the ritual of traditional ceremonies closing the old cultivation cycle of the year and opening up the year of new cultivation. For indigenous Dayak Bakati people 'rice and rice is not merely a commodity, but thanks to Jebata (God the Creator) to be grateful for.
Rice and rice are the source of life of Bakati Dayak people. The whole process of rice production is in the intervention of Jebata who should be viewed as a series of life journey.
The sequence of rice production ritual events on Indigenous traditions of Dayak tribe of Bakati ':
matuk (ask permission to work on new fields),
numa (clearing the groves in the fields),
nabet (cutting down trees),
najak (cut the fallen tree branches used as the expanse),
(drying up the trees that are felled and ready to be burned),
ngeraih (make a fire barrier around the fields),
natak (burn),
nyabiong (putting the spirit of rice)
(ceremonial ceremonies close as a chronological importance in the life cycle of their life activities)
In the implementation of this ritual, indigenous elders consisting of Amak Sabangk and Amak Gandangkar and members of the celebrating community feed the spirits of Pemagen with offerings consisting of: meat, blood, head, liver (dogs, pigs, chickens) yellow rice, rice pulut, grilled rice, symbol (lemang), betel nut, areca nut, lime, gambier, iron, tembako, fresh water, rice flour, tumpi, ketupat, chicken egg, kundur, cucumber, rice ampa, lenjuang, , tapai tuak, tuak jandungk, buis rice, pekasam boar, shrimp, fish, crab, snail, durian leaf and langsat, banana stem, ratih paddy, cucumber seed and sungki rice and apar.
One of the mystery objects of the Dayak tribe of Bakati 'is "Punggo", a small house measuring five by five meters. In Punggo it contains about thirty human skulls stored in three baskets inside Punggo. The skulls were collected by Dayak Bakati's fathers before the Dayak tradition of calling was stopped in 1894 at the Tumbang Anoi Peace Treaty initiated by the Dutch Colonial Government in Central Kalimantan (Edi Petebang, 2005).
Two skulls are known as Senyarong Kijang and Sumang Manyurut. Skull Senyarong Kijang is a digdaya woman of his time comes from Sempauk, but lost by kedigdayaan Sudung Ma Pancer. While Sumang Manyurut a brave and mighty man from Siding who subdued in rich Maak Sant Batangk Segiring origin.
The Dayak tribe of Bakati, has several sub-tribes spread in the area of West Kalimantan to reach the territory of Malaysia:
Dayak Bakati 'Riok,
Dayak Bakati 'Rara (Sara),
Dayak Bakati 'Kuma / Sengayan,
Dayak Bakati 'Kanayatn Satango,
Dayak Bakati 'Subah / Lampahuk,
Dayak Bakati 'Sebiha',
Dayak Bakati 'Palayo / Ba-Inyam,
Dayak Bakati 'Rara,
Dayak Bakati 'Taria',
Dayak Bakati 'Lape,
Dayak Bakati 'Payutn,
Dayak Bakati 'Lumar
Dayak Bakati 'Sea Mine (Sambas)
In survival, the Dayaks of Bakati 'live mostly in agricultural cultivation such as cultivating rice fields, rubber, corn and pepper. In addition, hunting and gathering of forest products is also kept by a small part of the Bakati Dayak community. Today Dayak Bakati people have stepped forward with many of them working in government agencies as well as private employees, and living life as traders.
Bakati 'Rara
Bakati 'Riok
Bakati 'Sara
Banyadu (also found in Formosa, Taiwan)
Batang Lupar
Entawa Stone
Stone Umbrella
Sharp Stone (Dayak Pesaguan Kiri)
Hill (also in Sarawak Malaysia)
Daro '(Darok)
Embaloh (Dayak Tamambaloh, Dayak Maloh)
Embau (to be melayu)
Ingat Silat
Jalai (Barley)
Joka '
Kanayatn (Orang Kedayan)
Kantu '
Deep Era
Kebahan (Dayak Kebahn)
Kekura '
Banyur Mites
Ketadaau Sekadau (Dayak Sesat, Dayak Sesae ')
Sintang Ketungau
Komi / Domit
Kowotn (Dayak Bengkawan)
Kualant Semanangk
Lebang Nado
Lebang Hilir
Lebang Hulu
Linoh (Linuh)
Mayau (Mayao, Majau)
Melahoi (Malahui, Malahoi)
Marau (Merau)
Membuluq (Wrinkle)
Mudu '
Mugut (also in Sarawak)
Nyadu (Nyadupm)
Orung Daan
Ot (Ote)
Ot Siau
Ot Penyaung (Ot Panyawung)
Pebantan (Dayak Pangkalan Suka)
Punan Hovongan
Punan Uheng Kereho (Ot Nyawong, Dayak Seputan)
Punti (Dayak Pontent), there is also in Sabah Malaysia
Randu (Randuk)
Ribun (Hibun)
Sane (Sani)
Sapatoi (Dayak Bung Pah Tung)
Sebaru '(Sebaruk)
A few
All right
At a glance
Pleasure (Happy)
Sikukng (Sungkung)
Silath Muntok
Sontas (there are also in Sarawak)
Suhaid (Suaid)
Suru (Suruk, Suruh)
Tadietn (Tadatn, Tadan)
Tameng (Tamong)
Tawaeq (Tawang)
Up Tayap
Tebang, Sungai Kualatn
Tengon (Bi Hngon, Dayak Bidayuh Kumba)
Toba (Toba ', Dayak Tebang in Tayan and Dayak Cempede')
Tola '
Uud Danum
Uud Sio (alienated and primitive)
Uud Bukhot (estranged and primitive)
nah I will mention to follow my knowledge one by one about the Dayak tribe but I still many names again Dayak name but I have many forgot .. so that I still remember may be our insight all ....
follow me@bohmano