The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Seventy Three "Promises and Make Up Sex"

in story •  7 years ago 

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Table of Contents for Fifty Five chapters of Renewal, created by @bashadow

Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter Seventy-Three

It was over two hours before Jared returned to the suite. Anna listened as he crossed it, her heart quaking.
He came into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed, facing away from her, his body rigid with tension.

“Never in all of the years of my very long life,” he began quietly, “have I experienced anything like the terror I felt tonight.” He took a long breath before continuing.

“I think that if it were just a matter of death it would not be so bad. From the moment we bonded I’ve had the assurance that if you were to ever die then I would die as well and so it isn’t something I’ve had to fear.”

He turned his large body towards her slightly though he didn’t face her full on. “But whatever it was those males had planned for you, I do not believe your death was a part of it. And so I must assume that they intended to use you as a means to get to me or our crew.”

He turned a bit more and this time his gaze fell on her face and her heart filled with pain from the suffering she saw in his crystalline eyes. “There are ways to undo this profound bond between us, do you understand that ka nai?”

Her chin quivered as she nodded slightly.

“Mmm. Maybe you do. But tonight you did not demonstrate it. And my concern is that if I let this go without consequence then perhaps down the road you might re-demonstrate that particular lack of understanding. And instead of being safe here with me you will be taken to a place where I will not be able to follow.”

She understood what he was saying, it was the same thought she’d had when she’d first met him. That if he had wanted to, he could have tortured a vow from her. And if someone else were to have a similar notion then they might rip her from him. Her soul trembled at the thought and she quietly told him so.

When she was finished he studied her for a long moment before speaking. “Swear to me that you will never again disobey my orders, that no matter what the reason might be, you will not place yourself in danger.”

She started to nod and he stopped her. “No. I don’t want you to make a flippant promise. I need you to really understand what I am asking. We are at war. Not only with demons but our own kind as well. And tonight, myself and those who fought with me, created a resounding cry that will be heard around the world. Our enemies now know their enemies.”

He leaned forward a little and she could feel the intensity pouring from him with his next words. “For me to keep you safe you will have to do what I say when I say it, no matter what. Because if the day ever comes that what is between us is shattered, I am not certain I can recover. And believe me when I say that a multitude will suffer for it.”

She was quiet for a long moment as she considered his words. There were indeed ways to break the bond between them and although she knew that she would endure hell to prevent it, would she allow one of those she loved to endure the same? They were at war and the other side would not hesitate to play dirty.

“I thought as much,” he said, breaking into her contemplation. He stood and she watched as he slowly removed the leather belt from his waist band and folded it. He took a step towards her and she blinked several times as his motive became clear.

“No,” she squeaked and he halted, his eyes glittering with purpose.

“You don’t understand,” she said quickly, as she scrambled backwards and flattened herself against the headboard, “I will never do anything like this again. I was only thinking that in the event that one of the people I loved were used against me…

He flashed onto the bed and grasped her arms, his face inches from hers. She could feel the leather of his belt biting into her bicep and her fear went up another notch.

He let go of one arm and grasped her chin. “If something like that were to ever happen then I would avenge them with my dying breath if need be. But I will not be separated from you Ka lira, I could not bear it.”

She met his eyes and said with absolute conviction, “I understand and I will do what you say when you say it, from now on, I promise.”

He held her gaze steadily for a full minute, his eyes conveying indecision, and then he let go of her chin and gripped her other arm again before crushing his lips on hers. As his tongue slipped inside she could taste his lingering fear and anger and wasn’t surprised when he yanked her forward and ripped her clothes from her body.

He shoved her backwards on the bed and his first thrust was brutal, tearing through her on a path to her womb like a blunt headed spear. He did not pause to allow her body to adjust before yanking out and slamming back in, and then he was pounding into her so violently she could feel the reverberation in her belly. His cock was a mallet striking her repeatedly and it suddenly became too painful to bear.

“Jared, stop you’re hurting me!”

He did not let up, but growled at her, “Hook your feet on my back. Open to me.”

She struggled against him for a moment before getting her legs in position, and just when she felt a bit of relief he doubled his efforts. NO, her mind cried out and she whimpered incoherently, struggling to pull back from the violent onslaught.

“OPEN TO ME!” he commanded once more and this time her body responded, straining towards the brutally primal claiming as if trying to be absorbed into his skin. Her nerve endings exploded in overwhelming sensation.

