The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Eighty "Get her the f$%k out of Dodge!"

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Table of Contents for Fifty Five chapters of Renewal, created by @bashadow

Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
[Chapter 79](

Chapter Eighty

Later that night Jenna made her way to the room she’d been given, a wide smile on her face. It had taken several hours-with breaks in between-but she had done it. She could see them when they were dimmed. The static was still there, surrounding them like the edges of a hologram, but Michael had pointed out that she wouldn’t want to stop seeing the static. That way she would always know when beings were concealing themselves and not give her own ability to see them away.

As she slipped into her room her thoughts turned to Mathias. He had discreetly told her where he would be staying which was strategically located in the wing farthest from the girls. Of course if either Jess or Anna were awake and nosy their vampiric hearing would guarantee the loss of her secret, but somehow the thought of being caught added to her excitement. Not because she relished the explanation she would be forced to give, that part she could do without. But it made her feel like a kid slipping out of her bedroom window hoping her parents wouldn’t catch her on the trip back in.

She changed into her p.j.’s and washed up before slipping back into the hall. Her heart galloped with adrenaline as she made her way past Jess’s room and silently-she hoped-descended the stairs.

He opened his door as soon as she was in front of it, lifting her into his arms and shutting the door quietly behind them.

They continued in the same fashion for the next several nights and each night, after they concluded their sexual marathon, they lay in his bed talking quietly about their lives. And though she had the sense that like her he left out the more painful aspects of his past, their conversations were bringing a depth to the relationship that had been absent before. And she was terrified by the development.

They’d made it three days without a single argument which was definitely a record for them, but she realized that the normal angst between them was a barrier that she needed. Without it...she found herself liking him for a whole lot more than sex.

This is why I made the seven day stipulation, she thought to herself as she climbed into her bed in the wee hours of the fourth morning, this is why I have to have the break in between. There was no way she could allow her feelings to progress any further than they had. Him vampire, me human, she constantly reminded herself.

During the daylight hours they would only exchange a few words here and there, not exactly avoiding one another yet at the same time attempting not to draw too much attention. Jenna had a feeling Anna knew what was going on, but for some reason her friend didn’t broach the subject. She mused that the little blonde had matured a great deal. Not that she wasn’t still silly and bubbly, but when it came to serious issues she had a watchful stillness about her that was definitely new.

She ran a hand down her flat stomach, a shiver coursing through her at the image of a much larger hand in its place. Need to start making plans to return to Europe, like now. She’d overheard Michael talking about going over there and she decided she should seek him out at some point and see if she could hitch a ride.


Jess sat straight up in bed breathing rapidly, the nerves that ran up and down both sides of her legs tingling with sensation. She had just had the most vivid wet dream of her life involving Michael and a series of activities she’d never before engaged in. Just a dream, she thought with a sigh.

She would have given up hope by now if not for Anna pointing out the scent of his arousal anytime he was near her. She’d noticed the musk and spice smell but hadn’t made the connection. Now that she did it seemed to trigger something in her own body.

She stretched her arms over her head and nearly fell off the bed, a cry lodging in her throat. The slide of her blanket had caused all of her nerve endings to go on hyper drive, and the place between her legs felt hot and achy.

She jumped up and went into the bathroom, halting abruptly in front of the mirror. The sight of her wildly flashing eyes caused a panicky feeling to burst inside her stomach. What the heck is going on? She turned on the faucet and splashed cold water in her face and after a minute the feelings began to recede.

She stretched her senses and was relieved to find no one else had risen. She didn’t feel up to facing anyone but she also couldn’t stay in her room because she desperately needed a distraction. She blurred down to one of the sitting rooms and switched on the television.

She was mindlessly flipping through the channels when an intense wave of heat hit her, pooling between her legs. This time her throat did not catch the cry.

“Jess!” Anna came rushing into the room and stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening as the smell of peaches and vanilla filled the air. She shouted for Jared and blurred to her friend’s side, grasping her hands.

“W-what’s happening to me?” Jess blinked rapidly.

“You’re going into heat sweetie. We’re gonna have to get you out of here.”

Jared came through the door and Anna did a double take at the sight of his eyes flashing. Michael came in a second later and stopped next to him, his eyes also shooting laser beams.

“Call Will little one,” Jared commanded hoarsely, his large hands flexing unconsciously, “I’ll make sure the jet is prepared for takeoff as soon as possible.” He blurred from the room locking the door behind him.

