The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Sixty Eight "Ladies, Lords, Rogues and Wh$res"

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Table of Contents for Fifty Five chapters of Renewal, created by @bashadow

Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter Sixty-Eight

Tyros sat in a recliner his gaze wandering from the television to slide over the female who was currently stretched out on the rug, playing a game on his laptop. She made a sound of frustration and he mentally rolled his eyes.

He felt nothing in particular towards her other than bouts of lust which she readily sated. She’d told him a bit about her long life, the majority of it spent with the now dead Terrina, and though she was far from dimwitted the words “shallow” and “dependent” came to mind. She was the type that needed to be told what to do and apparently she’d decided he fit the bill.

She was a good fuck, he’d give her that much, but he really couldn’t imagine tolerating her constant presence. He hadn’t told his brother about her, but found himself wishing the male wasn’t so fucking stuck on Anna being his empress. In his opinion this female was a much more logical choice.

He’d spoken to Demetrius and learned that Jess had not died after all. No, she was now a vampire. He was having a hard time picturing it, but his brother had assured him a female with green eyes was residing with males in Las Vegas, males who had killed a vamp named Paulo and rescued her. His brother had also learned that she and Anna had both been human, the implications of which he intended to thoroughly “study”.

Predictably he’d been a little pissed that Tyros hadn’t offered the information himself, but Tyros had deflected it saying he hardly thought it mattered considering the first vampire females had been the same.

“So it’s the Faerian blood that makes the difference then,” his brother had mused, to which he’d responded with a non-committal grunt.

Demetrius had yet to find an effective way of capturing Anna, which came as no surprise. The logistics required in the abduction of a mated female, particularly one whose mate was Le’Jarien’deDachielle, were as dangerous as they were complicated.

Tyros was of the opinion his brother was better off concentrating on throwing wrenches in the works of Michael’s task forces. At last count his former housemate had recruited about twenty males not including Demetrius’s spies, and though his brother had ten times that number, if Michael continued at the same pace his army would become a formidable enemy.

He kept this opinion to himself however, since he still hadn’t taken his brother up on his offer. Mainly because he was loathe to make a vow that would bind him to anything Demetrius had planned. He’d lost his opportunity to join without it due to his annoying surge of conscience regarding the little healer, something he almost regretted.

He had too much time on his hands these days and was bored out of his fucking mind because of it. He thought about the life he’d left behind in London with a pang of regret, though only because he’d had a purpose while he was there. He missed tearing demons apart and had briefly thought of doing it in on his own. Probably would have if it wasn’t for the way they were grouping up these days. He didn’t mind tough odds but he wasn’t suicidal.

Alyssa shut his laptop and turned to face him, her dark lashes lowered in silent invitation.

He studied her for a moment and thought that as far as spies went she would be perfect if not for the dark features that cried out “fallen vampiress.” Even though she hadn’t been turned she would be met with far too much suspicion with her jet black hair and violet eyes. But that could be remedied.

He smiled faintly as he turned the idea over in his mind then crooked a finger at her.


Michael tucked the maps he’d been studying back in his bag and stood up from the kitchen table, his mind occupied with the plans he and the other males had formulated over the past few days. They had worked out the most efficient strategy for their cause and it was time for them to put it in action. Samuel, Aidan, Thomas, Jonathan and himself would revisit males in Europe, the rest would be broken into groups of four or five and blanket the west into the Midwest of the United States. In a month they would meet back up in Wichita Kansas and with a little luck they would have recruited enough males to spread out into the areas of the east coast that LeJarien and Mathias’s group hadn’t yet covered.

They were also to be on the lookout for Lyncane and shifters, though they were only to explain what they were up to and direct them to contact Seth. LeJarien had filled them in on the panther tribe and his plans to eventually take Anna and pay them a visit.

He rounded the corner that led to one of the larger sitting rooms, nearly knocking Anna over in his haste. He started to apologize until he noticed she was smiling rather suspiciously.

Ever since he’d learned that Jess had lied to him he’d made every attempt to avoid the girl, but it seemed Anna had made it her personal crusade to throw the two of them together.

I have to get out of this house, he thought as he pinned Anna with a stern look. “What are you up to now?”

“Who, me? Why ever would you say that?” She smiled even wider as a snort came from behind her.

“I don’t call her little imp without reason,” LeJarien stated wrapping his arms around her middle.

