in story •  8 years ago 
  •  “FREE CLIMBING” is an absolutely horrifying extreme sport where urban daredevils climb to the top of skyscrapers or other tall buildings and dangle from them with no harnesses. One of the most prolific (and impressive) of them is the Ukrainian free climber known as Mustang Wanted 
  •  Mustang Wanted at one point worked as a legal advisor, but has since decided to pursue a career as a professional stuntman. He says he doesn’t feel any sort of ball-shriveling terror at the stunts he pulls. “Sometimes I think that I am a robot,” he said in an article for The Daily Mail. “I do not feel anything.”He says, “Death is not the worst thing that can happen. Everyone dies — but not everyone lives the way they want.” While you’d think, “That’s the way a guy who’s gonna be dead soon would think,” Mustang Wanted has been doing this for over a decade, and has yet to be injured.Before we go any further, we should note quite strenuously that you should not, in anycircumstances, do this. Hopefully that doesn’t need to be said, but this is enough of a trend for a documentary to exist about it. So unless you are either a professional (you aren’t) or immune to the effects of gravity (you aren’t), don’t do this.That said, it makes for some pretty breathtaking photography. 









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I do not understand one thing - for this people have a life?

nukin futz

I can understand that people seek thrills, but I couldn't do those things and I'm sure a few people will die trying them. You only have to get it wrong once.

Is this you?