Fired again from CSTT Then Live on Quite Frankly on Bitcoin! | Def Vlog 106

in story •  7 years ago 

Whelp I got Fired from Crowdsource the Truth. Jason sent me a "Cease and desist" letter telling me to stop harrassing him. That's weird he's been harassing me and selling stuff with my Face on it with my permission. That's against the Law in New York . Well Good thing Bitcoin is doing so well, Or Else I would have more to worry about in life. His Smear campaign is far reaching and he's still making more videos outlining how and why he's currently running one on me. It's funny when these jokers don't realize they are playing right into our hands.

He posted the Legal Code that I referenced when I looked into the lawsuit when he can to phoenix staking me.

Here's the copy of the letter he send me via twitter and email. it's funny because it hold no Legal value unless it's processed by the court then served to be via Arizona Statue. This is a Gangstalking tactic that black Journalists use to engage in smear campaigns. Funny how he's been deep into Liz Crokin's book.

Here's the Bitcoin Interview I did on Quite Frankly! CHECK HIM OUT

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Quite Frankly... This is very entertaining.


I hope you stole the stapler and tape dispenser off your bosses desk when you left.

You should have taken this clown out when all this first started. I've been watching from the beginning of this all and once it was clear CSTT was full of shit they were on the ropes.

Defango being the nice guy he is let it go but i remember on many occasions people asking him to put these fools to bed!! oh well it was and still is great entertainment watching Jason Goodman lose his shit about defango and Dave Acton. I swear defango lives in Jason's head driving him crazy with every video and comment lol. Keep up the good work bother!!

Nicely video..