JACK and the Moth: a story of an incredible journey

in story •  7 years ago 

Hummingbird Hawk Moth hovering.jpg

Slumped in a chair, the sunlight streaming through the windows bathing him in peaceful comfortable warmth; Jack drifts on the borderland of total relaxation and he knows he is about to go to sleep.

On the very edge of sleep a different consciousness emerges into his mind, he is watching or seeing and knowing in two parallel observations that his body is asleep yet his observing mind is awake. Then he becomes aware of another activity, his legs are pulling outwards from his body. He observes, there is just watching; no involvement. His body is sitting asleep and another body in exact proportionality to the physical one is slowly extracting, unwrapping and peeling out backwards. The feet move outwards in a slow backwards motion exiting the physical ones. The knees. The back arms and shoulders all move backwards in a diametrically opposed position to the sitting form.

The physical chair he sits upon is no obstacle his secondary body moves slowly away, backwards and through it. He is comfortable and aware of this process and his body is breathing deeply and very relaxed. Now this secondary body is almost at 90 degrees to his sitting slumped physical form. He has two heads the physical upright sitting one and another now only half inside the physical and half protruding outward from the back. Jack clearly feels to be in two locations at once, however his mind, that one which is observing is no longer centered inside the physical head.

It seems to this new consciousness state that his awareness has shifted to be located inside the 90 degree extending head protruding out from the physical one. He now realizes that he has a new sense of vision; it is all around more than front and back. The new seeing is a 360 degree vision, its like a global total spherical seeing. Strange this sense of seeing does not come from his eyes, but seems as though it is a faculty of an overall surrounding visible radar type of visual sense, and with other unquantifiable senses as well. The new Jack consciousness cannot move fully out or away from his physical head, but the two heads are joined. He is stuck.

Behind him floats a huge moth.

The moth is the size of Jack floating towards him from the rear. The moth communicates telepathically: it’s here to help Jack to get unstuck from his body. Is this death thinks Jack without any concern; its just a fleeting thought he had, and he dismissed it as being irrelevant and having no consequence.

The assistance of the moth moves the extraction procedure onwards. The moth has provided a kind of indefinable energy of its presence to add additional support for the extraction of Jack from his physical body. Then as Jack pulls out, and is released and separated from the physical; multiple impressions hit him all at once, a ting of panic which dissipates as soon as it arrived, a feeling of communication from the moth. The moth informs him; ‘that the body - which is now below Jack and the moth whom are hovering above - it is like a cocoon, building up awareness, that’s the function of physical life’, states the moth. Awareness of the type that provides strength in the form of energy that fills up the real body, the none physical that you are now, needs to gain special food that will provide energy enough to slip out of the physical at take conscious awareness along with it. Jack receives instantly this information and also that the moth wants to take Jack on a journey.

The moth asks permission which Jack instantly gives in a silent exchange.

Jack flies up and away from his body laving it breathing and still relaxed in the chair below. He can choose were to fix attention, but goes with the new awareness leaving a residual part of awareness there below in the sleeping form. He is aware in both locations; asleep in his body but aware of being there as well as here in a more dynamic state of fuller consciousness. Jack flies away with the moth. They arrive at a tower. Jack knows by some means other than having to think that this is China.

Far below is a river. On the far river bank a sprawling concrete building; ‘opera house’ is the name tag given instantly to Jack as he looks down. Rising up from below is a buzzing dark cloud. It comes nearer and floods around jack and his huge moth companion. The cloud is made up from millions of fluttering and swarming large green dragonflies. Jack is floating towards a red tower as if pulled by magnetic attraction. ‘Guangzhou Tower’ he is informed and Guangzhou is the city below with the huge Pearl River flowing through and around the urban city center of glistening skyscraping towers reaching upwards.

A spiraling energy vortex opens up near the other side of the tower, it opened from nothing just a point, then that single point opened as an iris, inside: a swirling vortex tunnel of light. Jack feels a compulsion to enter the tunnel of light. ‘NO don’t go in’ the moth tells him. Jack chooses not to and then he is in another location instantly and staring at an insect that has just landed in a doorway in front of him. He is standing in a busy entrance hall to a large building. People are entering and leaving. The insect is black with brightly coloured red edges. It is in danger of being walked on as lots of people are flowing in and out of the doorway which the insect is standing upon. Jacks view moves in very close to the insect like telescopic vision from his body and eyes which are a good distance away from the scene . Shoes pass – lots of feet in lots of shoes are steaming past forwards and back, the insect is just standing there as the traffic goes by. Every moment provides disastrous collision potential and very near misses of these shoes stamping and crushing out the life of that precariously located little creature. Jack rushes forwards through the crowd and stands in front of the creature shielding it; he pushes it with his foot. It begrudges his interference.