“YESSS,” she screamed as they merged into one creature, and he yanked her head back to look at her, his eyes flashing with triumph before they rolled back in his head and his body began convulsing.

Several minutes later he collapsed on top of her panting heavily. She wrapped her trembling arms around his neck and held him there, loathe to be separated after the all-encompassing union.

When he finally pulled out he left an imprint of himself deep inside her channel. He lay down on his back beside her, his hands folded on his abdomen, and as she shifted towards him she winced. Her pelvis, hips and legs felt as if they’d been beaten by a board, and the tunnel he’d plowed was singing painfully.

After a minute he turned onto his side and his eyes traveled her body, a corner of his lip twitching as his gaze landed on the battered area. She leaned up a bit to see it herself and blinked at the dark bruises that covered her from mid thigh to lower belly. She watched in fascination as they turned colors before her eyes.

She glanced back up at his face and frowned at the humor lurking in his expression. “What’s funny?”

“It seems I didn’t need a belt to give you a beating, little imp.”

She pulled herself upright and drew her brows in, her lips pinched indignantly. “It hurt,” she said shortly.

A shadow flickered through his eyes. “I know little one. But your body needed to learn what your heart already knows.”

Her brow came up in question and his lip curved slightly. “Who it’s owner is,” he answered her silent inquiry, tracing a line from between her breasts down to her navel lightly with one finger, “Who it serves,” he continued downward and she smiled a little herself.

He bent down and lightly kissed the fading marks, silently making amends. She ran a hand through his beautiful hair and his head came up, the expression on his face so filled with tenderness it made her breath catch. He returned to his gentle apology and awhile later adjusted them so that her rump was nestled against his pelvis, his arms wrapped tightly around her.

He brushed his lips across her ear and spoke softly. “I know you’re an intelligent girl and I probably don’t need to say this…” he paused and she turned her face towards his and watched his eyes narrow slightly. “But if you ever do anything so careless again I will beat your tender little ass until my arm tires out. Understood?”

She swallowed thickly and nodded. She wondered how long it would actually take for his arm to tire.

He must have plucked the question from her mind because he put his lips by her ear once more and whispered, “Days.”

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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I am still enjoying the story. Soon, I can see Anna and Jared heading off to see the "panther" people. I know he will not leave her far away from himself, so she will get to go and meet them also.

Can I just tell you that I wanted that to happen much sooner, but the story just wouldn't allow it? Sometimes I find myself wondering if I'm the one who is actually in control of it, lol! All things in due time though ;)

She got off (comparatively) easy! Hopefully she now understands that their mission is more important than her friends and family, because if they fail, everybody is doomed. And to win, Jared needs to be strong and needs her 100% at his side (or wherever else he tells her to go!)

Do you want to know why I love your comments? Actually I should probably say the reasons in chat ;) I love you doll.

Right back at ya... {hurrying over to chat to see if you've been there}

I did try to, but it wasn't working earlier. Not sure if that was on my end or not, but it is now :)

The story is fun and wonderful I follow you constantly

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey my dear friend
the link
doesn't work unfortunately

I shall now get started back to catching up on what I have missed so far, it is a great thing to see you at chapter 73 :)
So much for me to read now
I really enjoy that I have fallen behind so far just to blaze back up to speed

Btw, me and @jedau are doing our collaboration stories now through scrabble
Here is my first attempt :)

Here is the link, I edited it from 52 to 55 but the link was still only 52
If that made sense.

Thank you for the link, I appreciate it

Well that turned Rated R in a blink of an eye haha! I guess I just don't get the kind of BDSM relationship that Jared and Anna has. It's safe to say that it's the case, right? Considering Jared keeps referring to Anna as his. Sure, I get it that he's centuries old, and equality wasn't a big thing back then. Anna seems to be enjoying herself, so I guess that's all that matters. But, I just can't help but feel that she sort of has Stockholm Syndrome whenever they interact.

So, I only realized now that Anna, with their bond, acts kind of like his kryptonite. He's at a real vulnerable position now, and I can't help but feel that a little part of Jared regrets not severing the bond before they developed a more intimate connection. Anna's not going to change all of a sudden. I'm sure that she's going to a lot more things that gets Jared into precarious situations haha!

Their intimate moments are near hilarious as they are raw and extremely charged with emotion and drama. Anna doesn't understand, she only recognizes her faults in the moments of being discovered with consequences looming near. Jared will endure another few moments of fear anger and loathing soon enough it seems with the higher demons coming soon. nice chapter