It is the first day on my journey and night has fallen quicker than I thought. This roads aren't recognizable anymore from the days that was young. Forest were we used to play disappeared, roads that I recognized as dirt and broken plants from our footsteps, are now made from stone. Have the times changed so quickly, or was I to busy with my research of alchemy to notice the changes.
Night has fallen. I know I should rest and make a camp somewhere away from the eyes of people passing by. But not far from here I found two dead body's, husband and wife I presume. I investigated the scene quickly, and I saw a sword. This sword wasn't from the victims, they were Nords. I have read of this weapon before, saw drawings of it. This is a sword from the Ycal, a vicious murdering humanoid race. They live in the shadows like vampires, and all they care for is relieving anyone they encounter from their possessions. I know it isn't safe to rest around this area at night, I have to keep moving before I become their next target.