The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Seventy "The ClusterF*%k of Anna and the D@mned"

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Table of Contents for Fifty Five chapters of Renewal, created by @bashadow

Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter Seventy

The next evening Will and Josh received a phone call from their dad. Some of his hunter friends had just discovered a large group of possessed humans were holding a meeting just outside Washington D.C. They had been tracking a number of them for several days, most of whom had seemed unrelated until a few had met up at a bar earlier that day. Jack's friend Garth had managed to get close enough to overhear the conversation, and it appeared their objective was to do some heavy recruiting.

They had just managed to learn the location of the meeting and so far the gathering had attracted about a hundred people who were currently still human but being dogged heavily. The hunters were afraid the new and organized demons could potentially have enough influence for a mass possession to take place.

They needed reinforcements right away.

Jared clapped his hands together and smiled dangerously as he regarded the males gathered in the room. “All right listen up. We need to make an example out of this. You two,” he nodded towards Will and Josh, “team up with the other hunters, I want every possessed motherfucker in the place to meet their maker tonight.”

“You got it,” Will grinned, “piece of cake.”

“Good,” Jared flashed him a brief fanged grin, “Mathias and I will go inside with your crew and take out as many of the demons gathered as we can.” He turned to Michael. “You, Samuel, Aidan and Aerik will guard the exits and take out the demons that try to escape.”

The foursome nodded assent and Jared turned to Jay and Chris. “The humans fleeing from the massacre are more than likely going to cause a stir, so your job is to help the hunters get out before a SWAT team shows up.”
The brothers nodded but exchanged a look that suggested they would rather be testing their fighting skills.

Jared’s eyes narrowed. “It’s important, we can’t have them being hauled off to jail and it’s better if their faces don’t show up in the media.”

They gave their assent with more enthusiasm this time and Jared’s lip curled before addressing the entire group. “We want demons all across the world to feel our presence tonight, make them think twice before attempting this again.”

Mathias grinned. “Let’s annihilate the fuckers!”

Jared’s eyes flared briefly before he turned and swept Anna into his arms, his face softening as he looked at her. “You have to stay here little one,” he put his hand over her mouth when she started to protest.

“Don’t worry it’s a short flight and we’ll head back as soon as we’re through.”

She pouted and he nipped her puffed lip, but then his expression turned serious. “I don’t want you to go outside while we’re gone, not even while the sun’s still up. So stay in the warded suite with Jess, I can't be worrying about your safety, got it?”

“Got it,” she grumbled.

He gripped her chin firmly, "I'm serious Anna."

"Okay, okay, I know. I'll be here waiting to heal with my magic hands."

He touched his forehead to hers then kissed her briefly before setting her down.

Fifteen minutes later the males were gone and Anna and Jess settled on the couch to watch a couple of chic flicks.

When the second movie ended Jess stretched and announced she was going to bed. “Wake me up when Jared calls, I want to know what happens.”

Anna grunted in the affirmative and snuggled into the couch with the remote. She surfed the channels finding nothing of interest, and half an hour later she was bored and antsy.

She decided to amuse herself by stretching out her hearing and a few minutes later she caught the sounds of Gaelic music coming from somewhere nearby.

She walked out on the balcony and scanned the street, locating the source at a bar on the corner. Grinning she went back inside and pulled a few beers from the fridge then danced back out to the balcony, tuned to the upbeat sounds of fiddles and guitars.

She was just draining her third beer when a song came on that she recognized from the engagement party in Scotland, and suddenly she wanted nothing more than to be among the tavern’s patrons instead of dancing alone.

She leaned over the balcony estimating the time it would take for her to get over there from the exit of the hotel. A few seconds, she thought. She could just dart over and slip inside, have a few drinks, dance a little and blur back. What could possibly happen in such a short time? Jared was just being overprotective.

She walked back into the living room and cocked her head to the side, listening to see if Jess was asleep. Her breathing was even and deep, she was definitely in la la land.

She worried for a moment that Jared would call while she was gone, then dismissed the idea. As long as she stayed for no longer than thirty minutes…even if he did call she could just pretend to have fallen asleep.

She paused at the door and chewed her lip in indecision, but then the sounds of fiddles filled her mind once more and she silently slipped out.

A large male faded into the shadows of the parking lot as he watched the little blonde exit the hotel. Finally, he thought, a slow smile spreading across his face. He flipped open his phone and gave instructions to have the plane fueled and ready to go, then blurred to the corner of the street.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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Somebody just screwed up. So now the question becomes who are they really after? Anna? or Jess? Going to be fun seeing what happens next.

We know who screwed up (again, SMH). But your other question is much more interesting...

I always slip out when I catch the sound of fiddles ;0D

Are you poking fun? Because I definitely would do what she just did, haha!!

Lol, you know me. I always poke fun!

Oh Anna....

(@kiwideb yup, Anna's at it again)

First of all, I want to address Jared's leadership. See, this kind of charisma that he exudes is what I don't feel Michael possesses. I'm glad he's taking charge with a clear strategy in mind. Always great to have someone decisive at the helm.

I'm not yet sure how I feel about how the divide with Jared and Anna's situation. It was certainly entertaining to read, what with the polar opposite situations. But, I'm not quite sure what to make of Anna and Jenna just settling in to watch a chick flick as the others prepared to fight.

Why couldn't Anna just sit still? We might never know. In any case, we're strapped in and ready to go! Bring on the demons!

nice to read you @dreemit, keep up the good work!!

Great write! go ahead @dreemit

Oh annoying Anna, still young and reckless I see lol
She is gonna piss of Jared big time, and her punishment might not be light at all once he rescues her from her kidnappers