
in story •  7 years ago 

I never had any problems with my weight before I met my husband. After I married my husband, I noticed I started adding some. I overlooked it until I added up to 30pounds in my second year of being married. It was as though I was someone else when I woke up one morning to see myself in my mirror. Bob Burton and I loved each other a lot, but due to the weight, I started gaining; I was gradually becoming less of importance. My marriage began to take a wrong turn, and things started becoming annoying as the years went on and on. It didn't take me long after before I realized I needed to take measures. I soon squeezed the schedule of gym hitting in my weekly schedules. My goal was to ditch some pounds to take these weight off of me before things go south with Bob.
Prior to me hitting the gym, my husband, Bob, would try and make things look fine with me. He was usually so sweet and caring, and I started feeling guilty and horrible within myself. This went on for months until he could not hide it anymore. I soon applied in a gym center very far from our home. I would walk down to and fro. I tried and did everything possible to be as I was before I walked down the aisle. Things looked so annoying, and life seems to not matter anymore. What could be worse than the feeling of being rejected by the one you are trying to live for?!
I started catching him with looks of disgust. He would mutter something's while he ate. This became a gradual thing from little digs to cruel jibes. I was determined to be the curved hourglass girl he fell for, but things weren't working fast. He wouldn't show me affection afterward, and I realized I had become a liability. By the sixth year, he was already over it. He would watch porn and pay girls online to have a fling. I didn't stop hitting the gym, but I knew my marriage was gone.
Eventually, Bob told me he wasn't interested in the relationship and that I would always be ugly. I was down but still determined. He filed for divorce, and everything seemed like I had to commit suicide, but I managed to live through the time.
Luckily for me, I dropped 80 pounds after two years of being apart. I was almost as slim as I was before marriage and he started throwing signs at me. He would pick up Sandra, our daughter every weekend and would take a double look at me. He later told me I was looking hot one Saturday of the subsequent month. I closed the door on him as I've said I would never let him into my life ever.

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