The insect just spoke to him and instantly Jack realizes that this is a re-visit to an actual event that had happened previously a few years in his past. Here he was watching the replay scene again both in his physical body and yet experiencing it all as a separated unconcerned observing consciousness Jack the floating Jack up above the scene acting out below, then realizes that he just flipped from that experience near the tower, to here.

The movement from there to here and now and within this past experience he was now living though again as an observer had dislocated his attention and momentarily he was in several places at once. Jack was there as a disembodied consciousness observing these events happening, knowing he came from that tower experience, but disorientated by the instant move. Jack though for a while that he was the consciousness in the body going through the event with the bug. But no he was just a secondary observer. The physical mind of his past self in this scene also had become confused and off balance that mind was puzzled and disorientated, floating above the re-run of the scene Jacks current consciousness felt and experiences all of this at once as well as having a parallel feeling of the sleeping body dozing in the sunlight chair.
The physical Jack in the external situation jerked into awareness, leaving a puzzled memory behind, he nudged the bug until it flew up wobbling into the air. It deployed its wings outwards from the black casing that had previously hidden them; sunlight glinted on its form, both Jack’s watched it fly off; it looked amazing. So both Jack’s physical and floating observed the scene, both consciousnesses then became somewhat amazed when a woman wearing black and bright red shoes almost exactly mimicking the colours of the bug came and stood in the exact spot of previous occupation by that small creature that had risked its life to form part of this strange parallel reality like a fault line in time and space.
Jack the floating Jack instantly was transported to another time another location.

Floating Jack watches the scene he is looking at himself in a past time on a trip to South America. Jack watches himself: The physical Jack is on top of a mountain in Peru starring at a huge datura plant he looks around; he is in Machu Picchu. He turns again to look at the huge datura plant with great big tubular white flowers when a strange hovering moth which at first he mistook for a tiny hummingbird flew at his face. That strange eerie feeling of déjà-vu comes into play in Jacks mind. Instantly the scene flips to another location: Romania. This time Jack is walking on a hike with a bunch of people, they have just visited a monastery in the mountains and are walking along a rushing river the warm and the brightness of the sun is luxuriant. Jacks attention I heightened, he looks at sets of purple flowers on large storks of green with sharp prickly edges: thistles. The colours are wonderful, then a silent fluttering image flashes past, it’s a tiny floating little bird, no it’s a very strange moth. Deja-vu again. The observing Jack flies off.

Another scene; Spain, Jack is in Spain drinking a beer at a bar; he turns and looks at some bougainvillea plants with large red flowers and exactly as he does so out from one pops the hovering moth with wings moving so fast it looks like the creature has no wings and is just a head with a long curled proboscis set in a moving cloud of dark grey misty material. Jack gets a thought, both Jacks the physical one experiencing the actual event and the externally 360 knowing and seeing floating Jack, conjoin their consciousnesses both think the same thoughts. Bees are not supposed to be able to fly according to science. This little Hummingbird moth is flying by amazing means, it looks to effortlessly float but is flapping wings at a speed that is so fast they are unobservable. Instantly a knowledge comes regarding the puzzle first into the floating Jack’s consciousness, then into the past time replay physical Jack experience reality, and both get the information: the moth flies by generating about itself as do bees and other insects; a bubble of a spinning vortex of cavitation, a ‘none space’ which acts as an anti-gravity bubble that they move through.

Floating conscious Jack leaves the scene, and physical Jack is left with a strange feeling as he takes out his camera to film the hovering feeding moth, he feels the strange presence of a man in sunlight breathing heavily….

Floating Jack is in Aberdeen Scotland eating a pasty and walking through a park in the town center just off Union Street. He smiles for some reason with inner laughter of a coincidence only known to himself. Two Japanese girls are walking towards him sheltering from the sun each with blue illuminated by the sun matching umbrellas. The first Jack in this scene is being watched by the floating conscious Jack with the huge moth just above him, they are watching the scene. Physical Jack in this enactment of a past event from the perspective of floating Jack, sees the Hummingbird moth bobbing and flitting about some nearby flowers, and has that strange double conscious feeling that he has lived through this moment before, it makes him feel very internally reflective and he walks on after the moth disappeared bouncing in flight over a wall.

Another instant scene switch, and Jack is gardening, its North Yorkshire when the Hummingbird moth flies into the flowers he is weeding. At last, thinks secondary floating Jack observing the replay show, physical Jack gets out a book to identify the moth that he keeps having encounters with. Then he searches on the internet. This moth is very rare in Britain sightings only confined to southern Devon and Cornwall and very rare. Strange thinks Jack how come I see them here and also an encounter with one in Northern Scotland too….

