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in story •  8 years ago 

This is beautiful. As someone who doesn't have much money and will be struggling to get through Christmas this year as it is, it's very easy for those of us in that position to feel like we can't contribute because we can't afford to pay for someone's shopping or something like that I wanted to remind you that there are other thug oh can do. I once, on a rainy morning on my way to work, this was many years ago, passed a homeless man asleep on a bench, just lying there in the rain, so I put my umberella over the top half of him, covering his head and kept going. He didn't jump up and thank me or anything like that, but I've never forgotten how good I felt for the small act. It doesn't have to be a major money contribution is what I'm saying; some cafes in my city have a pay it forward thing where you can buy two coffees when you get your latte but only leave with one and the other goes into a bank of paid for coffees for people who can't afford them. If you don't have the money, find something else to give. Thanks for reminding us all that this is a great thing to do for the sake of all humanity.

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Kudos to you @brookethechicken for that act of kindness! I think the thought of doing something like you did with the umbrella crosses many people's minds but fear keeps them from going through with it. Paying it forward sometimes doesn't requiring a cent and you illustrated that well here, sometimes it's just sharing kindness. The world needs more of this. Thank you!

I agree. It can be letting a harrassed looking mother with a bunch of kids hanging off her go before you in the line at the supermarket, helping an old/er or less able bodied person with their bags, or one I like is when you're in a shop and there are school kids, you often hear one of them asking to borrow some ridiculous amount of change, like 20 or 50 cents from friends to get something, but because its such a HUGE amount of money for them, no one ever has it to spare, and I like to just buy the thing the kid wants for them. Little acts like this actually make an impression on kids I think, and they remember it and I like to think it shapes them into being better humans.

I very much agree. This kind of behavior affects adults too. Paying it forward is highly contagious. The same holds true for negative behavior. I think this is why the disproportionate volume of negative news stories in the main stream media are so detrimental to our society. They do it for ratings mainly but it's very harmful. Thanks for your comment!

Pleasure. And yay, I just realized I have missed a bunch of replies because I had my blog tab open. Ahh the collective sigh of realization.