The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Sixty Seven "Mr. F#%*king Perfect"

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Table of Contents for Fifty Five chapters of Renewal, created by @bashadow

Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter Sixty-Seven

Jess watched as understanding lit up Austin’s eyes.

“Oh,” he said quietly, “shit.” His lip curled and he shook his head before staring at her hard. “I can’t even begin to imagine why you would have continued with that charade, but considering you did, it probably would’ve been wise for you to call and fill me in.”

Tears blurred her vision as she waited for an onslaught of questions and accusations.

It was Michael who began it by saying, “I think you’d better explain this,” in the coldest voice she’d ever heard. She didn’t dare look at the Brothers who continued to sit in silence.

She struggled to find a way to start and then Anna spoke softly from beside her. “Jess, what’s going on?”
She felt her friend’s hand on her arm which steadied her a little and directed her eyes and words at Austin.

“I was going to tell Aerik, Chris, and Jay but I kept chickening out,” she started quietly, “and then Michael showed up and it was too late, or too hard, really.” She stopped for a moment and watched Austin’s brows come together.

“Wait, Michael’s not here because of you?”

She shook her head and his face softened. “Oh, damn Jess, why didn’t you call me then?”

“I couldn’t, they’d….hear. I tried to text you but your phone wouldn’t accept it.” She looked down at her hands.

“O-kay,” Anna drew out the word, “I still don’t get this at all….

Austin interrupted with a heavy sigh. “I guess I’ll try and explain for her. You should know, her initial reasons for feigning amnesia were solid.” He directed his words to the brothers who were staring at him intently. “First she wakes up in your house after a horror of an ordeal, where the last thing she remembers is being sliced and diced by that bitch vampire, and so of course she assumed you three were, I don’t know in league with her, or at least related in some way. She honestly meant to protect Anna by pretending not to know who she was,” his gaze skated to the female in question who was silently chewing on her lip.

Jess sensed Anna’s slight nod of understanding then Austin returned his attention to the brothers.

“By the time she got to Vegas she was mostly just confused. She told me you had been nothing but kind, but she still didn’t understand how you’d ended up with her. Apparently during her first few days here she felt like you were watching her constantly so she was afraid to use a phone or make a break for it. So what she ended up doing was secretly getting on facebook where she learned that Anna and Jenna had escaped the London ordeal and returned to the U.S.” He stopped and leaned back in his chair, locking eyes with Jess. “Did I miss anything?”

She shook her head slightly and slid her gaze over the table briefly. It was utterly silent for a few moments while everyone absorbed the information and then all three brothers said “But…” in unison, their furled brows making their expressions nearly identical. They exchanged a look and Aerik spoke.

“Okay, I understand all of that so far. In fact I think it was a really wise thing to do….in the beginning,” he was staring at Jess intently and she felt her heart crack a little knowing what he was about to say. “But how could you not trust us after all this time? And for that matter…you weren’t a prisoner here- obviously since you ran into Austin and we knew nothing about it. I just don’t understand-

“I’m sorry,” Jess broke in, regret lacing her tone, “it wasn’t that I didn’t trust you, it wasn’t about you after the day I found out the girls were okay.” She turned her attention to Anna. “I know how stupid this is going to sound, but at the time… I saw what you wrote, you and Jenna, to Marina and Macey. You had left Europe and you told them you wanted to meet up and go to a party and I was confused and hurt and angry. I felt like you’d left me behind and given up on me. Jenna had watched my throat get cut open and two weeks later you were already…” her mouth trembled as she pushed out the words, “passed it, me.”

Anna’s expression transformed from confusion to alarm and she grabbed Jess’s hands, squeezing them tight enough to hurt. “Oh God Jess, oh no, I’m so sorry! We decided not to tell the girls because we didn’t want to darken their world when there wasn’t anything they could do. Those comments were meant only for them, we were just acting like things were normal. And we knew you were still alive because of Harriet, she had a vision and was certain of it, and then Jenna had her own vision, a couple of them actually, which is why we weren't basket cases...Jess, we would never, ever forget you!”

They were both crying and hugging by this time and the males at the table waited patiently for a few minutes before Michael spoke up with a voice that could have frozen lava.

“So if you hadn’t run into Austin, the details of which I’m really curious about, and I hadn’t shown up here, just how long were you going to punish your loved ones for your perceived slight? Or continue to lie to these three males who have given you everything and treated you like a cherished part of their family? Indefinitely?”