Anna got to her feet and retrieved her cell phone to make the call.

When he answered she explained the situation quickly.

“There’s a spare key on top of the ledge of the porch,” he told her, “so from now on if anyone needs to use it don’t feel you have to rely on getting a hold of us. Our place is your place.”

She hung up and glanced at Michael who had not moved from his spot at the edge of the room. He seemed rooted to the floor, his shimmery gaze focused on some point on the far wall.

Anna walked over and touched his arm, startling him. “Someone has to help her,” she said quietly. “When we get to the cabin, someone has to take care of her.”

He shook his head slowly.

There was a knock at the door and he swiveled towards it, emitting a low sound deep in his throat. His lips peeled back from his teeth transforming his ever calm face into something fierce and feral.

“Hey in there, open up!” Mathias shouted.

Anna started for the door and Michael grabbed her arm, squeezing it so hard she yelped in pain. The door burst inward, splintering the frame as the lock snapped, and Jared came through it snarling. His eyes lit on Michael and his fangs dropped.

“NO!” Anna yelled. Jared froze at the same time Michael released her arm and backed away.

“What the fuck…? “ Mathias stood on the threshold taking in the scene, his eyes widening as he caught the scent of peaches. “Whoa, holy hell,…is that you?” he asked Anna, backing up a step as Jared turned towards him with a growl.

“No…Stop it Jared! No one is threatening me!” she grabbed a hold of his arm and forced him to look at her. “It’s
Jess we have to worry about!”

Jared took a deep breath and nodded, the tension easing a bit.

“Hey! We're in Sin City- you need to get her the fuck out of here-” Mathias was interrupted by sounds coming from down the corridor. “Shit. Look, I’m gonna keep the brothers back, you just get her away from here pronto.” He took off down the hall and Anna rushed to Jess’s side.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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We knew it would be happening soon, now to see where all the chips fall.

Well...some chips might fall at a bit of precarious angle :)

I know I've been overly critical of Matt/Jenn as of late, but this has to be the best chapter of them so far. Maybe the absence of Renewal charge it up a bit? I don't know. There's just something about how this one is scripted. Man, I really wish the Jenna wouldn't be able to transform into a vamp. That would really be tragic for them, but immensely bittersweet for the reader. Maybe there's a clause that only one of Faerian sisters would be qualified to go vampiric, I don't know. I just feel like we need some tragedy on this end. The hand on the stomach makes me wish that the hybrid pregnancy was true hahaha!

I guess it's not the absence because I still hate Michael haha No, "hate" is not a strong enough word. I despise him. I'm really rooting for a rabid Brothers Three haha! That would be fun! I bet Michael would still be high and mighty even if he's suppressing his urges. I hope they don't make it in time to the jet and get stuck in Vegas. Anna had it easy, so I hope Jess' first heat would complicate things haha! Great work, sis!

Try not to be disappointed with what appears to be the outcome...lots of twisty turny stuff to come in book three ;)

Oh I bet! I'm commenting as I go, but my mind is open for all of the twists and turns. I did sign up for the ride, right? I'm all in on this and fully support everything that happens!

Sweaty title naughtiness!! :0D

Hahaha! Yup, totally appropriate for this chapter though :)

Good night

Um, sleep tight? Haha, sorry man, I've been pretty absent from steemit the past week, holidays were hectic with lots of out of state family and our winter business is just getting started. I will be by your page again soon.

@dreemit Thanks for sharing. Voted and followed you

Greatly appreciated :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much for the index ToC provided above @bashadow, now I can catch up with the last 20 or so chapters in a breeze binge read session. @Dreemit, Please check my last two posts my dear friend, it's time to celebrate :) Just released my Bitcoin song and I am now rep 70. I'm waiting for you to peak at that next plateau very soon :)

Dude! I have been meaning to write to you, God this last week has been insanely busy, hardly any time for steemit. Then yesterday I woke up and realized it was my one year anniversary! So I spent all day making a post of collages--because all of your post have gifs instead of pictures I couldn't use them, so instead I put the link for your steemit song :)

Lol nice! Glad to have reached you. Congrats on your one year anniversary, that's amazing to hear. I shall check out your post soon, thanks for showing love to the steemit song, that's very kind of you. I have been crazy busy, but still I make time for Steemit, I'm overly dedicated to the cause haha

ahh this chapter is truly in the heat of the moment. It seems Michael will be of use afterall for Jess