A scene flip: Jack has no control regarding these instant changes of scenes to go too to be observing past experiences and he knows that his large moth companion is a sort of guide, a Jungian archetype and egregor energy form of the moth species of this rare strange type. Jack feels the message from the moth it says ‘here is coming a special gift for you’. That rapid and eerie flip of the scene again.

Jack’s vision is impaired and restricted, he is looking very closely at sand. A voice comes into his mind ‘pull back’, he can’t, he is captivated, bobbing slightly up down hovering there floating and hypnotically starring at sand. Fascinated it shines like individual coloured diamonds. He does pull back and flies rapidly over endless sand dunes; he is flying over an endless desert. A huge plane flies overhead it’s a triangular shaped plane, then it turns into the moth and the scene shifts, ‘here is the gift’ says the moth…

Jack is starring very closely at the strange lines in front of him; he realizes that as he pulls back and away that his vision was right up against a tree and he was looking very closely at the channels and markings of the tree bark, as though it was an overhead distant view of the structure of valleys and fields, then as he pulled back a tree was revealed; he had been deeply captivated into just looking at a very small section of the tree’s bark. There on a branch as he pulled away was the moth it had landed and was directly facing him. Distantly a feeling of a sleeping man came to his mind.

This was a time shift again, Jack drew his consciousness together. Here in this new scene it was Manchester; his grandmothers garden, 1951 was the date that his consciousness was given. Below from the position of Jack’s consciousness in the tree, was a small boy. He was excitedly playing, he was snapping of branches of a small outcrop of another tree.

The little boy is of course Jack.

Dancing about him are three little people; fairies is the best description, or Deva spirits.
All three of them look up at floating Jack. They smile and one waves at him then they turn around back
to playing and bouncing around Jack as a child. They are telling him how to break off small branches of the tree, and to then peel back some of the bark, and then to spit onto the woody part and push the end into the ground. Not just anywhere, they are telling him to put the stick into energy currents, little eddies’ of flowing energy which runs along and around the edges of things, edge of the lawn or near a stone: they say ‘these are the best places for it to grow roots. ‘Push in the end, pull off all the large leaves and leave just a few at the top, and wish the new tree to grow’ that was the message given to little Jack. Floating Jack heard the instructions too, without any actual word sounds being made.

The three fairies were happily joyously leaping around little Jack, his dog called Gyp joined the scene. The dog was named so because his farther bought it after returning from army service and named it so after serving in Egypt. Gyp was jumping up at the fairies and barking at them.

Floating Jack could see how it was that Fairies are depicted in bright colours and with britches little jackets and bobbly hats; because that was exactly what two f them were wearing, the other was a little female; in a pink dress, and they all had long noses pointed ears and wide but slanted eyes. The most notable feature was that the colours of these little people and their clothing was all made up of glowing filaments of lights, brilliant in colours far brighter than any painting of such figures depicted in art. The colours were pure energy, vibrant alive and constantly moving, just captivating, amazing and quite hypnotic just to look at them. Maybe floating Jack could ‘see’ these due to the none physical viewing condition he was experiencing? Because little Jack did not appear to be transfixed by the hypnotic energy colours of the dancing figures. The colours glowed even more so as they leapt upwards and held their floating position for a few seconds, defying gravity and very slowly descending; when doing this they giggled profusely; it must have been something they enjoyed.

Then little jack’s grandmother came out of the kitchen door scrapping some burned toast, and the fairies popped out – each with an audible ‘pop’ out and gone from this existence.

Jack likewise found himself instantly removed from the scene.

Jack is now flying rapidly, again over that sandy endless desert. Next he is once again starring; very, very closely at sand, all glowing shinny crystals; a vision that Jack is quite familiar with. Again the moth presence is felt, jack moves away from having the sand in his face, right in front of his eyes, and he is able to shift his view from the minute to the greater landscape, in the distance is a grey flying shape coming straight at him. It’s the huge moth. It lands in front on a slight incline showing its outstretched wings, they slowly and elegantly fold down into two kite shapes with its kite shaped abdomen feathery structure folding into a pointed shape, the head retracts its long curled proboscis – the head is triangular. The creature, the hummingbird hawk moth forms the shape of a Chestahedron; the newest geometric form to be discovered.

Jack is amazed at the site he is seeing, there must be a message that the moth is trying to project, but just then his physical body jerks, and instantly floating Jack is returned into the physical Jack’s body which has awakened with a feeling of being dropped from a great height.

Jack’s grandson, Charlie has shook him and said; ‘wake up Grampa; where have you been in your dream’?

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