A WORLD AWAY ARE WE (An Original Poem)

in story •  8 years ago  (edited)

Things that might have been
now might they never be?

What once we thought was Heaven sent,
now a world away are we.

In shiftless moods the fog descends,
fast lives lived, missed subtleties.

Do we understand or do we pretend,
when a world away are we?

Thoughts fracture by perception
leave us treasured shards of memories.

Reality’s masterpiece or just deception,
when a world away are we?

Life will grind us down to size
up until the very day
in an epiphany we realize
that we’re not a world away.

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I'm loving the dynamics of your pictures choice with the poem too, thanks a bunch, thrive on and namaste :)

I love the way you create your poem... Creativity with heart....

Well said.

very nice I like this

This one induces a strong feeling of nostalgia. Beautiful.

Masterful. And, transporting.

Thank you!

so nice poem :D

Wonderful wordplay! Wow! :)

Thanks, @geke! I wrote this over twenty years ago, back when life wasn't quite as hectic.

Your original poem , although it has a deep connotative meaning, still it made me to reflect on positive side of life, sometimes ups and downs, however I came to think that life has many to offers. Thank you .

Very introspective post!

Thank you very much!

I really like this one, it made me reflect on a few moments from my past.

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. This was one of my first poems, from the early nineties.

This is so touching!

So touching. I like your post, I remember those things that happened from my past. thank you for sharing it <3

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

It is really hard for me to enjoy repetition in any literary piece unless it is music based, or the repetition is varied and paraphrased in uniquely different ways and contexts without being verbatim / word for word. But I do appreciate your poem and the theme inside. Repetition has its purpose and you hammer down the reflective ponderance of existence in the here and now and drifting off into another realm that disconnects us from the present tense less appreciated. Very deep and profound nonetheless. Thank you for sharing and inspiring. Upvoted

Thank you, @verbal-d. Repetition definitely must be used with caution in poetry, a little can go a long way. I find myself using it more and more but try to be selective and mindful. Thank you for reading, your very thoughtful comment, and your up vote!

You're most welcome. I haven't read too much of your work but the more I see the more I can appreciate. Looking forward to your next piece.

I vote you bcos the word play is good and the punches straight . :D

Walking home and some guy bumps into me and instantly starts chatting shit to my face about aluminium being the best metal. I tried to stay calm and explained to him that iron was actually the best metal, but he wouldn’t take a hint. He just started throwing around words like “rust” and I lost it. Punched him right in his aluminium loving face. I HATE ALUMINUM SO MUCH.