The story behind my pizza pizza laces

in story •  7 years ago 

When I wear my favourite/only running shoes, I get asked the question, "hey are those pizza pizza laces? where'd you get them?" or something to that effect. I always answer by saying "yes they are and I found them in my house". If I have the time to talk I turn to them and ask "do you want to know the story behind it?". No one has yet declined to hear the story. Here it goes.


It starts off like this (note: this took place in high school). BAMB!! goes the heavy weight someone else was lifting as they deliberately dropped it to make such a sound. I turn and instinctively look behind me to see, not to my surprise, half the class watching the biggest guy deadlift. I shake it off and continue my set of dumbell chest press. I go downstairs to grab a quick drink. Back up I go to start a new set... until i notice that the teacher is preoccupied. 20 minutes until the end of class. I think I'll reward myself with an early shower for all my hard work. I creep down the stairs trying to not make a noise.

Home free I think to myself as I walk into the unlocked change room. I turned on the shower to warm it up, took off my sweaty clothes and hopped in. They didn't really warm up much but I wasn't in a position to argue because I only had so much time until 'peace and quiet' ended. I get out soaking wet, grab my towel, dry off as fast as I can, step over the chewing tobacco on the drain, get my clothes on and I'm off. Wait a second, I forgot my shampoo. Just as I grab it my classmates walk through the door. I give them a nod goodbye and I'm headed home. Unbeknownst to me were my running shoes, still sitting in the change room.

Yawnnn as I wake up the next day still in a daze and not near ready to go to school. I look at the time. Shoot, if I leave in 5 minutes, I'll be 5 minutes late. Better late than never eh, I think to myself. I rush to get ready but I can't find my shoes. It occurs to me that I must have left them at school. On my way out, I brush pass a pizza pizza shoelace hanging from the ceiling light (it was being used as a light switch). Off I go.

It comes time for gym class and I make my way to the change room. "Where are my shoes?" I say out loud hoping someone might know the whereabouts. "Have you seen my shoes?" I keep on asking. RINGGG goes the bell. Great now I'm late for the second class today. I walk back to my locker with my head hung low in shame. I walk past the lost-and-found when something caught my eye. My shoes! I quickly grab them and run back to the change room. I go to put them on but something isn't right. I take a closer examination and to my surprise the laces are all cut. I was not impressed. No time to complain so I went to class anyway. RINGG goes the final bell. Home time.

As I walk into my house with my shoes on my mind, I brush past the pizza pizza shoelace hanging from the ceiling. I ask my mom when I get in "Do we have any extra laces?". Luckily we did. Moms always seem to know where everything is. I look through the bag and I'm not seeing anything I like or anything that matches my shoes until I come upon a single pizza pizza shoelace. Hmmm... that's odd there's only one here. Then it hits me. There's actually two laces but one is being used as a light switch! I go outside and grab it from the ceiling. Now the light switch is only 4 inches long and no one can reach it but me. It's no big deal as I laugh it off, walking back inside to lace up my shoes. Done.

(Fast forward to next day) I remember to place my shoes in my backpack but in exchange of forgetting to pack my lunch (I won't get into that). I hold my head up high waiting to show off my new laces. Gym class rolls around and that's when the questions begin.

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