Time Travel 101 - Letter To My 80 Year Old Self

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

Thanks to everyone who’s taken part in the #timetravel101 writing prompt. I’m thrilled so many have participated in this.

My first post was a letter to my 20 year old self, this one will be a message broadcast thirty-four years into the future... when I’m eighty years old.

I urge you to try this as well! Please tag with #timetravel101 if you do participate. If you use this tag and leave a link in the post comment below to your post I'll upvote and resteem.

Dear Eighty Year Old Me:

I can’t imagine all of the things you’ve seen and all of the change you’ve lived through but hope life has been filled with good things.

Maybe the world you live in is a much better place and some of the problems we have today have been solved.

Where are you living now? I can’t imagine it’s the US, maybe France, the UK, or possibly Amsterdam?

I suspect you feel almost the same as I do now, with a few more aches and pains, but you’re sometimes surprised when you see the gray and wrinkled reflection peering back from the mirror.

I hope HardFork was a huge hit, helped to usher in mass adoption of cryptocurrency, and ended lots of the corruption that limits our lives and freedom today.

I’m sure you miss some of the people and things you’ve lost but maybe the good memories of them make you smile. Remember your old beagle Amstel?

He was the best dog a person could have ever wanted. You're smiling just thinking about him, aren't you?

I hope you and Raymi still hold hands and kiss one another before you go to sleep. I’m sure you both have put lots of miles on your feet and have experienced so much travel. The airlines must have more comfortable seats now.

Did you ever launch the meditation foundation in the public school systems like you planned? If so, I hope it’s spread world-wide.

I hope you're not a serious old coot. I hope you still have a zest for life, your weird sense of humor, and a reason to get out of bed each and every morning. I don’t want your life to have turned into some mind-numbing routine. You’re not watching daytime television, are you? If so, for God sake, stop and read a book or take a walk.

You still (attempt to) dance and try to learn new things regularly, right? Remember break dancing in high school? Shell toe Adidas with fat laces. Hilarious.

You’re not wearing black socks with shorts and sandals I hope! Jeezus man, that would be embarrassing.

I hope you relish your wisdom and don’t long for your youth too much. Maybe all of the yoga I’m doing has kept you nimble. I’m trying my best to make it as easy for you as possible.

I love you, and I hope to one day I’m lucky enough to stand in your shoes...just not too soon,

(signed) Forty-six year old me.

(Gif compliments of Giphy.com)

Please follow our official Steemit account for the film series @hardfork-series. Did you miss our last post? If so CLICK HERE to read it!

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

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Wow, this is amazing Eric!! So cool, inspired and somehow makes me feel so at ease in a way I don't usually feel when contemplating getting old. If old me is reading this comment, hope you still have a little flavor of the feeling I just had a hit of. Oh and I want to help make the meditation foundation in public schools foundation a reality! You're an inspiration for the ages!

Thanks, Doug! So glad you connected with this prompt! This middle phase of life can be tough because you begin to realize how fast time passes and you begin to understand your own mortality on a deeper level.

That would be so amazing to build that foundation together once we finish HardFork. How cool would it be to alternate between major film projects and projects for the greater good to give back? I read somewhere where there's a program that replaces detention with meditation lessons. I thought that was ingenious but I'd like to include meditation in the regular curriculum in some way. It'd be cool to brainstorm on this together. Thanks for the comment, brother!

Haha cool! Im so glad you took on this idea and that so many others did too. Steemit is wonderful in that way! Im still working my way in here step by step but really thank you for sharing so inspiring blogs! Keep it up. Have an amazing day.
Namaste Jonna

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you!

Eric, I'd like to thank you again for this idea. I was really engaged when I read your '20 year old self' post and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Now that's writing, presenting a thought that makes people think, what a gift.

Well, I gave it a go - https://steemit.com/timetravel101/@noboxes/time-travel-101-a-letter-to-my-20-year-old-self

You're very welcome, @noboxes! You're very kind, I appreciate you taking the time to participate!

Dear @Ericvancewalton,

Wow, what a thought-provoking post... Almost entered into a trance as I attempted your writing prompt. (I've only been on here for a few days, so I hope I got the tag right). Thank you, Sir, and here's the link to my post: https://steemit.com/timetravel101/@yahialababidi/letter-to-my-80-year-old-self

Also, below, a short prose poem, addressed to my higher self that I hope you enjoy:


I stirred in the small hours of the morning. Sensing a presence, I did not return to sleep, but ventured into the living room, apprehensively.
There, by the balcony, sat a familiar figure — cross-legged and reading in the semi-dark, with just the milky moonlight for company.
I do not know how I knew, but I did. I recognized the intruder, at once, with a mixture of dread and affection.
“I’m sorry,” were the only words to leave my lips. “I’m sorry, too,” replied my longed-for-self, with a sigh of infinite kindness and pity.
He did not rise to greet me and, somehow, spoke without words, transmitting what was needed.

Catching his glistening eye, the caring made me cry. “You’ve taken every detour to avoid me,” he gently reproached. “For every step I’ve taken towards you, you’ve taken back two”.
I did not know what to say in my defense (how could I protest against myself?) “I missed you,” he said, and feared you’d forgotten me.”
His admonishment was tender as a kiss. “I visit from time to time, and hope you’ll ask me to stay.” I knew what he said was true, and felt that way, too.
“I worried,” he continued, “if I postponed this visit, we might never meet, in this life… and so I came to sharpen your appetite.”
He rose and moved towards me. “There’s no need to speak, return to sleep. But when you rise, try to remember me. And to keep awake.”

