The Scary Door (Isn't So Scary Anymore)

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

The Bitcoin fork has now come and gone. It all went so smoothly that I even have more confidence in cryptocurrency now than I did before. Just imagine the chaos that would ensue if a major fiat currency were to suddenly split into two separate currencies? I think it’s safe to say it would be pure pandemonium. The crypto market is overwhelmingly green again and, for me personally, this feels like a new beginning. Hopefully more people will share this confidence and will realize the great opportunities there are to be had in this space and mass adoption will truly begin.

The end of July has always been transformational in my life, and 2017 is no exception. In the past few days I’ve felt like a chapter of my life is closing and a new, extremely exciting, one is beginning. Yesterday was my 22nd anniversary at my day job. This is the corporate world, so usually you get cake for these types of things. For those of you lucky enough not to be a part of it, in the corporate world everything is like an alternate universe (as I shared in my article The Cubical Jungle) is celebrated with some sort of sweet pastry coupled with heaping helping of uncomfortable small talk.

This particular year was different, not one person even verbally acknowledged the milestone. This inaction caused a distinct shift in me. I could’ve taken this (and reacted) in a lot of ways but here’s how my finally brain processed it, it was a validation from the Universe that my time there is nearly done. I was scared of walk through that door for so many years but the fear is now evaporated completely. On the other side of the next door I’m about to open is a brand new life I’ve been working hard for and dreaming about for decades. Freedom, exciting creative projects, travel...truly a deep and profoundly meaningful existence.

“It is so hard to leave—until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.” ― John Green, Paper Towns

I have so many exciting things going on I can hardly contain myself but for the last year I’ve been stuck in a strange sort of limbo. It’s frustrating to be nearly there but not yet comfortable enough to take the leap but I’m so close I can taste the sweet ambrosia of freedom. I can feel the final nudge is coming soon. This will be the metaphorical hand that will push me over the threshold of that next door. I have no doubt that cryptocurrency and blockchain will play an integral role in my future. When the magical moment happens and I walk through the next door, I promise, you’ll hear it here first.

In life it's so important to pay attention to our fears, this is only the universe showing us where our weaknesses reside. As I have explained in my book, The Perfect Pause, I've learned that to run from fear only gives that particular fear more strength. To craft a happy and successful life we must run towards our fears and challenge them. Fear is a bully and a coward, it will get weaker every time it is challenged. Eventually all of those scary doors will be viewed for what they really are, as exciting opportunities. This is the exact point where just existing ends and truly living begins.

(Gif compliments of

It's very important to always ask yourself what are my fears?

What is your scary door?

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

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There is always some pain involved in letting something go, but the overarching benefits are the win! You seem to be soaring in enthusiasm now, and that energy will get you everywhere you want to go!

That is so true, Ann! I totally feel that the time is near!

Congratulations, Eric. I, too, feel that exciting times are ahead!

It's in the air, for sure! We're going to see the beginning of mass adoption very soon.

Great post. I would say if you've got things in place don't even wait until you're comfortable to take that step.
If you're looking to make great living on writing alone, I strongly recommend looking into freelance copywriting. The "art and science of selling through the written word."
It's what I do. It's one of the more lucrative writing careers, always in demand.
If you want to know more about that I can tell you where to start.
Meanwhile I'm rooting for you dude.

Great future ahead for you! In most companies, employees are really just a number-sometimes there are superficial platitudes, but everyone is replaceable.

Reminds me of the "millenium bug" when I was a kid.

A lot of fear and appreciation then everything is smooth because smart people solve the problems and the people in the media who build panic have no idea about either the problems or solutions.

It's funny you mention that. I was thinking the same thing. I was in late 20's and wasn't the least bit afraid of an apocalypse. I huge number bought into it though.

Thanks for sharing your story. I think a lot of people can relate. There is some type of ambiguity around this fork for a lot of us. It's definitely a process! It sounds like you are a Coinbro tho and you are looking to get the updates and what I like to call "The Coinlife"

If you want to connect and talk about cryptos let me know, im also on youtube!

You're welcome Matt! Yes, I'm definitely ready for the freedoms associated with the "coin life"! Thanks so much for the invite to learn more. I'll check out your YouTube channel!

I bet for many of us crypto currencies will be taking a major part in our future !

Yes! For some it will be more than they realize.

It seems like everyone is dumping their BCH.
Let's see what happens when BCH is open on bittrex. Might see an even larger drop in the value of BCH but it won't effect us much as most people as expected have stuck with their support with BTC.
I'm glad that we had such a smooth transition with this fork and no drastic price fluctuations happened. The markets seem pretty stable and it seems like the money is staying in the markets and mostly going into altcoins.
This scary phase has passed and was not that frightening at all haha
I guess we have some good times to come now @ericvancewalton.

