The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Sixty "Turn, Turn, Turn"

in story •  7 years ago 

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Table of Contents for Fifty Two chapters of Renewal, created by @bashadow

Chapter Sixty

It was early afternoon and Tyros was on his way back to his apartment when he was blasted with the most intense feeling of lust he’d ever experienced. A scent of citrus and honey wrapped around him and for a moment he was frozen in confusion.

A female in heat, his instincts provided, and a moment later he was blurring towards the object at the speed of light. When he stopped he was in an alleyway between two buildings looking down at a petite female with short black hair whose large violet eyes trained on him with a mixture of fear and desire. Without a word he pulled her up into his arms and blurred with her to his protected living quarters.

He threw her onto his bed and followed her down. She writhed against him, rubbing her sensitive spot against his growing erection. He gripped her arms and forced her to focus on him. “Who are you? “ He demanded.

“Alyssa,” she whispered, her eyes clearing for a moment. “What’s happening to me?”

The question shook him. Another human turned vampire?

He started to answer but she closed her eyes and moaned, undulating her hips as a fresh wave of citrus filled the air. Her eyes flew open, flashing wildly and she grasped his shirt with both hands. “Take me,” she breathed.

All questions fled as her fangs pierced his neck.


Aerik, Chris, and Jay were seated at a booth in the corner of the bar at their casino debating whether or not to get involved with Michael’s mini militia when a fight broke out.

All of the guys involved were being “piggy-backed” by demons and once the bouncers separated them the trio learned they were co-workers for a trade company dealing in stocks.

As security escorted the offenders off the premises Jay turned towards his brothers and spoke under his breath. “I say we follow them, take the demons out before those humans part with their souls.” He started towards the door and Aerik gripped his shoulder.

“What?” Jay turned on him, anger flaring in his eyes.

“Did you see the demons gathered at the back of the bar?” He asked.

Jay’s brows came together and Chris expounded “I did, they were alternating between watching the fight and watching us.”

“And?” Jay asked.

Aerik sighed. “And even if we destroy the ones currently dogging those idiots the others will just bide their time and take over where they left off. It will be like killing flies at a dairy farm.” He glanced around the bar. “I think what we should do is head home and make some definite decisions.”

Once back at their place they gathered in the library and discussed the numerous examples they’d each witnessed over the past several days to support Michael’s claim of “strange” demonic behavior, the bar fight being the last.

Jay leaned against the wall with an eyebrow raised. “Let’s face it, he was right, something is obviously going down, so the question is what do we want to do about it?”

Aerik pulled out his phone. “I say we call him. See if he’s still in the area.”

Jay and Chris nodded and Aerik typed in the number.
Michael answered on the third ring. “Yes?”

“Michael, it’s Aerik.”

There was a pause. “I didn’t expect you to call so soon.”

“You mean you didn’t expect me to call at all.” He quirked a brow at his brothers who smiled wryly.

Michael said nothing so Aerik continued. “We had some questions for you and were wondering if you would come by our house for a little sit down.”

“Questions? I could do that…” his voice was wary, “is it warded?”

“Of course, protection is important.”

“You’ll let us all in?”

“Uh,” he glanced at his brothers who shook their heads emphatically. “No. How about you and two others.”

There was a short pause. “Fine.”

“Do you need the address?”

“No, we know where you live.”

Aerik smirked at the admission. “Right, so when can we expect you?”

“Two hours.”

Aerik pushed end and chuckled darkly. “It’s possible our lives are about to change boys.”

“Shit, change is a good thing brother,” Chris grinned.

“No doubt, we only had a couple years left in Vegas anyway,” Jay clapped his brothers on the shoulders and they went out front to wait.


Exactly two hours later the brothers met Michael and two other very large males at the gate.

Aerik eyed the intimidating trio whose expressions were serious and guarded. His gaze landed on Michael. “You expecting a fight friend?”

