How The Allies of Old began: (Novella) BORN Chapter Fourteen "Bands, Beer, and Festival Cheer"

in story •  6 years ago 

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Painting in Acrylic by @therealpaul

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9

Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Chapter 13

For those of you who missed the post of the release, I briefly explained how the series began as an idea for a Young Adult novel, and that I had in fact written what amounts to a novella taking place the summer before REBORN begins, and I decided to release it here on steemit.


Chapter Fourteen

Anna and Macey exited the tent just as Jess turned the stereo up on one of the tables under the assorted canopies. Of course she turned it to a pop music station causing several guys to protest loudly- which she ignored as she danced toward them looking ridiculously happy.

Anna laughed as Jess turned and flung her arms around Nate's neck, relieved that Austin and Gina were nowhere to be seen. A part of her wanted to find him and drag him away from the stupid girl, but the other half was still wary. What if he resisted? She really wished he would’ve taken the initiative. He was the guy- shouldn’t it be him that declared his feelings first? Or wait, maybe it was the girl who was supposed to do that? She made a face and grabbed a beer from the cooler downing half of it in six long swallows. She burped loudly into her hand then drank the rest and grabbed another one.

“Holy shit Anna, that was fucking awesome!” Ty held his hand up for a high five and she obliged with a grin.

“I know how to drink!” She told him.

“Hell yeah you do!” He laughed and grabbed his own beer, mimicking her actions and for the next hour and a half she and Ty went beer for beer, though they slowed the pace down a bit after the second one so they wouldn’t be lying on the ground before the concerts began. Even with the slower pace they were still pretty well lit by the time their small group- comprised of her, Ty, Jess, Nate, Jenna and Macey-decided it was time to venture inside the gates. Marina and Holly had gone inside earlier and they were supposed to meet them by the main grandstand.

Ty draped his arm around her shoulders and she wrapped her own around his waist, both of them laughing and stumbling as they followed Jess and Nate. The on sight campground was located just inside the gate they’d come through and they passed tent after tent as they made their way down the winding path. They finally broke out into the open and Anna came to a halt, nearly tripping Ty up in the process. Holy mother of GOD there’s a lot of people here, she thought.

“Why you stopping?” Ty inquired, his speech slightly slurred.

She shook her head and started forward again. The alcohol was keeping her mostly relaxed but she was still on alert for shadow men. Miraculously she didn’t spot any as they pushed their way through the back of the crowd by the main stage just as the band quit sound checking and broke into their first song, eliciting loud cheers from the mob.

The next two hours were spent in a frenzy of dancing and jumping around, and as the first band finished up Anna collapsed into Ty in laughter and exhaustion.

“I need a beer,” Ty announced and Anna nodded her agreement. They’d worked off some of their buzz and she could definitely use a re-up. They made their way over to where a couple of their friends were standing next to a large cooler on wheels and grabbed a couple beers, popping them open and taking long swallows. They both paused at the same time before tipping the rest back and when they were finished they burped loudly in unison.

“Nice one!” Ty told her laughing.

“Back at you!”

They grabbed two more and he dropped his arm back around her shoulders. “Wanna walk around, check out the sights?”


They wound their way down a path lined with vendors on both sides. The smell of sausage, peppers, and onions filled the air and Anna’s mouth watered as she suddenly realized she was starving. She said as much to Ty and they stopped to grab a sandwich. He insisted on paying for both of them and they stood off to the side of the path as they ate. Ty had removed his arm from her as they consumed their food but Anna was suddenly aware of how much he’d been touching her in the last few hours. She hadn’t thought anything of it at first, but then he’d made such a big deal about paying for her food…did he like her? Crap. She was really bad at gauging these things.

When they were finished eating he pulled her into his side once more. In a way it was kind of nice but she couldn’t help wishing it was a completely different arm-a much larger one-that was steering her down the path. And just as the thought surfaced she saw the owner of the arm she wanted walking toward them. Unfortunately that arm was currently occupied by an annoying growth with a pretty face and mean eyes.

Ty’s hold on her tightened and she wasn’t sure if she was grateful or irritated. Until she saw Austin’s eyes narrow slightly. Grateful, she decided, definitely grateful. She forced a smile as he got closer.

Buy Your copy of The Allies of Old: Reborn HERE-

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Of course he LIKES you. You're blonde, pretty, easy to be around and can match him beer for beer. Every teenage boy's wet dream. ;-)

ha ha good observation x