Michael’s cell phone started ringing and Anna gave him one last beaming smile before she flitted away. He followed her retreat with a frown and looked at his caller I.D. Mathias.

“What’s up?” he answered.

“I was thinking that before you fly to Europe you should come to Boston for a little face to face.”

“What for?”

“So we can talk a little more about the prophecies and our plans, and besides I’d like to see you brother,” Mathias’s voice held a hint of amusement that was highly suspect.

“What’s this really about?” Michael demanded with an image of Anna’s beaming face in mind.

“Relax, I’m being straight with you… I wouldn’t mind meeting some of the new recruits, particularly the ones you’ve made your personal crew. Can’t help feeling replaced, old friend. A few extra days won’t hurt anything,” he added.

Michael sighed in defeat, massaging the back of his neck. “Okay, I’ll adjust my schedule.”

He hung up the phone and looked up into LeJarien’s knowing smile.

“I suppose Anna’s Siamese twin is headed for Boston as well?”

“Of course.” The large male’s lip curved and his brows waggled before he strode off in the direction Anna had gone.

He should call Mathias back and tell him he’d catch up with him when he returned from overseas. The last thing he needed was to spend several more days with Jessica Richmond. He was already suffering a perpetual state of blue balls that no amount of self-gratification seemed to ease. If he didn’t get away from her soon he was going to end up taking her up on the offer so blatantly apparent in her every expression. He hadn’t spent his whole life celibate just to throw it away on a female who had probably spread her legs for more males since she graduated adolescence than a teen pop idol.

He frowned at the spark of jealous anger the thought inspired…and the unfairness of his assumption. He had no way of knowing if her morals were that loose. He knew she wasn’t a virgin but that didn’t necessarily mean she was a slut.

His conclusion was solely based on angry conversations he’d overheard between her and Jenna when they’d stayed at his house, which seemed to suggest she had gone through a lot of men, all of whom were poor choices. Tyros being among them. He’d given the male the benefit of the doubt, but he’d always felt something was off. And the fact that he’d disappeared without a word did not bode well.

He flexed his hands and grimaced. Even if he hadn’t pegged Jess as fickle he would have steered clear after he’d learned of her deception. Anna’s heated defense had shown more of her own character than Jess’s in his opinion, and though he understood the girl had been through a lot he couldn’t get past the fact that she’d lied to his face. He could still picture her sitting on the bed telling him that the memories were “drumming against her mind”. No, he thought fiercely, no matter what my body thinks, she is not for me.

He forced his thoughts away from the beautiful temptress and sought out the males who would now be accompanying him to Boston before heading overseas.

After he explained the change of plans to his crew he located LeJarien, Anna, and the she-devil sitting at a patio table with the Brothers Three. LeJarien was filling the trio in on the hierarchy of demons and Michael remained where he was so as not to get any closer to the frustrating female.

When LeJarien was finished Anna piped in with a suggestion that caused everyone to turn towards her.

“I was just thinking, with all the traveling everyone’s doing wouldn’t it make sense for us to buy our own plane?”

LeJarien cocked his head. “Actually, that’s not a bad idea.”

Michael walked over and sat down. “No, in fact it’s an excellent idea, I’d be happy to share expenses.”

The brothers were nodding vigorously. “Count us in,” Aerik stated then turned to Jay. “Go grab a laptop.”
Jay blurred inside and came back out with a small computer a moment later.

After an hour of perusal they decided on a Cessna Citation Sovereign, a jet that could hold up to nine passengers and hit speeds of over five hundred miles an hour.

“Okay, start making some calls,” LeJarien instructed, “find what we’re after as well as a couple of pilots and a maintenance crew, let’s see how fast we can get this done.”

Jess and Anna watched with equal amazement as the males sprung into action.

“Must be nice to have that kind of power, he speaks and everyone jumps.” Jess stated.

Anna grinned and nodded, winking at Jared whose answering grin was all masculine ego. Anna looked at Jess apologetically before leaping into his lap. “My Lord and Liege,” she teased.

“It’s Liege Lord, Master and King,” he corrected, his eyes sparkling with humor then silenced her retort with a long kiss that had Jess sighing with envy.

Anna finally broke away and grabbed Jess’s arm, leading them over to the bar. Jess put her head on the counter and made a dramatic sound of defeat.