Michael held his stare. “Not expecting a thing, just erring on the side of caution.” He introduced the large blonde as Aidan and the red head as Samuel and after they’d all shook hands the brothers stepped aside and allowed them to cross the threshold.

The moment they were through the protective wards Michael reached out with his senses. “Having a party?”

Jay smiled. “Always. They’re out on the back patio, we’ve got plenty of barbecue if you’re hungry.”

Michael gave a brisk shake of his head. “You said you had questions…

Aidan interrupted. “I smell a female.” He stood at attention, nostrils flaring like a stallion catching the scent of a mare.

Michael’s brows shot up as he caught the scent himself. He turned to the brothers, his tone sharp. “Is she fallen?”

The trio shook their heads in unison with another exchanged glance.

Jay locked eyes with Michael. “Look, I realize you smell human blood on us, we do occasionally drink the forbidden fruit, but we’re careful. We know there’s a danger of addiction. And we’re not fucking twisted, we don’t hurt anyone and feel contempt for those who do.”

Michael sized him up with a slight frown but nodded. “An unturned female is an endangered species.”

“Yeah we know that, in fact we had been under the impression they were extinct,” Chris looked sideways at his brothers.

Michael frowned again. “Does she belong to one of you?”

Aerik answered. “No. She’s…a bit like a recently adopted sister. Come on, we’ll introduce you.”

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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Oh shoot!! I knew this was where it was leading to, but I just didn't want to admit it to myself. Michael has gone a long way if the Brothers Three are that impressed with him. Should I consider my earlier stance towards him? Hmm.... nah haha! Please, please, please. I'm sure Mikey's a good guy, but I'd rather have him not see a happy ending hahaha! I wish he would be the bad guy of the 3rd book and end up on the opposite end of LJD's blade.

The series has quite a ways to go...let me say that not all things will go exactly as they might appear to be going, there are twists and turns in this story :)

As I always say, I trust your process :D

Someone told me about this:
Not sure if it's something you'd be interested in...or would qualify for actually. I know you're technically a minnow, but I consider you an established author so I'm not sure of the criteria. I've thought about it this way- what if I were to powerdown a lot of sp, would I be considered a minnow again?

That's why I feel like I drew the short end of the stick. Minnow supporters don't consider me a minnow because what they perceive I've accomplished, effectively excluding me from any boosts. On the other hand, what I've accomplished doesn't measure up to what others who can be considered as someone who made it has accomplished haha! I'm caught in the in-between and I'm reaping none of the rewards. The Steemit Sea doesn't have a place for an Old Minnow like me haha!

Ha! I wish I could see the look on Michael's face when he sees Jess.

And interesting that Alyssa hasn't been in heat before.

Well you'll be able to picture it!

Yes, this will eventually be crucial, though I'm afraid it won't be until after this book that such things will be explained.

There have to be some tantalising questions held over to the next book, that's just the way of things ;-)

Absolutely : )

for some reason it's not letting me vote on comments right now, I'll have to try again in a bit.

I think I have been reading to many stories, I can't remember who Alyssa is, oh well it will come to me as I read more I am sure. It is going to be interesting the story Jess weaves, but I always thought she was meant for Michael, I guess we will soon find out. At least if she hooks up then Michael's fretting about Anna being meant for him will be settled, (if he finds his soul mate). Very nice part I liked it a lot.

Alyssa is the vampire who did not end up dying in the sun as she thought she would. Terrina's sidekick.

Ah yeah, now I remember, at the throat cutting. Duh.

Now that's pretty cool chapter in the story :D

Thank you :)

Amazing story @dreemit

Glad you think so :)

Great post thank you for sharing

Thank you and you're welcome.

Very Interesting


i follow u and also,i think u also same with me...i invite u to come my blog and give me ur important upvote

Great post and very informative. @dreemit Have learnt a lot from it.

Dun dun dun.... Jess couldn’t save face before hand Haha
Nice turn my friend