We were once told our body...our choice.
Does anyone remember how, for decades, the media propaganda machine has said those famous words to us? Abortion was legal, and women were encouraged to seek out planned parenthood clinics. Under that disguise, babies were sacrificed or rather murdered. That is how the strength of a nation is weakened. Then, the depopulation war on family got a boost with the CPS agenda to steal children and sell them into child trafficking rings. And somewhere along the way, we heard Nancy Reagan telling us to say no to drugs.
Speaking of drugs, Today we have the jab, a lethal injection posing as a harmless vaccine. It is being hyper propagandized by the press-stitute media as being safe and effective. There is one jab, two jabs, now a booster, and we are told it is still possible to get the virus. We have the variants. Delta, Lambda. I feel like I am back at a college frat house pledging and being forced to do crazy stuff for initiation. I have news for you. It is the vaccinated who are creating and spreading the variants.
And we have the drug dealers of big pharma to thank for the lethal cocktail.

Then we have folks like Cliff High, who tells us that 65% of the vaccinated will die in the next two to three years, resulting from the spiked proteins and poisonous graphene oxide. There will be blood clotting, seizures, strokes, mental breakdowns and vacidents, a car accident caused from being jabbed. We will not have the medical staff and first responders to handle this, because they took the vaccine. We will need healthy people to bury the dead and start over.
We hear of vaccine passports, forced injections on our children and elderly. We hear of employers requiring it. With all this propaganda and hype... slow down. I thought it was my body and my choice. We are being asked to make some hard decisions. Consider the following.
Would you Sacrifice Your Employment?
Some employers are forcing their teem mates to take the jab to be able to keep their job. Is the vaccine part of my uniform? How do I take it out of my body when I clock out from a days work?
Many folks live paycheck to paycheck and are afraid to walk away from the security of a steady job. The grip of fear engulfs their life. They have submitted to the jab. Yet, there are others who have the guts to walk away. They see the writing on the wall and know their body and health mean more.
I have a friend who did just that. He refused to take the jab and left Walmart. He has picked up some side jobs and is paying his bills. His choice to say no, has my respect and admiration. He refuses to poison his body. He exercised his choice.
Would You Take Ridicule From Peers?
There are plenty of people ready to ostracize and belittle those who fearlessly take a stand. I have seen it on Facebook and in the public. I have experienced it in my own family. Yet, their words are filled with shaming and are not creditable. Still, I see info warriors out there, who tirelessly speak the truth. They are a beacon of light in this depopulation war. You can find them on Facebook and Tik Tok. There are podcasts on the alternative internet sites like Rumble and Duck Duck Go. I think of Mark Taylor, Greg Hunter from USA Watchdog, Sean on SGT Report or Dave on X22 Report. They keep us informed and encouraged, and for that I am grateful.
Did you know that covid10 stands for certificate of vaccination identification document? The number 19 corresponds with the first and 9th letter of the alphabet as in A I or artificial intelligence. Think the merging of humans and machines as in the Singularity. But I digress.
Would You Risk Losing Your Children?
There are parents, with principles, who have chosen not be vaccinated. They have taken the hard decision to stand firm against the tyranny of the world. Some parents have had their children taken by the CPS, because of their choice not to be jabbed. Some children have had forced vaccination against the will of the parent or child. It seems the rights of parents have been trampled on during the covid 19 plandemic.
Parents who have been separated from their children, due to covid agenda and the CPS governmental tyranny, are true heroes in this war. No family should have to experience this hell. Yet, for decades, the CPS has terrorized the world, without being subjected to accountability.

Many Families Have
So much of the agenda is pure Orwellian.
Since its inception, Child Protective Services have neither protected our children nor have been a service. Sadly, case workers are incentivized with quotas and ripe bonuses to prey on families. They use intimidation, manipulation and outright lies to stalk, steal, sell and shatter the innocent. Little ones are forced into houses of strangers, only to face angry voices and the abuse of violent hands. As these children are tossed from one foster home to another, the accumulate emotional and psychological baggage. Fear, abandonment, anger, depression, hopelessness and voiceless tears eat out the shell of these babies.
Many children end up being trafficked for kiddie sex. It is big business for our government, paying better than the drug industry.
The lives of parents are also destroyed with the baggage that the CPS brings to their doorstep. It may be started by the unwanted phone call, or the words from a teacher, neighbor or school counselor. But soon, mom and dad are faced with surprise inspections, court costs, a rigged judicial system and the theft of their child. Nightmares and countless emotions engulf their lives.
Yes, families have been taking the tyrannical jab for decades. They see the accelerated war against humanity. The have teamed together in pro-family groups and they know that this war will only be won by a unified effort of non-compliance.
Will You Protect Our Body... Our Choice?
No one owns my body but me.
A jab should never be forced upon anyone. The CPS jab destroys innocence and the covid 19 jab is killing lives. Families should never be intimidated, manipulated, shamed, or forced to have their health compromised. Vaccine passports are a terrifying reminder of the horrors of 1938 Nazi Germany. I believe, had we put an end to the CPS and Planned Parenthood, we would not be in this position today. Will I take the jab? Over my dead body!
Do we remember how to say no to drugs? This is not even a real vaccine. It is an experimental gene therapy and we are the test market, as no real tests have been done. And no, it has not been FDA approved. Why should we be their lab rats?
We, the people, need to come together with energy, responsibility and a sense of urgency. We need to be the voice for other who are afraid to speak. It is our body, our lives and must be our choice. On the local level, we can address school boards, city meetings and churches. We must tirelessly contact our leaders and initiate peaceful gatherings to protest this depopulation agenda. It is up to us. We must be a unified non-compliant voice of positive change.