Thanks so much for taking a part in the writing prompt! Really great work!

Eric, great to hear from you, I really enjoyed it =) Thanks, for the good work you do!

great post,.,.

Great idea, @ericvancewalton! Sounds like fun to write to your future self. I will definately follow up with my own letter. 😃

Thanks, @vangfo! I'm looking forward to reading it!

This is neat. I cherish the wisdom of our elders. It sure would be fun to meet our future self.

Thanks, Lydon! That it would! Maybe someday that will be possible.

Car of Travel To the Future haha :) Great post

Glad you enjoyed it!

great letter to yourself!


Good post, first to back and this to future .

Thanks, they both taught me similar (but different) things.

Nice selfie and cute doggy. It is so proud :)

Thanks @hanen!

You’re not wearing black socks with shorts and sandals I hope! Jeezus man, that would be embarrassing.

That's a good one!

Hahaha. Maybe one day I just won't care but I'm "not quite there" yet. Thanks, @vcelier!

This is awesome!

Glad you enjoyed it, @annhoyblog! Thanks!

Man, this is a very much "cleaning mind" exercise.
Very wise.
It makes you wonder about how small we are on this planet.
And I accept I will get white hair, loose my teeth and get lots of wrinkles.

Thank you. These types of writing prompts really force you to step outside of yourself and see things from another perspective. I'm accepting of getting older too. There's nothing as sad as seeing someone who tries to fight getting older. Time is like a river and we must flow with the current.

Wow, love this new one! Please start those meditation classes in schools, the world will be a better place especially if it spreads. Remember it only takes a little flame to start a fire. Keep up with the yoga, don't stop like I did because I was too busy running through life, you will reap the benefits at 80 :) Loved this one too, and thank you for making us stop and think!

Thank you so much @lizelle. I really appreciate your kind words! I do plan on pursuing the meditation classes. It'll likely be after we finish the HardFork Series project.

Coole Story really good post..thank you..upvote and resteemed Greets from Germany

Much appreciated! Thanks for the support!

With pleasure eric

Nice , keep it up man ;)

I can say that you are very original, creative and inspiring. Congratulation

Thank you!

I need to try to write a few letters ....trippy idea

Yeah, these kinds of exercises are a great way to change your perspective.

so many emotions mixed that was really amazing to read

Thanks so much for reading it!

Good and interesting future time travel

Thank you!

Wow, @ericvancewalton! That was an amazing read, I truly enjoyed it. I just hope there is a way of saving such a letter, as I am sure 80 year old you would smile reading this.
You seem like a really grounded person, in the best sense possible. You seem to know where you stand. I'm not sure why, but it's something I felt reading both your posts and it's something I really admire.
I'm sure you won't be a serious old coot ! :P
And, may I just say, Amstel is so adorable.
Thank you so much for this.

I appreciate you reading it! Thank you! That's one great thing about aging, if you're aware and learn your lessons you can become more grounded. It's all about knowing yourself on a deep level. Meditation certainly helps with this. Thanks for the kind words about Amstel. We've had him since he was 3 months old. Thankfully he still has the energy of a puppy!

this is completely endearing @ericvancewalton - really enjoyed the humor, kindness and hope in this one! you've inspired a lot of us with your letters, thanks :-). I plan to do one of these except from sort of reverse...I'm going to imagine traveling forward in time to be looking back at myself now and write a letter from my deathbed. I'll try and who knows, it may not work as well as I hope but if it does, i'll tag you of course.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Awesome idea Ruth! Love the creativity you have. I'm looking forward to reading it!

Finally got round to the letter to 80 year old me, thank you @ ericvancewalton!

Awesome! I'll check it out! Thanks @lizelle!

Wow, well thought out, I imagine with what feeling you will read this letter in so many years and I introduced myself in your place :) Thanks for the interesting thought @ericvancewalton!

Thank you, @serkagan!

Lovely idea and I enjoyed your take on it.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Most times we ar at our most emotional moments when we get so realistic to ourselves, truly this letter is emotional, reminds me of the inevirability of old age.


Great post i enjoyed reading it thanks for sharing

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks!

That was a great read, Eric. Made me think of my dog that passed a few years ago :(

I hope you relish your wisdom and don’t long for your youth too much.

Great insight to look toward the future, not dwell on the past...even at 80 years old.

Did you ever launch the meditation foundation in the public school systems like you planned?

I know you’re super busy with the hardfork series, but this sounds like something near and dear to your heart. So I urge you to just do it.

Love reading your stuff man. Looking forward so much to the series :) Peace.

Thanks, @intothewild! Amstel is ten now, we call him our "little old man". Yes, the meditation foundation is definitely something I want to pursue...maybe after work on HardFork is done. I so appreciate the kind words, man! Take care.


wow it's amazing bro, best of luck
@followed and upvoted for you

I appreciate it!

I can't imagine myself yet in my 80 years old self. Who know what tomorrow will bring.

Cool idea. Good work.

Thank you!