Austin snorted, “I said something similar I think.”

Jess shrank back and Anna turned on Austin, her eyes narrowed into slits. “Was it necessary to add that? She was going to tell me the truth, we’d made plans to go to lunch tomorrow, away from curious ears.” Austin winced and she focused on Michael, her voice increasing in volume. “And as for you Mr. Fucking Perfect, tell me, do you know what it’s like to go from being a human being to an immortal creature overnight? And I’m not even talking about the pain, though let me assure you it is horribly intense, I’m talking about the emotional and psychological strain of it. Coming to terms with ideas such as drinking blood, or how about realizing you’re going to watch most of the people you know age and die while you stay the exact same? Traumatic, yeah, I’m pretty sure having your throat sliced open, suffering horrific pain, waking up to strangers who-no offense you guys are great-but who look exactly the way you might envision evil vampires to look all pierced up and tattooed…. just shut up all of you! No one has the right to judge her!” She put an arm around Jess’s shoulder and glared the table down.

Chris cleared his throat, “You’re right Anna.” His brothers nodded and he turned towards Jess, speaking in a soft tone. “We understand, we’re definitely not angry with you, so please don’t worry about that sweetheart. I’m sure you would have told us when you were ready. You’re still our little sister, right guys?” Jay and Aerik smiled and Jess felt a weight lift off of her shoulders.

“Thank you,” she said in a small voice.

On that note the drama subsided and Jess had a moment to be grateful that no one had pressed the circumstances of her run in with Austin. The nature of that particular incident might have cooled some of their acceptance and forgiveness.

Anna touched her arm, “Do you think we could go have that meal now?”

Jess nodded and found that she was really looking forward to thoroughly catching up.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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You tell him!! I was all but ready to freeze out Michael for the entire chapter, but then I realized the title was pertaining to him haha!! Way to shut him up!

This is heart rending, especially for Jess and the Brothers Three. It's great that they've formed a bond strong enough to withstand this. Definitely solidified that their sidestory as a favorite for Renewal.

This is what I've been talking about as Austin being the catalyst. Seems like I was right :D I'm in two minds about what Anna did. If I were to wipe the slate clean and think of her as pre-vamp Anna, then I'm all for it. It's just that, with everything, I couldn't shake that nagging feeling that she's getting her way again haha! I know her heart's in the right place, but I couldn't help but think that the sentiment is being swayed because Anna said so and not because of Jess' reasons. Anyway, it's a step in the right direction.

Ugh, Michael. Screw that guy. If the Brothers Three didn't even bat an eye, then who was he to be the one to take a differing stand. Ugh! F#%* that guy! (Maybe including the bleeped out word would send this comment to the moon hahaha!)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Haha! Well Anna is Queen of the vampires now, so maybe she should be able to sway them a bit ;) You're not wrong, there is a type of girl, generally pretty and petite in form, innocent, a bit naive, impulsive, and almost childlike, that makes people, men in particular, feel the need to protect and even cater to them. It's just who they are. If they have a good heart then it can be very useful in things like getting people to do the right thing or banning people together. As for pre vamp/post vamp, I set up who you could expect her to be with this: It was lucky for her that her mom had been the kind of person who believed that life was not a given and had taught her to expect the unexpected and deal with all that came her way with optimism. "It's all in how we perceive it Anna Banana,” she would say, “if your house burns down you can be devastated by the loss or excited at the prospect of building something new. Personally I strongly believe in the latter, and that my darling is how I expect you to live-with great hope and a sense of possibility, always seeking the light at the end of the tunnel or a glimpse of the sun breaking through the clouds. Because believe me there will be plenty of cloudy days. You can wish the rain would go away, or you can dance in it." And the two of them had danced in the rain often in her young life, both literally and figuratively. She missed her mom desperately but refused to give in to the grief, wanting to honor her life and memory by following her advice.

And I followed up on that after her transition--she was shaken from the time she woke in the gaming dungeon until the morning after she made it home and Austin found her sitting on the patio grinning like a fool after she slid off the roof, proclaiming that she was now "Bat Woman". And he said something like "Leave it to you to find the bright side so quick" So basically it was clear that pre vamp and post vamp anna's only real differences was that she now had superpowers. Change and maturity will come with time like it does for all people. But if you pay attention you will see changes in her, some growth :)

I'm not sure what you mean by Austin as the catalyst.

