I hate leaving my home but when I’m gone I usually don’t want to go back.

in story •  9 years ago 

A couple of months ago my girlfriend was invited to go to this 1-year-old birthday party hosted by a friend of hers. Of course she really wanted me to come with her and of course I didn’t want to go. What am I going to do at a one-year-old birthday party? It’s probably going to be loud with a million kids running around doing my head in. I rather stay at home. But she said there was going to be a BBQ and beers and these are things I enjoy allot so I decided (reluctantly) to go with her.

Arriving at the party it wasn’t what I expected at all. No kids to be seen accept the one. The food was great and they even had a place where you could draft your own cold beer. Very soon I made an unexpected friendship with the grandpa of the 1-year-old who works in IT (like me) drinking beer and talking about our jobs.


The party was supposed to end at 6, but when the time came to leave I didn’t want to go and the grandfather didn’t want me to leave either. To the annoyance of his/my wife/girlfriend we talked to till 8 drinking beer before I was physically dragged away by my girlfriend. I still was having a great time! Both women were mad…I’m pretty sure we both got the same speech afterwards.

Holidays are the worst

In 3 days we are leaving for Sardinia. Not very long, just 4 days. It’s an utter hell I’m in for the last couple of days. The stress of leaving is horrible. Can’t stand it. It’s the same stress I feel when I have to go out to a party, but way worse.

I need to do a ton of stuff before we go. I can’t find peace in my mind and its racing all the time. What if someone important calls? What if there is an emergency at a client and I’m not there? I need to lock the house. What if I forget my passport? What do I take with me?


My girlfriend has been looking forward to this trip for 2 months. I wish I could feel the same but I can’t. The fact that I have to leave destroys all preholiday fun.

I’m just waiting for that moment we are in the airport because I know only then this feeling of agony will go. It’s been like this my whole live. The moment I’m at the airport I know it’s out of my hands and that gets rid of all the stress.

Reducing the preholiday agony for the first time.

This trip is the first time I managed to reduce the agony to only a couple of days. It was pretty simple to do actually. I just didn’t get involved. She planned the whole trip for us, she figured out where to go, she looked up the flight, she found the Airbnb and we will rent a car at the airport.

I’m pretty sure now that I hate planning things. She loves it and this works for me. She let me know how much everything was and I pay my share and that was it. (I’m lucky that I know she will always look for good deals.)
So right now I don’t know absolutely nothing about Sardine except that it’s an Italian island where I will arrive a proximity around 19:30. What a wonderful idea. Now I just have to survive the next couple of days.


ps. writing this i could help to look up some pictures of the places.


holy shit, i'm going here!

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Sounds like you're worrying too much about what hasn't even happened. "What ifs" are not certainties:
"What if someone important calls?"

"What if they don't? Then what?"

You managed to enjoy yourself at the party you went to, so my perspective is not to worry yourself too much about the future. After all, it's not set in stone and hasn't occurred yet.

Then when you leave you don't really want to return as you've said. So what that sounds like to me is that your mind is entrenched in the stresses of your life, while your heart is focused on the better things and simply living joyfully.

I mean, look at where you're going! At you can travel to these places and be happy and enjoy the sights! People would envy that kind of privilege. I wish i could travel right now at this very moment.

I'd say just enjoy yourself and don't let "what if" strike fear into you, to stop you from living. However, that is just my opinion.

Have a great travel experience and a great life. ^^

let each day unfold and soak up what everycomes your way - Sardina is beautiful and I'm sure you will have a fab time travelling