“Don’t be like that,” Anna scolded.

“He hates me,” she answered in a petulant voice.

“He does not, he’s just pigheaded.”

Jess lifted her head a little and made a face. “He can’t get past the fact that I lied and I can’t blame him.”

“Wrong. Believe me if Jared could get past all of my lies than Michael can get past one.”

They had filled one another in on everything from the time they’d been parted and when Jess had finally gotten to the circumstances surrounding her reunion with Austin, Anna had nearly fallen out of her chair with laughter. She’d sobered up a bit when Jess had confessed that the facebook comments were only part of the reason she’d neglected to call. She’d expressed her feelings concerning Jenna, and Anna decided it would be best if she were the one to explain the circumstances to her sister and assured Jess she would find a way to make it all sound reasonable.

Jess sighed heavily as she glanced over at the males. “I don’t know. You saw how he reacted when I tried to apologize, he looked at me like I was some form of hideous insect. I don’t even know why I’m so stuck on him, I mean besides the fact that he’s the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen, and really intelligent, and honorable and…” she trailed off and made another face.

“Is that all?” Anna giggled.

“I know, I’m pathetic, he thinks I’m a worm and I think he’s a god.”

Anna rolled her eyes. “He doesn’t think you’re a worm. Anyway I’ve bought you some more time with the jet purchase not to mention our trip to Boston, so don’t give up yet.”

Jess sighed dramatically. “Okay, okay. It’s not as if I could give up since it’s all I think about.”

Anna hopped over the bar and made them a couple of drinks as she formulated her next move in Operation Jess and Michael. One way or another she was going to make the stubborn vampire see the jewel that was Jess.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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Why did the cover image become bluer than usual?

I really liked Tyros' development. So much so that I wish it took three fourths of the chapter instead. With the current trend, it seems like he's heading for the heroic death I envision to redeem Michael with. No qualms with that. I've said before when I was having trouble remembering their names, Tyros was the first one I remembered because he stands out as a level above everyone else for me, in terms of characterization. I never had trouble with the names other than Michael's initial group.

Although, it was nice to see Jared lightening up a bit, I really didn't like Anna playing matchmaker. Reminded me too much of experiences back when I was in high school haha

Ah, you noticed the cover. I will be doing a post about that actually. The simple version is Paul took a picture of his painting with his new camera, and that's much closer to how it looks. But it's not just bluer, the glow from the right side is more prominent, as is the gore on the floor lol, and other details as well.
But the post will be about more than that of course, it will be about what caused Paul to think of taking that picture now when he's had the camera for a few months...curious? lol.

We shall see about these males and how they will end up, as for Anna...she may feel the same as you at some point lol.

It really is a dramatic change-- what a difference 10 years makes in technology!
Screen Shot 2017-10-23 at 9.11.56 PM.pngScreen Shot 2017-10-23 at 9.11.43 PM.png

I notice everything :/ It's a gift and a curse. Initially I wanted to say "more defined" but I went with "bluer than usual" because I wanted to describe it with my first thought. I've always been a huge fan of the cover, and while I appreciate the more intricate version of it, I will miss the grungier SD version.

Is it because he just recently found out that he could use it as a video camera? Haha!

Anna and I sharing the same sentiment? Now, that's a step in the right direction!

Aw, Jed, you're so hard on Michael. Maybe all he needs is the love of a good woman, and she'll soon sort his pompous arse out ;-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ahaha! How does that saying go? We're harder on the ones we care for? Yeah.. No, that's not applicable in this case haha! I know too many Michael's in my life to ever get comfortable with his type.

You don't think he can be redeemed even by a sexy mate? Maybe you're right...

I think that if he needs a sexy mate to be redeemed, then he's not worthy of redemption in the first place haha!

Boston trip and the Prophecy, meeting with Mathias, will that change Michaels mind about Jess, will it change Jess's mind about Michael. And the mention of the panther tribe, a trip soon for jared and Anna. That meeting will be interesting to see. Wonderful still enjoying the story. Thank you @dreemit.

I like both image covers but definitely the more hued version is refined and pops out more. This was a tame chapter building up to the next scene, the way you wrote this makes it seem that Michael and Jess are without a shadow of a doubt going to end up together, I can't foresee any complications up ahead unless you have a twist. onward I go to find out :)