As for Michael, he's found himself in the predicament of wanting Jess which in his mind goes against all of his (rigid) rules because he thinks his female should be 'above reproach'. if he's never given into the 'pleasures of the flesh' (that's how he'd think of it lol) then certainly his mate wouldn't be 'that kind of girl'. So what's happening here is that he's actually pissed off at himself for thinking of her in 'that way' at all, and lashing out because of it.

I'm not telling you this because I think it will make you like him any better, lol, but just letting you know the way he thinks.

That first description you gave, I think you... I think you described someone I know quite well. Quite well :/ Though, she doesn't always get her way like Anna does. If anything, her youthful appearance does more harm than good professionally.

I remember the Austin quote, but not the longer one. Apologies, but my memory isn't quite as good as it was years ago. Perhaps "catalyst" was the wrong word. Maybe "narrative tool" is better suited?

At this point, I think the only way to redeem Michael for me is a heroic death haha! Preferably saving a male like Jared or Tyros instead of Anna or Jess. Like I said before, maybe it's just a clash of personalities. I have never mixed well with those holier-than-thou Alpha or Beta types.

This is my favorite chapter where Michael gets blasted and humbled. yessssss

Yeah take that Mr Fucking Perfect! You need to remember that Jess is just a teenage girl. You've had centuries to become all serious and solemn. She's only had a few weeks.

Oh, oops, that's basically what I told myself when I got peeved with Anna for being a teenage girl and making bad decisions...

Hahahaha! Although Michael is actually a child in the vampire world, he's just over a hundred. He was the last vampire baby to be born, he's technically even younger than Coderin, except Code was put in hyberstasis as a teenager for a hundred years and only woke up about twenty five years ago, so he's the infant of vampires lol!

Sorry! I have to confess to having forgotten those details, which is one of the drawbacks of reading over a prolonged time.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nope, no need to apologize, there's no way I would remember details like that when reading a book this way :)
I really need to do a new summary, one that has character descriptions.

That's a good idea. Maybe as a sort of preface to the second book.

Mr. Fucking Perfect

As for him, well he is young, and we can not forget that he is still a Virgin. And that he is as confused about his sudden feelings for Jess as she is for him. So I think they really are the perfect pair/match up. And I like Mr. Fucking Perfect, I think when he is not being an asshole, he is a pretty good guy, he just wants his kind to honor their true Nature.

I'm glad you're rooting for him :) It's great to see how different people feel about the characters.
Are you a fan of this genre? Have you read any JR Ward or Kresley Cole?

I liked some of Jenna Blacks work, If I am remembering right she did a paranormal detective Nikki Glass. I think that was hers. And then Cheyenne McCray, I think did Zombies not for sale or something like that, and a couple other Authors of Vampire, werewolf type stories. I no longer have all my paperbacks so it hard to remember, just had to many to keep carrying from place to place. So moved to the kindle, and of course with steemit now, the battery on kindle is dead. haven't read any of those two you mentioned.

Jr Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood is awesome, Kresley Cole's Arcana Chronicles, also really great-young adult actually, but enjoyable for all ages. Also KMM's Fever series, one of my favorite series of all time.

This site has a ton of books you can read for free. The Fever series is on it :)

Thank you I will bookmark and check the site out.

Really i love this story

That's great to hear, thanks!!

you are a good writer.. I am sure very good sharing. I'm starting to read it now. I wish you continued success. I will continue to follow you. Take care of yourself, my dear friend.

Thank you, I hope you enjoy it!

He's right, you are a good writer :0)

Aww, I cherish every compliment from you. As I told mynameisbrian, you are the Chuck Norris of steemit, haha!!

Lol!! The Chuck Norris of steemit.. That is awesome!

You should start with her first book in the series Reborn That link is to @dreemit's short series intro, and has links to all the chapters in Reborn. It was a very excellent read, and I think you will enjoy it, and get some background info on some of the characters.

WHo is the right writer for the right job? Writing something is like riding a bike or ripping a fruit.

Umm, puff puff give? hee hee.

Oh such blissful relief. Superbly written and I am so glad Anna checked Michael and put himmback in his place. He is nomalpha male with LJD around, but I don't hate Michael like how @jedau does. He is just a bit too reserved and pompous is all, but still a good, yet sometimes oblivious and inconsiderate heart