I really wish I would've kept more in BTC, I had moved it all to Alts until after the split. Good times are surely to come @arckrai! Thanks for your comment!

It was never scary to begin with.

People who knew the technology knew which side would prevail.

People who didn't know the technology could just take a gander at the futures market for BCH.

The only danger would have been if each currency made off with an equal number of supporters, but it was obvious to everyone that that wasn't going to happen.

I think some (maybe less tech savvy) people were afraid of an actual derailment in the network itself. This is where a lot of the fear was in some of the people I spoke with.

My husband and I are just learning about cryptocurrency. It's an exciting time indeed. This is the first post I've seen by you, and now I'll follow. Happy work anniversary!

Thank you so much!

Although I haven't reached the same level that you have with your success in writing....... at least I can acknowledge the frustration with the day job situation. I've been with my restaurant for 11 years and everyday feels a little longer than the last.

The frustration is real, @jeezzle. Some day soon you will feel your writing eclipsing the day job. The day will come when you realize you are losing money by being there vs. working on your writing. The difficult thing here in the US is healthcare is tied to our employer. It would be so much easier to cut the cord if we had single payer healthcare like the rest of the developed world.

WOW, what has changed?

I know corporate life and have been with my last employer for nearly 15 years. Fortunately we didnt celebrate the years at the company, and I could manage for years not to have my birthday on the calendar at the secretary. Just dont like these always-the-same-and-lame corporate parties with cake and coffee, or when done on Friday afternoon with a beer and wine. Now I'm my own boss for the last 4 years, and that feels great! Hope your changes you see coming will bring you much positivity.

My writing career is just finally growing to the point where I can feasibly make a living at it. It only took 22 years. : )

I agree, I really appreciate the sentiment. There are a few people who genuinely care but, overall, they are there for the free cake. : ) So glad to hear you experienced a positive transition into your own gig. Thanks, @edje!

I like your interpretation of your unacknowledged've been longing for the freedom to live your life according to your heart's callings and may each of your next steps and doors all be abundant and satisfying!

Much appreciated, Ruth! It's happening! : )

It's kind of funny but I had the same feeling of calm when the world seemingly went mad with Y2K and the end of the Mayan Calendar! The world didn't end and I woke up just as fat.

That whole Y2k thing was crazy! The Mayan's were laughing hysterically "on the other side". Lol.

some sort of sweet pastry coupled with large helping of uncomfortable small talk.

Somehow I hadn't put that together, but it is so true.

22 years, and that door is almost here. Awaiting that freedom post with you Eric! Bring on the blockchain bonanza!

Thank you, Lydon! The freedom post should be right around the corner (fingers crossed).

Haha, right! I was sucked into the hype but it all turned out to be pretty chill.

It was smooth as it could be! Whew! (((wipes brow)))

Yeah it was pretty smooth! Except I held my bitcoin cash and bought more that I should have sold before it crashed. lost hundreds of dollars on that lol..... :(

I'm planning to walk through a lot of new doors this year!

That is awesome! I'm looking forward to collaborating BTW. A little bird told me this morning of your interest in HardFork. : )

A little bird? I wonder who our feathered friend could be?

I am so sorry that I missed some of your posts. Usually I am so good about it but I guess I can't depend on electronics to alert me when the main people I follow post. I read your post and I am glad that you are facing that scary door and going through. Often times we run from the unknown but without risks there is no progress, there is no forward ability and most of all there is no growth.

You are the most grounded person that I know and if anyone can make a success of anything that they put their heart into it, it's you. I know in my gut that you will always land on your feet, no matter what you do. You will do what is necessary and even in possible failure, you will make a positive out of it.

I wish you all the best in your new adventure in life. It will be good for you and your wife. I know it!!!!! ;D

No problem at all! Thank you for the kind words, my friend! I'm learning to gather things into my life that bring me joy and usher out things that don't bring me some spark of joy. This moment has been a very long time coming and, now, I'm just trying to figure out the logistics. I'm working with such a great team on this next project that I don't want anything to sacrifice its progress. Here's a link explaining it -

I am really, really happy for you. I recently did the same in that I learned to let go of people/situations that were negative on my inner self. Sometimes we try to reach out but many people don't want that help. So I am getting much wiser and more peaceful in my existence having let go.

You deserve all the success that you have before you and I know you will do great things to help others who need it. With your positive and caring being, you will only attract the positive and good. I read about the crypto focused mini series and think that is awesome! And the people on the team sound skilled and good individuals to work with. You and your team will do great. Again, I really appreciate your friendship and calming soul! :D

congrats. sounds like exciting times ahead.

For sure!

Sounds like you are on an awesome journey!

One day I am sure you will leap!

And perhaps I too can break on through to the other side!

It has been and is! The time is coming very soon. Yes! The other side is heavenly, I can see it through the door. : )