A Tale of Two Towns And The Crypto Analogy - Enjoy with Troy!

in story •  5 years ago 


The City

For thirty five years, I have lived in a metro area that straddles the Mississippi River and two states. Through those years, I have seen people come and go. I have also seen the excitement and thrill of the peak, and wane to the valleys. Yet, to borrow from a song... Old Man River.... He just keeps rollin' Along.

Old buildings are torn down and new ones rise, yet nothing really changes. Over time we see the donut effect in the undercurrent of living in a city. There is change but no one sees it.


The Hick Town

And still, my life is straddled again, with the roots and responsibilities of a house and aging mother in a very small town. Over many decades, the life blood of the community has been sucked out. When I go back to visit, I smell the sad stench of the dying community. This did not happen overnight. Many residents chose to do their business 18 miles away in a larger city.

Today there are old buildings crumbling in the downtown. There are old people as the tax base. They are biding their time, until they move underground, to their new address of a beautiful granite park. It reminds me of a 94 year old grandma on life support. No one wants to pull the plug.

Much of the community looks the same as 50 years ago. Yet there is the addition of a casino, remodel of a theater and library. Again we see an undercurrent of change that goes unnoticed in the larger picture.



The City of Steem

I have been a member of the Steemit community since May 2017. I came to this platform, finding friendly and kind folks to greet me. After the death of my sweetheart, Marcia, Steem offered me a fresh new beginning and was therapeutic.

I have seen the excitement and thrills of the crypto world. I have also seen the valleys. I remember being scammed 663 SBD from two Romainian on this platform. When the price of Steem tanked, I witnessed good friends and followers come and go. I was sad and truly missed them. I remained here through it all. In fact, I will one day move from being a minnow to a dolphin. I have felt the undercurrent of change, yet the platform is basically the same. We can all post, invest and earn crypro.

Steemit is like the metro river city where there is always something going on.

And the Village of Weku

But I straddle the crypto world, being a member of Weku since October 2018. Weku has a very small base and reminds me of the hick town where I have the house and aging mom there. When I joined Weku, there was family and kind folks who were friends.

Today, Weku is on life support. Many have left, feeling the fleecing and environment of scams. It is sad. A few good folks remain.The plug has not been pulled. But the life blood has been sucked dry. There has been an undercurrent of change, and yet there is no big movements. It appears the same today as it was months ago, absent some kind friends.

The Analogy

It is interesting how the crypto world mirrors life. Yet there are two principles that stay constant.

First, things never stay the same. Change is constant and in motion. It may offer a small change that will rhyme rather than repeat. Or it may bring something brand new. But it will not remain the same.

Second, when you are at the death like valley, you have no where to go but up. I would tend to think the the crypto markets will do the same. I would like to think that Steem will see a reburst of energy and Weku will not be chained in scams.

Even grandma who is on life support will change. Her spirit will rise from her body and go elsewhere to a new exciting adventure. So to, is life and so to are these platforms. And that is good news for all of us.

And old man river. He just keeps rollin' along.

Showboat Old Man River Tony Awards 1995

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good story, bro...



Thank you my dear friend @creatr.