MIRROR OF SILENCE (An Original Poem)

in story •  8 years ago  (edited)

Stand before
the mirror of silence,
have the courage to
see all the things
that tie you
to this Earth

these ties that
blind and bind us
are minuscule
but they are mighty

they hide in
indulgent moods,
pet peeves,
petty annoyances, and
the ache of hollow longings

we find these anchors in
anything that makes
us feel separate
from one another,
anything that makes
us feel superior,
anything that makes us
feel as though
we're not good enough,
anything that steals our
attention from this moment

when your mind is clear
you will see the reflection
of only truths, absolute

we are one,
separation is but an illusion,
we are pure love

then, and only then,
will I have the chance
to understand you,
you'll have the chance
to understand me
and in this very moment
we will all fly free.

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really good with the title of story @ericvancewalton

👍nice post @ericvancewalton

Cool gif!

Your all poems are just awesome and as well as the amazing novel "Alarm Clock Dawn"

Thank you, @royalmacro!


Good post! I liked this verse:) Allows you to think about something higher. Thank you!

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Oh, how marvelous!


admire-able :D

another awesome poem from eric :)

liked :D

excellent !!!

After all, it is only inside each others humanity, that we may find solace.

True! Salvation as well!

Once again good post!

Thanks, @team101! This one has never seemed finished to me and I can't figure out why.

Maybe end with something related to the first line/title: mirror...silence vs fly...free? Hope that helps.

so nice poetry

awesome :)

nice poem :)

lovely poem :D

nice one..........

Very beautiful!

Excellent Poetry :)

nice !!!

super writing :)

touchy poem :)

Great Poetry !!!